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  1. The South Canal is back, baby! Below is how it was envisioned to snake around the street and freeway grid in 2002. I never get tired of referring back to this old thing.
  2. I can't remember what it was but you could definitely tell from the repeating patterns that it wasn't natural stone. The cladding took about 4 years and was completed just in time for Ike to blow off a panel or two.
  3. The Urban Edge weighs in, including another plan for the area by the Greater East End folks.
  4. facebook thread about Swamplot's post The other Walmart is 2.25 miles away. Bentonville don't care, apparently.
  5. The westbound lanes (formerly the eastbound lanes) opened yesterday afternoon! Just a few feet's difference dramatically changes your view of things like the Federal Reserve. I'd take a pic, but, y'know, driving.
  6. The optimist in me says the signs are coming and were just delayed by the floods. At the very least, people are starting to realize Allen Parkway isn't Little Katy Freeway anymore and aren't speeding quite as much as they were even last week.
  7. Heading westbound the light also sneaks up on you. Yesterday afternoon I thought to myself "someone is going to run this light" and as if on cue a young man in a motorcycle flew through the red light going at least 40. "Signal Ahead" flashers are absolutely necessary. I may switch to Memorial for the time being.
  8. The Dunlavy signals came online yesterday. I was terrified of being rear-ended this morning going eastbound. You can't really see the light until you round a curve and are almost on top of it.
  9. The Chronicle says the HPD spokesman made a boo boo. http://www.chron.com/business/real-estate/article/Call-log-shows-complaints-Saturday-from-White-Oak-7245804.php
  10. I hear this in regards to making the existing tunnels ADA-compliant, "too expensive." What's changed since the initial excavations? More underground infrastructure? Environmental regulations?
  11. Pics from eight days ago. The finished permeable surface The lot in progress across North. Street sign slightly slanted.
  12. "Enron Field Heights." It references and yet is simultaneously grossly insensitive to local history. It's perfect.
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