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New Circuit City....Chuy's possible


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A new circuit city is being built on University near Hwy 6...and the people over at Texags.com are speculating that a Chuy's Mexican restaurant may be coming...

They also seem to think that a new, larger circuit city will force Best Buy to move to a larger location as well....


Do you know exactly where? That intersection is pretty packed right now. I'm curious where it would fit.

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That Best Buy is only 5 years old, and it is large enough. :closedeyes:

Have you ever been inside of a "good" Best Buy? Ours is definitely a couple of steps below the good ones. I think its more than 5 years old, but only by a couple years. I would think it unwise for them to build a new structure when there are other acceptable rennovated/rennovatable options around town. By that same token I would liked to have seen Circuit City do the same thing. Oh well. I am pleased by the news that they are moving to a bigger location and may finally provide Best Buy with some real competition in the area.

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Have you ever been inside of a "good" Best Buy? Ours is definitely a couple of steps below the good ones. I think its more than 5 years old, but only by a couple years.

I looks like it was an "inbetween" type store. It was not one of the old style stores, that use the "rafter like" exterior deco, and it is much larger than them.

But it did not have the huge corral open space in the middle like the super huge one, but it does share the same front facade.

I still think it is modern enough and they can work with the square footage they have, it can't be THAT much different than the larger Best Buys.

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A new circuit city is being built on University near Hwy 6...and the people over at Texags.com are speculating that a Chuy's Mexican restaurant may be coming...

They also seem to think that a new, larger circuit city will force Best Buy to move to a larger location as well....


Where on Texags.com did you find that?

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All this new development is great, but it would be nice if some companies were moving to the area as well.

That is a true statement, mostly retail, nothing career worthy.

The market is made for short term work, which is why retail and dining works so well.

Most people want to leave College Station rather than make it a permanent home.

I think 2/3 of the population is related to the school, so you are looking at 4 to 5 years and then they are going.

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I disagree. A lot of people WANT to stay in the area after graduating from A&M, but can't becuase there aren't enough professional jobs in the area. Some medium/large companies in the area would be nice. Hopefully some of the spinoff companies that are being talked about in biomed and homeland security will come to fruition.

Most of the population is not tied directly to the school, either. Well, a good portion is (especially if you count retail dependent on students) but the percentage is shrinking as the population grows.

Edited by mspci07
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poor Harvey Road....its getting so sad....so many empty buildings

I wonder when Toys R' Us will move? doesnt it have a big crack in the side of the building now?

At least the mall is still booming. Of course, just because on some days that its crowded doesnt mean those people are actually buying anything ....

More like a mini-suburb of houston.

since when was BCS even remotely a suburb of houston? maybe there are a few crazy people who commute but this place came about all on its own, between the university and (what was)blue collar jobs in Bryan and being a hub of business in the center of a well populated agriculture area

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  • 2 months later...

I noticed yesterday that the Circuit City facade is now going up. It will be in that retail/restaurant development at University and Highway 6 (actually down University a little ways) - back behind Wings & More, next to the Linens and Things and Petsmart stores.

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