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  1. No one would be complaining if the writer actually did some homework. To me, it's as though the writer picked up an A&M Info Guide from 1930 and started copying it verbatim. For one, "A&M" doesn't stand for anything anymore. It USED to stand for Agricultural and Mechanical, but now the letters are just symbolic. Also, the rivalry with TCU? The hand sign info is correct (and it was the first handsign in the conference, btw) but TCU is not, and never has been, A&M's arch rival. The info about the bars came straight from an information guide as well...
  2. I disagree. A lot of people WANT to stay in the area after graduating from A&M, but can't becuase there aren't enough professional jobs in the area. Some medium/large companies in the area would be nice. Hopefully some of the spinoff companies that are being talked about in biomed and homeland security will come to fruition. Most of the population is not tied directly to the school, either. Well, a good portion is (especially if you count retail dependent on students) but the percentage is shrinking as the population grows.
  3. All this new development is great, but it would be nice if some companies were moving to the area as well.
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