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David Van Os candidate for Texas Attorney General


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David Van Os, Democratic Candidate for Attorney General put up this billboard in Dallas calling out the oil companies for price gouging the Texas public.

If there was ever a need for an Attorney General who would serve the people of the state instead of the corporations, it is now. Our current AG, Greg Abbott has his lips firmly sewn to the oil, insurance, and homebuilders ass and has not, and will not start an investigation into their price gouging, rising insurance rates, or corruption in government.

In the speech at the Texas Democratic Convention, David made it very clear:

I have a message for the big oil companys, the insurance monopolist, utility barons, and the other robber barons preying and pillaging on the people of this state. You better spend every penny out of your billions of dollars because when I get sworn in as Attorney General of Texas, I am coming after you!

With David Van Os as our Attorney General, we would have some sort of checks and balances on the corrupt government in Austin.

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I ain't votin for any mofo who caint shave.


Now that is intelligent!

I guess Kinky is out for you too.

And Grandma Rylander.........

Here's your boy, then, Coog.


Face as smooth as a baby's bottom! Still got black hair, too!

Now dat is one slick city slicker.

Probably has a gold tooth that blinds you when he is selling you that used car.

(no offense to any of you used car salesmen)

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