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Everything posted by Rube88

  1. A Kingwood company is about to break ground an a 10-story building soon.
  2. Just posted earlier that this building has been bought and slated to be demolished and land sold per Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership newsletter.
  3. I read in the latest edition of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership newsletter that the 12 story building will be demolished and the land will be sold. I believe is used to be called Bank One, but it also had various names at one time or another.
  4. I drive through there 4 times a week and it seems like they are always doing some kind of maintenance on the medians.
  5. Not a weather person, but elevation may also play a part. Charlotte sits at 750 feet above see level, but Orlando and Houston are both in the low 80's.
  6. Well then I am sure the dispenser will get fixed once a committee is appointed to determine the issue. Then they will conduct environmental studies to see if the dispenser is in fact causing issues to the ecosystem. Then they will....well it may be some time before it gets fixed.
  7. Very nice. If you ever get a chance to shoot from the east 610 loop area over the ship channel you can see how expansive our skyline looks especially right before sunset. I have tried taking a pick while driving but have not been able to successfully.
  8. If my memory is correct, I think I once read that this will be at Ellington Field on 45 South.
  9. This was taken from the 1st row of the upper level. Might still have a decent DT view from the upper rows. I would have taken a pic from there, but those steps are brutal especially with a bone spur in my heel. LOL
  10. I was watching a local Houston educational channel this past week and they had a program about the Energy Corridor. It looked fairly recent. in the program they had a spokeswoman for BP saying they had plans to build two more buildings, one for the Energy and Gas and one for Worldwide Exploration. I am not sure if the former one was the recent computing center, but I could not find anything about the building for Worldwide Exploration. Anyone have any knowledge on this?
  11. Just curious, I know we have to abide by HOA regulations in my neighborhood, but does downtown have any such entity that would prevent buildings from being allowed to get in this condition? A simple power wash would do the trick.
  12. It's like they read my mind. I drive through there everyday and an always think what a great opportunity for a developer to buy these units and develop something great. From the outside the units seem to be in very good shape compared to other properties in the area. Great to hear.
  13. Fox 26 had interview with developer this morning. ETAs: Race track - end of year Waterpark - next spring Theme park - 2 years
  14. Yes, I visited the park a few weeks ago and was told they are replacing the turf.
  15. Because it is an interesting development. just because a few can't control themselves should be reason the topic cannot be discussed. not being sarcastic, but if some folks decide to troll one of the hines developments in Houston does it mean we close it and no longer talk about it?
  16. I know it was posted on a closed topic....but this is big for the Dallas skyline if it happens... http://www.bizjournals.com/dallas/news/2014/10/24/exclusive-turkish-developer-to-buy-land-near.html Roughly five acres of land behind Dallas City Hall is under contract by Turkish developer Mike Sarimsakci, who has started designing plans to build a $1.2 billion ground-up development to put four mixed-use towers in downtown Dallas. The four towers include two 80-story towers and two 60-story towers originally conceived by Sarimsakci for the proposed redevelopment of Pacific Plaza Park(except he'd like to double the project). If the deal goes through, the project would be developed at 1701 Cadiz St. and 1502 Canton St., each valued at about $1 million by the Dallas Central Appraisal District. Terms of the expected land sale were undisclosed. "These towers would be the tallest west of the Mississippi," Sarimsakci told the Dallas Business Journal in an exclusive interview. "We are going to do it. We have the land under contract and Dallas needs to shine. "We are under contract and we have the capital ready," he said, adding that he has a number of international capital backers eager to invest in downtown Dallas.
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