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2007 Resolutions


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I'm giving up soda. Anyone else doing anything?

I gave up soda in August. It really works wonders; I have lost 23 lbs since then(with a relatively small amount of exercise; perhaps a walk two-four times a week). I stopped exercising a lot after my wisdom teeth removal(in Nov), and have stayed at the same weight since. I'll start working out again, once I feel like it. :P

Edited by UrbaNerd
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I gave up soda in August. It really works wonders; I have lost 23 lbs since then(with a relatively small amount of exercise; perhaps a walk two-four times a week). I stopped exercising a lot after my wisdom teeth removal(in Nov), and have stayed at the same weight since. I'll start working out again, once I feel like it. :P

I have that same surgery coming up mid-January ... was it as awful as I am imagining and predicting?

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I have that same surgery coming up mid-January ... was it as awful as I am imagining and predicting?

The worst part is the fact that you can't really eat solid foods until like two weks after the surgery. They leave the wounds open(with somesuturing in certain places) to allow them to heal(the clots must be maintained), and they must be kept clean..

There is no real "pain" during, or after; just general discomfort, as well as some fever-like symptoms experienced when the body fights off any potential infections that may occur in the sites.

The best part...is the medication they give you for the pain afterwards. :P

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I had a impacted wisdom tooth removed and i didn't feel a thing never been Knock out before, outside a boxing ring :wacko:

Edited by Marty
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My New Year's Resolution is to quit HAIF and all other online discussion boards...at least for 10 or 11 months. TheNiche is correct - this stuff is way too addictive. I must get back out into the real world and deal with the human race.

It is less demanding than IM-ing or chat rooms.

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I don't make New Year's resolutions. If I feel I need to change something and I'm ready to do so, it can be anytime. I don't set a date.

I, too, gave up on sodas. That was in mid-December. I figured the aspartame in the diets drinks weren't good for me, and Splenda's not much better. So I've replaced sodas with sparkling water and tea (normally with Splenda) to just plain tea with nothing else, maybe lemon, occasionlly honey.

Last weekend I bought this great apple flavored soda from those refrigeratored boxes in the check-out line. It was sugary, not diet, which I would never drink before. This was so good. I can't make a habit out of it, but every once in a it's ok. Made me feel sick after I drank it, but I'd do it again.

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To stay on plan (eating-wise) until my next endocrinologist appt in March. Then I will make a new goal that will last me through summer (baby steps for me).

Hello, remember I just had all that dental work done? I had two bottom wisdom teeth removed, I was awake (but had nitrous oxide and of course, novocaine) and never had a problem with them afterwards, and one of mine was impacted. It's been about four weeks. It really wasn't that bad, and I am a TOTAL fraidy cat pansy wuss. :lol: I didn't eat much the first day, but I wasn't in a whole lot of pain. By the second day, I didn't even need advil.

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