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Crime In The Heights


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Neighbors - The following was just posted on the Heights Kids listserve. By the way, if you are uninterested in these reports, please just let me know and I won't include you on these emails.


i just responded to my neighbors alarm going off. cop told me that 3 hispanic young males are hitting houses right now. (10:30 a.m. friday). please be on the look-out and call police. one house at fugate was hit. don't know where 2nd.

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What is the Heights Kids Group (listserv). Sounds like they have some valuable information as well. How do I find that?

I'm not sure how to get on the list....I am on a email list for our street and someone emailed us all about this today.

Apparently, it just happened so the word is getting out fast.

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what brings down a neghborhood? Apartments

what does the Heights have a lot of? Apartments

What brings a neighborhood down is a lack of caring by its residents. I'm an apartment dweller and care about my neighborhood a hell of a lot more than many of the homeowners.

Lets keep up our streets and watch our neihgbors back, so developers will take a chance on our neighborhood and buy up these properties.

Does the Heights really have a problem attracting developers? Uh, no.

If you see a bum or homeless person in the Heights, do what I do..Dont give them a dime and tell them to get the ell out.

And how do you tell that someone is homeless? Is it stamped on his forehead? Further, some homeless people are very decent, and some domesticated people are scumbags.

I agree with your ideas about maintaining streets, taking appropriate interest in ones neighbors and not giving panhandlers the time of day.

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Citizens on Patrol (COP)

Officer Carol Trautwein


Citizens on Patrol groups are designed to provide a means for citizens to organize into patrol groups in order to reduce crimes in their community.

The goals of the Citizens on Patrol program are:

Edited by samiamj
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What is the Heights Kids Group (listserv). Sounds like they have some valuable information as well. How do I find that?

It's a message board on Big Tent with mostly got stuff about play groups, schools, etc. but if you want on PM and I can get you the signup info.

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Citizens on Patrol groups are designed to provide a means for citizens to organize into patrol groups in order to reduce crimes in their community.

Not to discourage, but to give you an idea of the level of commitment involved, to get a COPS program in your neighborhood (unless this has changed lately), you must have 24 hour coverage from the volunteers. You will want to reach out to your neighbors who are retired, work nights, or otherwise home in order to cover your day shifts. (It's actually easier to cover the night shifts because all the 9-5ers can split their hours up) You will be walking and driving the streets with walkie talkies. I don't know think they allow mothers with children to patrol. But, daycare groups can help free up the time for SAHMs to participate.

My old neighborhood in San Antonio had a COPS program and it did make a big difference in property crimes. It also really cut down on all the speeding on the major thru street-- just seeing people with shirts and radios was a deterrent. There has been vague talk but it never gets off the ground in my current hood because most of the newcomers don't mix with the older residents. When it comes to a successful COPS, your older/retired neighbors will play a big role, as they are typically home when you're not.

Best of luck. I really enjoyed the program and my neighbors when I was part of it.

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I am posting this on behalf of some friends on Harvard....Please alert all your neighbours. Here are his words. As you can see this is likely the same individual as last time. :o



Last Saturday morning at approximately 9:15 am a hispanic male rang our doorbell. Our house is located on Harvard and 13th. Our front yard is surrounded by a 4 1/2 ft iron gate so he rang the bell at the gate entrance at the sidewalk. My son looked out from a second floor window and saw a tall (5'8" ish), hispanic male wearing a black sweatshirt with a hood over his head. My son then yelled out to our nanny that a man was at the gate. When my son looked back the man appeared to be gone. Our nanny went towards the front door and spied the man in our front yard (he had jumped over the gate) and was headed to the side of our house which leads to our back yard. He spotted our nanny looking out the window and immediately took off and jumped back over the front gate and into our neighbors front yard and then

disappeared. We called the police who responded very quickly. They said

our description of the individual sounded very similar to the man that attacked the family on 12 1/2 st two weeks ago.

Our neighborhood needs to be vigilant and keep doors locked at all times.

This person is not interested in burglarizing an empty house but rather entering an occupied home and committing a robbery possibly inflicting harm on its occupants. We are on high alert.

Many thanks.

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Last night KPRC broadcast a story about the recent increase in crimes in the neighborhood, and mentioned a meeting of the neighbors. Does anyone know about this? If so, would you please post information to this forum? Thanks.

It's not just The Heights. It's increasing everywhere. The economy is really causing people to cross the line, along with their poor morals.

The Woodlands/Oak Ridge area is even have a rash of it. I see Pearland is too from posts on this board.

Our constable pulled up next to me on my walk yesterday and said things are starting to "go on." Keep all first floor shutter/curtains closed at night. Anything valuable away from windows. Garage closed and locked. Driveway gate closed during the day and any vehicles should be locked and either in the garage or pulled right in front of it. Lights and alarm on at all times.

I fear this is only the tip of the ice burge.

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5'8" ish), hispanic male wearing a black sweatshirt with a hood over his head.

I swear I saw a guy that fits this description just the other day at 10th and Sheperd....I know it could be one in 1000, but definitely about 5'8, black hoody,hispanic guy....

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I think the apartment comments are a little off base. I know I am new to the forum but I live in the Heights and recently moved into an apartment/condo; Not because I wanted to but because our house in the Heights was destroyed by Ike. So, I did what was necessary for my family and found a place to live which happened to be an apartment.

All of my neighbors are good people, minus the just-out-of-college party seekers that live on the other side.

The problem is not apartments, it is the run down lots and houses that serve as temporary living space for crime prone citizens.

Just recently while driving down Studewood I spotted a homeless man squatting underneath that house that is on higher piers than usual. It's this type of behavior that leads to crimes.

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Last night KPRC broadcast a story about the recent increase in crimes in the neighborhood, and mentioned a meeting of the neighbors. Does anyone know about this? If so, would you please post information to this forum? Thanks.

That was me, once again, that was interviewed for that story. The meeting was the monthly Proctor Plaza Neighborhood Assoc meeting. Another resident of PP wrote the email they showed a pic of and it circulated to 100s of people and was sent to several city officials. Every neighborhood in the Heights has an association, I believe. find out what/when/where yours is and GO.

It's not just The Heights. It's increasing everywhere. The economy is really causing people to cross the line, along with their poor morals.

The Woodlands/Oak Ridge area is even have a rash of it. I see Pearland is too from posts on this board.

Our constable pulled up next to me on my walk yesterday and said things are starting to "go on." Keep all first floor shutter/curtains closed at night. Anything valuable away from windows. Garage closed and locked. Driveway gate closed during the day and any vehicles should be locked and either in the garage or pulled right in front of it. Lights and alarm on at all times.

I fear this is only the tip of the ice burge.

i agree. it's small consolation, but this is not a 'heights' problem. a friend in pearland had a woman in her neighborhood held up at gunpoint this week...

of course, her response to me was "and that doesn;t happen out here." yeah, well it doesn't happen here either....

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Round up the illegals and send them back to Mexico..What the hell is HPD doing. I see dozens of them on Durham everyday as I drive to work. Does anyone actgually ever pick up these people. When they dont get work they just go break in our homes or steal from garages. I am not a gun toting redneck, I dont even like guns, but I will shoot to kill if they enter my home.

I am half hispanic by the way.

you may not be a gun toting redneck, but that doesn't stop you from being a bigot. i can pretty much guaranty you that a large percentage of crime is perpetrated by your everyday American citizen. i may not be half hispanic, but in the course of my decade in texas i have known many, many "illegals" and they were hard working, honest and wanted nothing more than to fly under the radar and work and live their lives.

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Round up the illegals and send them back to Mexico..What the hell is HPD doing. I see dozens of them on Durham everyday as I drive to work. Does anyone actgually ever pick up these people. When they dont get work they just go break in our homes or steal from garages. I am not a gun toting redneck, I dont even like guns, but I will shoot to kill if they enter my home.

I am half hispanic by the way.

Off topic. If you want to start an immigration discussion there are piles of them in the Politics section. Pick one and jump in.

This thread is specifically for the rash of home invasions in the Heights. Let's keep it there.

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Round up the illegals and send them back to Mexico..What the hell is HPD doing. I see dozens of them on Durham everyday as I drive to work. Does anyone actgually ever pick up these people. When they dont get work they just go break in our homes or steal from garages. I am not a gun toting redneck, I dont even like guns, but I will shoot to kill if they enter my home.

I am half hispanic by the way.

How in the heck does Texasvines have 2 accounts ?

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This person is not interested in burglarizing an empty house but rather entering an occupied home and committing a robbery possibly inflicting harm on its occupants.

As a woman living alone, I can't tell you how freaked I am about this. I know it's largely a game of odds--of being less attractive to a potential thief than your neighbor, but this guy or these guys appear to be unfazed by ordinary deterrents. I'm double-checking doors and locks and still losing sleep over every little bump in the night.

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I had a weird occurence one day last week at my Norhill area home. Came home from work to find my driveway gate slightly ajar. My first concern was that my dog had run off but after calling him several times he came running from his "house" under the house. Several things might have happened...I could have just been remiss and left it open myself, part of my morning routine involves pulling the car out, grabbing the paper, etc. Another thought was that my large part-pitbull dog pushed it open in response to something, it was trash day, or mailman, or someone walking by. Lastly it could have been someone trying to get in, either a meter-reader, utility worker, or something more sinister. It's conceivable that someone opened the gate, walked in, and then the dog stirred and scared them into a hasty retreat. The only flaw in that theory is that you would think someone fleeing a big dog would shut the gate behind them. No other signs of anything so I don't really know what happened.

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As a woman living alone, I can't tell you how freaked I am about this. I know it's largely a game of odds--of being less attractive to a potential thief than your neighbor, but this guy or these guys appear to be unfazed by ordinary deterrents. I'm double-checking doors and locks and still losing sleep over every little bump in the night.

I can think of one deterrent. Do you have a porchlight with a sensor on it ? If not, these are great. I have one, it pops on when someone approaches the door. I think it has the potential to startle a would be thief and possibly run him off to the next target. On the other hand, a nice snub nose .38 is always a great detrerrent.

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