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Harris County Family Law Center At 1115 Congress Ave.


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The Family Law Center and the Harris County Administration building (the latter of which has its concrete cladding spalling like crazy).



The Family Law Center is hideous. Despite construction of the new civil courthouse, foreclosure notices are still posted at the Family Law Center to help spruce the place up.


Gotta disagree with both of you. The Family Law Center looks to me more like straight up modernism than brutalism. And imho, it's not hideous.



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Gotta disagree with both of you. The Family Law Center looks to me more like straight up modernism than brutalism. And imho, it's not hideous.




I would peg it as transitional between "traditional" high modern and Brutalism.  The vertical pilasters terminating before the ground level and the glassed-in ground floor are typical modernist elements, but the overall concrete execution seems Brutalist.  Does anyone know when it was built?


One thing I really like that one sees in a number of buildings in Houston at the time is the recessed windows to allow interior shading.  A brise-soleil, if we want to get all fancy.

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IMHO, the reason the Family Law Center is currently hideous is just because it's roughly 40 years old - an age at which pretty much everything is at the low point for being out of style.  Other than the inadequate elevators, the building functioned pretty well until they started cramming additional rooms into the hallways to support the growth of the courts.


There's been some discussion about tearing it and the adjacent former DA building down for a new, larger building.  Offhand, I think it would make more sense to take out the building that has structural issues that require it to be surrounded with decked scaffolds (admin), move those functions into the similarly sized FLC (and the DA building if need be - I don't know what, if anything, is in there now), and build a new FLC on the site of the admin building. 

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 Does anyone know when it was built?




Harris County Family Law Center

1969 / Wilson, Morris, Crane & Anderson


- the same year they built the Houston Post

Edited by NenaE
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