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Funny And Not So Funny From A Black Person That Was In Houston For The Last 10 Months

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Again, I only quoted this lady, from New Orleans, who had a net worth that is quite significant. Based on appearance, though, you'd never know.

Now, now NMain, he is quoting this lady, and if you doubt her credibility, just remember it's coming from somebody with a high net worth....so it must be true! :wacko:

Edited by rps324
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Please, 80k a year will get you anywhere you want in New Orleans.

Apparently, it'll get you all the way to Houston to do some drive-bys and buy a new diamond grill on the government's dime, beotch.

Damn $80,000 millionaires.

Edited by dalparadise
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Now, now NMain, he is quoting this lady, and if you doubt her credibility, just remember it's coming from somebody with a high net worth....so it must be true!

Anna Nichole and Star Jones have high net worth as well but...


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Damn $80,000 millionaires.

And to think, we used to consider our own slick-haired, entry-level business management, banana-republic wearing, 3 series beemer driving, 30k millionaires were a problem?

$80k NOLA Millionaires: The New H-Town $30k Millionaire.

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Quite honestly, this is one of the more schitzoid posts I've read in awhile.

"They did not like us. They thought we were all criminals and made us uncomfortable. I couldn't wait to get back, and they wanted us all to come back. They looked down on us and when we tried to get jobs, and found out we were from New Orleans, we never heard from them agai."

Whew! Glad you think so. I thought there was something wrong with me not being able to understand.

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Greetings ALON504, apologies are in order.......as per the shocking insults, as well as the profound nuances being hurled at you in lieu of your enlightning aforementioned post.......

......WE ARE TEXANS! For we are so much better than this.

Please sir, I for one did not find you initial post to be insulting to the City of Houston, are to any of it's 5-million plus citizens -- first of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for not only enlightening us with such a controversial post ......but also for taking the time visit HAIF in the first place. WELCOMING our visitors/posters is usually the norm around here..........for Houstonians are normally the most courteous citizens anywhere......

REDSCARE -- TJONES -- to name a few.......I'm appalled.......Just what on earth has happened to you guys? DIPLOMACY first and foremost, should in fact be the name of the game around here -- in lieu of this particular format of chatting with each other....... for ALON504, was only relaying/reiterating a few candid statements from someone with whom he shared a previous conversation with.......this poster just does not deserve this kind of unfair as well as shocking form of abuse from you guys/gals.

The post may have not been all that funny per se -- but it was certainly interesting in it's overall passion, as well as hidden truth.......JUST HOW ON EARTH ARE POST KATRINA VICTIMS SUPPOSED TO FEEL in lieu of the many horrid circumstances that these individuals must face every single day? Actually, I'm a bit surprised that the statements were not a bit more severe in lieu of the way some of the NO citizens are still being treated.......I can only imagine the heartbreak that many of the citizens must feel knowing that FEMA is still locating bodies of post hurricane victims even as we hurl insults across this once proud forum.......


ALON504, you seem to be an intellectual with a sense of style, for I gather as such from your statements in regards to shopping at the Galleria, as well as staying at a respected hotel. I for one, am most certain that you are quite familiar with the overall makeup of the Houston citizenry -- from a standpoint of our race and class structure. EXTREMELY DIVERSE! FINANCIALLY STRONG! CONFIDENCE ABOUNDS! THE WORLD IS OURS.....if you can catch my drift..........and I'm confident that you can..... for in lieu of these insults and negative nuances, I think that you are certainly aware of the REAL HOUSTON, as I shall step up to the plate and thank you for your annual patronage to our fair city.......

COME NOW HAIFER'S -- for we are not strangers to the word respect! For this is how we generally should approach one another no matter what message comes forth. THIS IS A GREAT FORUM -- for our candid responses to any said topics -- generally form the way others shall view us from afar.........FOR WE ARE TEXANS!


Edited by Metropolitantexan
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Metro, you are entitled to take the poster at his word. TJ and I are entitled to see right through it. No apologies will be forthcoming.

BTW, I think you are as incorrect on this thread as you were about Vince Young, but I won't bring that up. That would be catty. ;)

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Greetings ALON504, apologies are in order.......as per the shocking insults, as well as the profound nuances being hurled at you in lieu of your enlightning aforementioned post.......

A little over the top, don't you think? Do you talk like this in real life? How often do you use the word "lieu" in conversation?

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Metro, you are entitled to take the poster at his word. TJ and I are entitled to see right through it. No apologies will be forthcoming.

BTW, I think you are as incorrect on this thread as you were about Vince Young, but I won't bring that up. That would be catty. ;)

Greetings REDSCARE.....

......you hail from the dear old south my gtreat pal -- so it would be clearly an understatement to indicate that you should hereby be accustomed to the very fact that "there is certainly more than one way to skin the catty" -- for I duly seem to remember your undying take upon.......ohhhh...... what's his name now........REGGIE BUSH.........the next President of the United States .

OH SNAP! Old Reggie now resides in THE BIG N.O.

WAIT ONE MINUTE NOW! Just what is that all too familiar noise REDSCARE? NO! no, it is not the next Hurricane Katrina...........I think it's your GLASS HOUSE CRUMBLING................let's be kind to our guest, great pal.......


Edited by Metropolitantexan
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BTW, I think you are as incorrect on this thread as you were about Vince Young, but I won't bring that up. That would be catty. ;)


[i've been waiting for a chance to use these pics of Barbara Walters and Star Jones...thanks for the opportunity, Red.


ALON came on here trying to explain whether some family members didn't like other family members and never wanted to see them again but wanted them to come back and visit to the art of preparing crawfish.

ALON is just all over the map.

If the city is too sprawling, live with it or leave. If your relatives are as schitzo as you [ALON] appear to be, ask for help. If you go back don't rag on the Mexicans who choose to do your dirty work while you sat on your high and dry ass in Houston.


Grateful and thankful that strangers took them in unconditionally might be a good start.

As far as class=Galleria, I need refer you to no less than Reverend Bridget and Mrs. Oscar "Oil for Food" Lynn Sakowitz Wyatt. I'll lay off Ken Lay out of respect for his kids-for now.

I will repeat for the gazillionth time, Katrina was Houston's finest hour. There's nothing to apologize for.

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Greetings REDSCARE.....

......you hail from the dear old south my gtreat pal -- so it would be clearly an understatement to indicate that you should hereby be accustomed to the very fact that "there is certainly more than one way to skin the catty" -- for I duly seem to remember your undying take upon.......ohhhh...... what's his name now........REGGIE BUSH.........the next President of the United States .

OH SNAP! Old Reggie now resides in THE BIG N.O.

So true, so true, Mssr. Metro, I am from the South. In fact, I am from the Great State of North Carolina. My Dad, Granddad, uncles, and cousins all attended North Carolina State, home of the Number One Draft Pick, Mario Williams. So, while I may have been mistaken, I am most certainly not upset.

By the way, I have it on good authority, that football is not the only sport they play at Dear Old State. Word out of Austin is that the mighty Wolfpack may have had a bit to do with the Longhorns' exit from the College World Series, as well. :lol:

As for your using "lieu" in a sentence, my only gripe is that you used it incorrectly. ;)

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So true, so true, Mssr. Metro, I am from the South. In fact, I am from the Great State of North Carolina. My Dad, Granddad, uncles, and cousins all attended North Carolina State, home of the Number One Draft Pick, Mario Williams. So, while I may have been mistaken, I am most certainly not upset.

By the way, I have it on good authority, that football is not the only sport they play at Dear Old State. Word out of Austin is that the mighty Wolfpack may have had a bit to do with the Longhorns' exit from the College World Series, as well. :lol:

As for your using "lieu" in a sentence, my only gripe is that you used it incorrectly. ;)

.....I duly salute the Wolfpack indeed for their profound accomplishment.

But the good thing about AUSTIN, TX, THE MAGNIFICENT! 'Is that the Burnt Orange glows even better the next year".......

......Oh, and by the way, I send apologies for my grammar faux paux -- nevertheless, please shall we direct the grammar policing to none other than dalparadise, for he/she certainly must think that they have indeed created the monopoly upon perfection.......


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......Oh, and by the way, I send apologies for my grammar faux paux -- nevertheless, please shall we direct the grammar policing to none other than dalparadise, for he/she certainly must think that they have indeed created the monopoly upon perfection.......



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......Oh, and by the way, I send apologies for my grammar faux paux -- nevertheless, please shall we direct the grammar policing to none other than dalparadise, for he/she certainly must think that they have indeed created the monopoly upon perfection.......


Yay, but that I did not mean to cast myself as policeman "in lieu" of your jibber-jabberous wanderings around our language, but hence state, merely to let it be known by fine people whose standards are higher than mine, that you sound stupid.

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I'm Sean, I'm alon504...I'm a fan of Houston, I'm a fan of football, basketball, good food, and listening to what others say, I like to club every now and then, and enjoy serving fine wine to friends when they come over to my house...I'm a banker and I take care of people and their financial needs 9 hours a day. I'm not a liar. I'm not hard. I'm not cold. I'm fairly cool...can't wait for the sold out Pat Benatar concert tomorrow night in New Orleans. I like the beach, I drive a convertible, have alot of friends, am down to Earth, and have no issues with anyone on this board and/or your posts. You've stated your opinion, and now, I'm stating mine. I told the truth in my original post. I posted what I heard. And I've heard it before this person. It's not tragic and it's not the end of the world. I wanted to get a feel of what the response on this board would be...I think it's pretty clear why no one from New Orleans posts here and offers anyone on this board anything positive or negative about your neighbor city 300 miles down the interstate. You may enjoy living in Houston, but, let me make one thing clear...I am from New Orleans, and I am proud to call it home. I'll check you all out every now and then, but, I'm leaving it to the next New Orleanian that dares make a post on this board or forum.....

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Yay, but that I did not mean to cast myself as policeman
"in lieu" of your jibber-jabberous wanderings around our language, but hence state, merely to let it be known by fine people whose standards are higher than mine, that you sound stupid.

Greetings dalparadise.....

"YAY, but that I did not mean to cast myself as policeman"

.......my oh my, my partner in blue......please be careful with your profound take upon jibber jabber -- for one certainly would not want to allow you to tarnish your self proclaimed "finest" label.......

.......talk about stupid -- for you have indeed created the monopoly......


Edited by Metropolitantexan
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[i've been waiting for a chance to use these pics of Barbara Walters and Star Jones...thanks for the opportunity, Red.


...............and if you EVER use those photos again without warning, I shall have to smite you. I was drinking a beer reading that and it almost shot out my nose. :lol:

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I'm Sean, I'm alon504...I'm a fan of Houston, I'm a fan of football, basketball, good food, and listening to what others say, I like to club every now and then, and enjoy serving fine wine to friends when they come over to my house...I'm a banker and I take care of people and their financial needs 9 hours a day. I'm not a liar. I'm not hard. I'm not cold. I'm fairly cool...can't wait for the sold out Pat Benatar concert tomorrow night in New Orleans. I like the beach, I drive a convertible, have alot of friends, am down to Earth, and have no issues with anyone on this board and/or your posts. You've stated your opinion, and now, I'm stating mine. I told the truth in my original post. I posted what I heard. And I've heard it before this person. It's not tragic and it's not the end of the world. I wanted to get a feel of what the response on this board would be...I think it's pretty clear why no one from New Orleans posts here and offers anyone on this board anything positive or negative about your neighbor city 300 miles down the interstate. You may enjoy living in Houston, but, let me make one thing clear...I am from New Orleans, and I am proud to call it home. I'll check you all out every now and then, but, I'm leaving it to the next New Orleanian that dares make a post on this board or forum.....

If you go look at the New Orleans thread, it was fine until you posted the things you did.

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