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God, gays, genetics, and airlines


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The Church may not be taxed, but the people that work in these churches are.

Several years ago I read a newspaper article which stated that the Reverend Ed Young's Memorial area house received tax-free status. Apparently Second Baptist retained legal title for several years, thus side-stepping the taxes. Anyone here enjoy that benefit?

I guess the good reverend didn't take that "render unto Caesar" advice from Jesus very seriously. In fact, I think Jesus would be kind of peeved.

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I never understood atheism.

And i think the liberal left's phobia of religion has a direct connection with the so-called Middle Ages. Its interesting too see that you only seem to find the 'type' in Western nations.

Atheism is more common than you think. One of my best friends is an Atheist who grew up a practicing Muslim. He married a Jew who was also atheistic, go fig. lAre they liberals? Hardly they preached Limbaugh to me on a regular basis. So that disproves that it's strictly a left's disease.

While I'm not an Atheist I'm a firm Agnostic and I consider myself a moderate conservative.

The world isn't painted with a left or right brush on issues. You might do yourself a proper service and not paint everyone with the same coat of paint.

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As far as god goes: The way the Christians, Jews, and Muslims are running the world, Satan save us.

I actually want a bumper sticker that says that. I don't believe in God but don't care what other people think or believe in.

As far as gays: I like women, when I see a fine looking woman it turns me on. I have no problem with gays. At first I was against gay marriage. I thought about it for a while and debated in my head, and really realized that there was no reason that they shouldn't be able to marry each other. I work with a person who is gay and he has become a good friend of mine.

As far as genetics: I think stem cell research is a good thing. I think we need more of it. I believe there is more potential in science saving lives then there is in worshiping some silly statue or ideal.

As far as airlines: I have never flown in an airplane so I cannot comment on that.

I probably come off as some liberal, commie, godless loony. But the funny thing is that I believe in the death penalty, I believe in the right to bear arms, I believe in lower taxes, and when Rudolph Giuliani is on the ballot for the presidency, I'm voting for him.

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As far as gays: I like women, when I see a fine looking woman it turns me on. I have no problem with gays. At first I was against gay marriage. I thought about it for a while and debated in my head, and really realized that there was no reason that they shouldn't be able to marry each other. I work with a person who is gay and he has become a good friend of mine.

As far as airlines: I have never flown in an airplane so I cannot comment on that.

I probably come off as some liberal, commie, godless loony. But the funny thing is that I believe in the death penalty, I believe in the right to bear arms, I believe in lower taxes, and when Rudolph Giuliani is on the ballot for the presidency, I'm voting for him.

I'm not so much for religion sanctioned marriage; I'd just like to have a national civil union that affords my partner and I the same benefits that heterosexual couples have. I'm not asking for acceptance or approval-just for equal rights that raise me to the level of first class citizenship.

As far as genetics: I think stem cell research is a good thing. I think we need more of it. I believe there is more potential in science saving lives then there is in worshiping some silly statue or ideal.

I think any research is a good thing if it can combat cancers, diabities, HIV and etc. I have yet to decide that it should come from adults, discarded embryos or placentas. I do know that religious moralists object to using embryos for stem cells yet have no problem discarding them into the trash.

The death penalty? This may be the one issue I would come out looking more right wing than the left of center guy I am. If a person has committed such a hienious crime [Tim McVey?] do we really want to let him off the hook by killing him? Or do we want to keep him alive with limited or no contact with the outside world. Which is the more appropriate punishment for a man who parked his bomb-laden truck beside a daycare center at the base of a Federal building? It would be interesting to see if the Supreme Court ruled either punishment as cruel and unusual.

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Several years ago I read a newspaper article which stated that the Reverend Ed Young's Memorial area house received tax-free status. Apparently Second Baptist retained legal title for several years, thus side-stepping the taxes. Anyone here enjoy that benefit?

I guess the good reverend didn't take that "render unto Caesar" advice from Jesus very seriously. In fact, I think Jesus would be kind of peeved.

I would like to know how he pulled that off, perhaps he was conducting bible study at his home ? Maybe his house is attached to church grounds ? Or, perhaps he paid off an elected official. I wonder if Mr. Olsteen's home is "tax-free" ? Perhaps Robert Arnold should do one of his hidden camera reports on the good Doctor Young ?

Edited by TJones
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One question.

In your opinion, why is America's Christians more religious then their European counterparts? It would seem that they would be more secular afer having established 'freedom of religion'.

Also, why do Roman Catholics (incl. Latinos) tend to be the most religious of all Christians?

Lastly, out of curiosity, are any of you from the 'Born Again' Christians i hear about so much?

Thank You.

I'm a believer, but my personal and very private relationship with God is my business. I feel that there are many things that were done (and still are) in the name of religion that disturb me. And that goes for Christians, muslims, and Jews. Additionally, there were certain text that were basically voted out of the Bible (by people) ... so who knows exactly what the full story really is?

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I would like to know how he pulled that off, perhaps he was conducting bible study at his home ? Maybe his house is attached to church grounds ? Or, perhaps he paid off an elected official. I wonder if Mr. Olsteen's home is "tax-free" ? Perhaps Robert Arnold should do one of his hidden camera reports on the good Doctor Young ?

Most likely he donated his house to the church as it's parsonage. That way its property of the church, therefore tax-exempt.

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Most likely he donated his house to the church as it's parsonage. That way its property of the church, therefore tax-exempt.

TAH-DAH ! I think you hit the nail on the head. I think most Preachers and Reverends do the same, their houses are usually located just next door to the church though. I don't think that's the case for the good Doctor. He has really expanded lately also. good thing he has that helicopter to get him around town.

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