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Houston Emergency Center At 5320 N. Shepherd Dr.


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Proposed 480-foot communications tower

Armed with a $4.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice and $1.6 million of its own matching funds, the City of Houston plans to construct the tower -- which would stand only slightly shorter than the 522-foot Pennzoil Tower -- directly behind the new $63 million Houston Emergency Center. The center abuts several residences in the Shepherd Oaks neighborhood.

How did I miss this one when it was announced. Has it been discussed here yet? Almost as high as Pennzoil Tower? When it's built I'll bet you will be able to see this thing all the way from Montrose driving north on Shepherd. I'm seriously about to cry. Please, if any of you out there know if/when the public forums are going to be please post it. We need to get some serious opposition to this thing going.

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It is not a secret. It has beem discussed for several years as a piece of the solution to communication problems between various agencies during big emergencies. Homeland Security funding made it more of a possibility. Hurricanes Katrina/Rita made it more urgent.

I've seen articles on it for at least the last couple of years, ever since the 911 center opened on N. Shepherd.

Location of HEC, 5320 N Shepherd, 77091


Edited by RedScare
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I personally think that this thing is necessary. If it was for a cell phone or wireless internet company that would be different and id agree that it shouldnt be built. But this thing is for the safety of the public.

Oh, so if we don't build this the terrorists win? Please. They want to build this to save money on having to build a network of shorter, cell-phone sized towers.

And if you want to talk about public safety, here's one for ya: If all the 911 traffic for Harris County goes through this one 500ft tower, what happens if it falls down by itself or with help?

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I don't think there currently are any 500 foot towers in Houston. Can someone point one out if they know? Midtown, I believe those towers you are talking about are 200 ft tops. You know, the San Jacinto Monument is 570 feet, does that give anyone a better feel for how tall this thing will be?

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  • The title was changed to Houston Emergency Center's 480-Foot Communication Tower On N. Shepherd
  • The title was changed to Houston Emergency Center At 5320 N. Shepherd Dr.

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