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According to the 2023 AZA Conference, the three new aviaries are going to be Africa savanna, North America woodlands, and South America wetlands.  I was hoping for an Australia aviary instead of the North America one since we already have the Whooping Crane and Bald Eagle near by.


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On 4/29/2023 at 9:53 AM, Red Fox said:

After watching the Facebook live about the Chilean Flamingo, the future Birds of the World exhibit is going to have 3 walk-thru aviaries representing South America, North America, and Africa.  


Correction: the south american wetlands aviary is going to be the only walk thru aviary in BOTW

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Birds of the World. Opening Fall 2024. 

We see the concept art of the North American Woodlands and South America Wetland aviaries. Personally I am looking forward to the African Savanna exhibit the most.  


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