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New Orleans Doesn't Want Some Of Their Residents Back

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Metro, since you are obviously are of the OPPOSITE opinion of mine, I would indeed say you were "BIASED" as to how you percieve Oprah's and other's good deed, and what the potential for this "property" may become.

If you want to point out what I say, at least point it out correctly, I said he is an "Uncle Tom" NOW, not when he was elected, he only becomes such a person, when he speaks out about his own race, but I am sure you would disagree that the man is being referred to that after his remarks, correct ?


You and I could always become opposites in regards to our differing of opinions my great pal.......for this is why we call it "THE GREAT DEBATE"! I could very easily involve bias in this regard without becoming a hypocrite.....BUT I STAND FIRM in regards to becoming biased in my debates in regards to people/races/creeds.....get the picture...for I respectfully stand for all of humanity.....rich, poor, white, black, asian, indian, hispanic......EVERYONE!

In regards to our distinct yet outspoken city councilman, I sincerely believe that the politcally correct term that you have been searching for would have to be a SELL-OUT SAMBO! For I consider it incorrect to position this gentleman as an "UNCLE TOM" as you would have him considered....for he is just not even THAT SIGNIFICANT! This particular gentleman was never put into place by some large white majority, for in the city of N.O., there is no large white majority.....at least not in terms of official populace......and he is certainly not representing some right wing extremist group consisting of caucasians only. Therefore, annointing him as an UNCLE TOM in my humble opinion is innappropriate.

BUT then again, if there is an appropriate term that we should consider for this gentleman at this point in history, let us call him ANGEL for I would certainly not be surprised if he was currently PUSHING UP DAISIES EVEN AS WE ARTICULATE THIS DEBATE.....


Edited by Metropolitantexan
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Guest danax
Not sure quite what you're saying here.

In the aftermath of Katrina, there was a crisis in New Orleans. While there was inaction at a federal, state and local level, Mayor White and Judge Eckels courageously made decisions which saved human lives. The immediate issue of providing the bare necessities of life was the priority.

Within days of opening the Atrodome, plans for finding more suitable shelter were in place. The Convention Center became a huge job fair for people who had lost everything, followed by the "Work Texas" program. These steps seem reasonable to me. The actions which have been taken have discouraged the establishment of a permanant Katrina underclass in our city.

One of the charactoristics of Houston is a readiness to accept newcomers. "If you've lived here six months, you're a Houstonian" is an expression I've heard since I moved here 25 years ago. Those who want to be Houstonians will build new lives here, and those who are looking for permanent handouts will be disappointed and move on.

You're right dbig, Mayor White and Co. did a great job and my post does appear to be criticizing him, but I didn't mean it that way. He made me feel proud to be from Houston. I was trying to point out that Mayor White wouldn't have been permitted much leeway had he expressed concern or even gone so far as to implement some sort of restrictions as far as who could come and who couldn't, if that were possible. He would've been criticized by many as being a bigot etc. had he been of a mind to say. "we will not allow persons with criminal records or with no job history to remain in our city beyond x-days". I know, there was no way that was possible and in light of the situation perhaps silence was best, so my example is weak,

And I hope you're right about our city.

The jist of my previous ramblings is that these council people are simply looking at the situation in light of what is best for the new N.O. Recreating the past conditions, or worse, clearly is not, and it sounds like they're exploring legal ways to prevent just that from happening. And, they're being attacked as Uncle Toms, just as anyone of any other race would be called different names. So they could keep piling money into police, schools, housing etc. and continue to notice that nothing really changes, but at least they don't get called names.

I'm simply trying to salute them for being bold enough to have spoken out. It appears they are actually concerned with improving the city before all else.

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In regards to our distinct yet outspoken city councilman, I sincerely believe that the politcally correct term that you have been searching for would have to be a SELL-OUT SAMBO! For I consider it incorrect to position this gentleman as an "UNCLE TOM" as you would have him considered....for he is just not even THAT SIGNIFICANT!

I guess I am a "SELL-OUT SAMBO" also, because I feel the exact same way, we don't need any soap opera watchers here either, be they white, black, brown, yellow, green, purple, red. And that is the point I am making here. Why is he a "sell-out" though ? Metro, don't you want your fellow man to at least try to contribute something to society, and be a productive member of the community ? That is ALL that councilman was saying, and he didn't feel the need for anyone to have to read between the lines, and I applaud him for that.

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The Chronicle printed a zip code map of where most of the evacuees ended up. A large amount ended up in the 77075 zip, which is near Hobby/Almeda Mall. Walmart recently opened up at new store which is in visual range of the apartment complex where most moved. Opening day, 13 vehicles were stolen from the parking lot. The police in the area were definitely surprised from what a few of the officers told me but then added that a large amount of Louisiana residents now call the Harris County Jail home.

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Don't mean to change the subject, but thought it should be brought up.

On Larry King Live earlier, Anderson Cooper mentioned that just a couple blocks away from the Mardi Gras festivities on Bourbon Street, there's still homes untouched since Katrina, and officials think bodies are still inside.

Goes to show how much is left to rebuild even after 6 months. And it shows just how long most of the new residence in Houston will have to stay here until New Orleans is even an option to move back to permanently. I think New Orleans' City Council and Houston's City Council need to make a long term plan together to make this whole rebuilding thing work.

What is the unemployment rate in Houston now? Are there more or less jobs available now than 4 months ago?

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  • 1 month later...

Stay away from apartment complexes!!!!!! There is a small apartment complex right next to us. It was upscale and nice, but dieing pretty much because people here seemed to opt for home ownerships rather than pay high prices to live in an apt. community. After Katrina, the apt. complex came springing forth to life. It began to have the vacancies, which were many, filled with hurricanes evacuees. Everyone thought that it was such a nice thing to do to halp out so many people that were in need. Not long after, the crime rate skyrocketed!!!! The feelings of compassion went quickly out the window. My place will soon be on the market, so for any NO supporters with the money, please come see me and buy my home! Its located in Champion Forest off of Champion DR. Walking distance to the golf course and lots of walking and bike trails. Was once a queit, pretty safe and nice area that was tucked away from the sort of crap thats occuring here now...........

Edited by Houston1stWordOnTheMoon
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Stay away from apartment complexes!!!!!! We have some evacuees here in Champion Forest. In the last few months, the crime has skyrocketed. My place will soon be on the market, so for any NO supporters with the money, please come see me and buy my home!

Damn. S&*t. That's whack!

I can see the new fall line-up on CBS now...

Survivor: Champions Forest...followed by CSI: Champions Forest

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The way I understand it, FEMA is paying the rent on these apartments for the evacuees for a year. That is supposed to end in September & probably for some in October. It will be "interesting" to see how that situation plays out at that time.

Those that got jobs capable of supporting themselves and who want to make a new life for themselves in Houston will probably stay and pay rent. Those that well, are less ambitious, are going to have to do something. If they don't have the money to pay the rent, they will get evicted obviously. I expect we will see a number go back to Louisiana.

Of course the outcome when the FEMA payments stops is anybody's guess. What does everyone see happening come this Fall when that happens?

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  • 2 weeks later...

IMO i think that katrina hitting NO was like NO taking bath. All the crud got cleaned off. But unfortunately all the scum washed up here in Houston.

I think that the government should support working people who are disadvantaged. But i have no sympathy for people who after being given housing and supplies for free for months refuse to get off their lazy asses and get a job. The truth is that a lot of these people were too lazy to work and/or criminals BEFORE the storm. So why give them special treatment now.

But like someone said, as time goes on FEMA will stop giving handouts(if it hasnt already), and these people will just cause trouble and be lazy bums until all of them are either in jail, evicted and leave town, or get their act together.

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