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Haif - Sold its Soul


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what is the cost to remove ads? and is it only for a year?

There are $10, $50, and $100 plans. For more information follow this link: http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...?showtopic=7633

It isn't a survey like you described, but McDonald's ad for their southern-style chicken sandwich will crawl across a quarter of the screen if your cursor gets dragged over it for any reason.

I've made some adjustments. They take about 12 hours to take effect. Let me know if these ads are still showing up.

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thanks for the info, is it ok if I pm you for more information?

Sure. Go nuts.

If you need any UNIX guru magic you can PM/email me. It's a small way I can contribute to the site.

Thanks for the offer, but the problem isn't on my server -- it's with one of the ad companies that we use. I have a number of filters selected that are supposed to reject "adult," "pop-under," and other categories, but their salespeople aren't always great about flagging all of the ads with the right codes.

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Guest Marty
what is the cost to remove ads? and is it only for a year?

I had a Semi Annual subscription and I enjoyed it plus you get to see what HAIF look like when there was only a hand full of members . when a forum grows it's start costing more to run that why you see the ad's but not the popups you have been seeing recently.

There are $10, $50, and $100 plans. For more information follow this link: http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...?showtopic=7633

I've made some adjustments. They take about 12 hours to take effect. Let me know if these ads are still showing up.

Before I logged on I saw one of them ad's that said High Electric Energy Bills then it faded away like some kind of subliminal message.

Edited by Marty
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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a crawling ad just a minute ago. Was for a questionnaire and was in the shape of a yield sign. I was going to try and take a screen snap shot, but I don't know how and it was gone within ten or fifteen seconds.

Editor, do you want us to report these or are they inevitably going to pop up once and a while?

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Got a crawling ad just a minute ago. Was for a questionnaire and was in the shape of a yield sign. I was going to try and take a screen snap shot, but I don't know how and it was gone within ten or fifteen seconds.

Editor, do you want us to report these or are they inevitably going to pop up once and a while?

Keep telling me about them, even if you don't get a name or a picture. It will jog my memory when I see them myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Marty
Ads. . .gee I forgot about those. . . :P

I know the editor appreciates it and everyone else on this forum does too.

Edited by Marty
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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to congratulate editor. Lately, I have seen much larger and better advertising on this forum. Mickey D's , Days Inn, WAMU. That is awesome. Makes me feel safe in the knowledge that HAIF may actually be around for a few more years to come. Thanks for creating this website editor.

Edited by TJones
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Don't thank me, thank the media market in Houston. It's a sign that some national advertisers are taking Houston seriously.

HAIF ads are regional, depending on where you're surfing from. I mostly see Wamu, T-Mobile, United Airlines, Michigan Tourism, and Montana Tourism.

When I was in London last, I saw BT and Orange ads on HAIF.

When I was in China, I saw virtually no ads, because the advertisers don't care about that internet market (yet!)

But, you are correct, the bigger names are a good sign, especially at this time of year when ad revenue usually trails off because people are on vacation.

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i dunno what it is today but my pc is having a hard time loading up HAIF.

It is taking forever to download the ads..almost like it is hanging up.

Sometimes i can refresh a couple times and i think it may change to a smaller ad or something and load it up.

is it just me?

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Guest Marty

There been a lot of internet traffic due to the wrestler tragedy if I mention his name you will get flooded like the wrestling forums, they had to cut off guest from viewing there site, the online list took up my whole screen.

Edited by Marty
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I think you misunderstand how the internet works. This site was not affected by the nut job wrestler killing his family. It's not like your home computer which can have its DSL connection filled up by a large download. We have SIX OC-12 connections into the facility. That 1,800x the capacity of the average DSL connection.

Put another way -- we're in the same server farm as the Obama campaign. He easily gets far more traffic in a day than any discussion of the wrestler.

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Guest Marty

I know when a major major news story breaks my Internet slows down because everyone else in the neighborhood is online Time Warner acknolage it once about a year ago. your are right i got it mixed up someway or another, but, but -_- there are more wrestling fans that pop there pimples in the mirror every morning than there are registered voters.

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I know when a major major news story breaks my Internet slows down because everyone else in the neighborhood is online Time Warner acknolage it once about a year ago. your are right i got it mixed up someway or another, but, but -_- there are more wrestling fans that pop there pimples in the mirror every morning than there are registered voters.

Read this: http://blogs.chron.com/bluebayou/2007/06/a...ernet.html#more

BTW, there are probably more editors of websites sucking in more cash from trustful but guliable users than pimple poppers. I'm not sure which is worse but I think I'll go with the pimple poppers.

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I know when a major major news story breaks my Internet slows down because everyone else in the neighborhood is online Time Warner acknolage it once about a year ago. your are right i got it mixed up someway or another, but, but -_- there are more wrestling fans that pop there pimples in the mirror every morning than there are registered voters.

You gotta be joking. You mean if I mention the name P.a.r.i.s or R.o.s.i.e. online everyones system slows?

Its the end of the world. :wacko: Pazzo!

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I know when a major major news story breaks my Internet slows down because everyone else in the neighborhood is online Time Warner acknolage it once about a year ago.

Time Warner has never hidden this fact. It's one of the disadvantages of cable internet -- you're sharing the pipe with your neighbors. It's one of the reasons some people choose DSL because it doesn't suffer from the same problem (though it does have other problems).

If you really want better internet, there are both free and expensive things you can do.

  • Free and easy - Change your browser from Internet Exploder to Firefox or Safari.
  • Free and easy - If you're on cable, surf overnight when fewer of your neighbors will be on.
  • Free and sometimes hard - Dump Windows and install Linux. This will depend on your comfort level with installing major software.
  • Small charge - Change from cable to DSL if you're in an area where you have to share with many other people (like in an apartment compled or planned community).
  • Medium charge - Get "business class" internet. It's available from both cable and DSL providers. Tell them you run a business from your home ans for a little more money they will provide you with "minimum service" that is often better than the maximum service you're getting now.
  • Medium charge - Get a Mac next time you upgrade your computer.
  • Large charge - Get a real dedicated internet line. Start with fractional T1 and work your way up from there.

The fact that your internet slows down when there's breaking news isn't a reflection of the speed of the internet. It just means that Time Warner has oversold the cable in your area and there are too many people sharing too small a pipe.

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Read this: http://blogs.chron.com/bluebayou/2007/06/a...ernet.html#more

BTW, there are probably more editors of websites sucking in more cash from trustful but guliable users than pimple poppers. I'm not sure which is worse but I think I'll go with the pimple poppers.

It is true that the U.S. lags other nations in terms of average internet speed. But the reason for it isn't about greedy companies -- it's about population density.

One of the fastest countries in the world for internet is Japan. It has 130 million people on an island the size of California (which has just 33 million). If people in America lived in high-rises and urban areas like people in other "fast internet" countries like Finland and South Korea, we'd have average higher-speed internet, too.

When you look at countries that are similar size and wealth as the United States (Australia is a great example), the U.S. does very well. Most of Australia is still in 56k dialup for 5-10x what we pay, and for exactly the same reason -- population density. It's cheaper, faster, and easier to run a fiber optic line into an apartment building and hit 1,000 customers than it is to run fiber to 1,000 homes spread out over 1,000 acres of land.

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  • 2 years later...

Anyone else feel like going to the gym to get ripped? Maybe take some creatine? Anyone else notice it's like a meat market in here.

I am enjoying ad-free HAIF, but can't help but notice my pre-login time period has gone from "Lower your Interest Rates" to getting "Pumped" up in the gym.

I wonder if I will ever be like Paul or Mike? :rolleyes:

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Anyone else feel like going to the gym to get ripped? Maybe take some creatine? Anyone else notice it's like a meat market in here.

I am enjoying ad-free HAIF, but can't help but notice my pre-login time period has gone from "Lower your Interest Rates" to getting "Pumped" up in the gym.

I wonder if I will ever be like Paul or Mike? :rolleyes:

I know -- I can't stand those ads. I've been back and forth with the ad serving company trying to stop them. But the ad serving company has been less than helpful. I'm considering cutting the ad company off until it gets its act together.

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I know -- I can't stand those ads. I've been back and forth with the ad serving company trying to stop them. But the ad serving company has been less than helpful. I'm considering cutting the ad company off until it gets its act together.

It's not so bad, I have seen worse before on here, and heck, at least it's not animated.

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Anyone else feel like going to the gym to get ripped? Maybe take some creatine? Anyone else notice it's like a meat market in here.

I am enjoying ad-free HAIF, but can't help but notice my pre-login time period has gone from "Lower your Interest Rates" to getting "Pumped" up in the gym.

I wonder if I will ever be like Paul or Mike? :rolleyes:

The advertisers know you more then you think. Every ad on every website has some half-naked "Get ripped in 4 WEEKS!!!" ad on it for me. It's kinda annoying when showing someone something online... but kinda funny at the same time.

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