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On Lovett Homes


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...that's how you catch crawfish, JJVilla! :)

If you've never done this, you've missed out on one of the simple joys of childhood. But it's okay; just get yourself to a crawfish berl as soon as you can and try to make up for lost time. :lol:

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The BBB is a joke.

Tell that to the residents in the subdivision where the builder left out all their personal information folders. Right there, in a garage with no door. That builder had a good record with the BBB too.

Incredible. :blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...

just a random thought but....do you think Lovett will ever stop building homes, and only sell under the InTown name? It seems as though InTown is a newer brand, and appears to be targeting a slightly lower price point, but could also have begun because of the word of mouth on their higher end Lovett products.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FWIW we bought a Lovett home in 1999 after getting hosed by a certain lady developer in West U. who I can't name legally as part of our settlement. I had an engineering firm monitor construction from site prep to punch list. Other than the Lovett superintendent being color blind, we had and have had very few issues with this house. Lovett was always responsive to my issues and I usually dealt with same person (a V.P.). Home building/buying is traumatic in the best cases, you get out what you put in.

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just a random thought but....do you think Lovett will ever stop building homes, and only sell under the InTown name? It seems as though InTown is a newer brand, and appears to be targeting a slightly lower price point, but could also have begun because of the word of mouth on their higher end Lovett products.

i doubt it. Many builders have different names for different price points.

Honestly, outside of this board, Lovett has a pretty decent reputation as a builder in Houston. I've had many more complaints about other builders than I have about Lovett.

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Honestly, outside of this board, Lovett has a pretty decent reputation as a builder in Houston.

That's probably because a couple of years ago a group of about three griefers created a bunch of accounts on HAIF and all jumped in creating multiple threads bashing Lovett. It took a while before they moved on. How many of them were actually disgruntled Lovett customers and how many were merely helping spread what they were told is hard to say.

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I'm glad I'm still monitoring this thread. As the original poster, I take a little bit of offense to this suggestion. I had no part in what other posters had to say in this thread. Nor did I have anything to do with the website (which has since been taken down). The fact that this thread has generated so many responses speaks for itself. The fact that people are willing to take time to post something means that there is something going on with Lovett. How come we haven't heard stories about reputable builders such as Covington or Rohe Wright?

As for Lovett's reputation outside this board, I would like at least an iota of support for the statement diggity made. I can provide several anecdotes about Lovett's so called sterling reputation. So no, I have not moved on and will not move on. I will continue to spread the word. Avoid Lovett.

That's probably because a couple of years ago a group of about three griefers created a bunch of accounts on HAIF and all jumped in creating multiple threads bashing Lovett. It took a while before they moved on. How many of them were actually disgruntled Lovett customers and how many were merely helping spread what they were told is hard to say.
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As for Lovett's reputation outside this board, I would like at least an iota of support for the statement diggity made. I can provide several anecdotes about Lovett's so called sterling reputation. So no, I have not moved on and will not move on. I will continue to spread the word. Avoid Lovett.

I'm not sure what kind of support you would like. Happy owners don't generally start websites extolling the virtues of their homes. All I'm saying is that I was suprised by some of the comments.

I'm in the real estate industry and have represented buyers and sellers for several Lovett (and InTown) homes. I've never had any major complaints from the people who bought them.

I'm not disputing your experience with your home, simply giving my opinion. Feel free to continue your crusade.

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I can provide several anecdotes about Lovett's so called sterling reputation.

I think the key word here is "anecdotes." Anecdotes do not equal data.

When I was a teen-ager I got mugged in Vancouver. That does not mean that every teenager is going to get mugged in Vancouver.

You are dissatisfied with your Lovett Home purchase. That does not mean that every home buyer will also be dissatisfied.

I think it's time you got over yourself. There's a big difference between informing the public and grinding an axe. It's time to move on with your life. Maybe you could use a hobby, or a pet, or something else. But first you should deal with the grudge and anger issues, for the sake of the pet.

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You seem upset that a number of people are disillusioned w/Lovett. Why?

It is generally considered to be the single largest purchase in a person's lifetime, and if it is poorly built you are stuck

with it, potentially for many years. You may lose significant money. In short, buying, then living with a lousy house is one

of the most stressful experiences of a person's life, since you eat and seek shelter there most every day.

Hopefully, Mr. Perry's joke on consumers, the TRCC, will bite the Sunset dust, and something resembling fairness will emerge

for consumers. Maybe then, you will be less offended by these commentaries. Until then, you should EXPECT them, as they

are the cries/warnings of the effectively "disenfranchised" consumer.

Your "mugging" analogy is not applicable, BTW...not even close. Think about it.

Why scold people for their invited opinions?

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Why scold people for their invited opinions?

Expressing one's opinion is fine. Doing it twice is OK. Beating a dead horse is pointless and annoying. There are a few Lovett-haters here who don't seem to understand when they're the loud, rude guest in the corner who keeps telling the same boring stories over and over and just won't take a hint and talk about something else or leave the party.

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Expressing one's opinion is fine. Doing it twice is OK. Beating a dead horse is pointless and annoying. There are a few Lovett-haters here who don't seem to understand when they're the loud, rude guest in the corner who keeps telling the same boring stories over and over and just won't take a hint and talk about something else or leave the party.

Since when have I been loud or rude? And why is telling others to be wary of Lovett beating a dead horse? That's like saying repeatedly warning others about the dangers of smoking is beating a dead horse. Yeah, I know it ain't life or death, but what's the big deal about making sure other people are informed. Hey, you may be tired of the topic, but I'm sure potential homebuyers appreciate the info.

What, you've never heard the saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease? Well, I ain't apologizing for being the squeaky wheel. SQUEAK! SQUEAK!

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I would also like to proudly note that this thread has over twice as many views than any other thread under the Houston Real Estate topic. So obviously being the "loud and rude" one in the corner does have its benefits.

No, it's because we like train wrecks.

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Since when have I been loud or rude? And why is telling others to be wary of Lovett beating a dead horse? That's like saying repeatedly warning others about the dangers of smoking is beating a dead horse. Yeah, I know it ain't life or death, but what's the big deal about making sure other people are informed. Hey, you may be tired of the topic, but I'm sure potential homebuyers appreciate the info.

What, you've never heard the saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease? Well, I ain't apologizing for being the squeaky wheel. SQUEAK! SQUEAK!

What has all of this squeaking gotten you? I doubt an incorrectly tiled bathroom in a new home will make people avoid Lovett

And come on...we know you're responsible for at least half of those views :)

Edit: This thread has been going on for nearly 3 years? Dead horse seems pretty accurate

Edited by OkieEric
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What has all of this squeaking gotten you? I doubt an incorrectly tiled bathroom in a new home will make people avoid Lovet

And come on...we know you're responsible for at least half of those views :)

Edit: This thread has been going on for nearly 3 years? Dead horse seems pretty accurate

Well, that's the rub, isn't it? I'm not really gaining anything from the views. However, if this thread has given at least one person pause before buying a Lovett home, well, my mission has been accomplished. No way to tell for sure, but before this thread, there was nothing about Lovett on the web besides its website. Furthermore, it's not just about an incorrectly tiled bathroom, it was the customer service. I think people have been misunderstanding my main point. I've admitted that there are probably some decent quality Lovett homes, but as a company, their customer service stinks.

Interesting that there are volumes of stuff out there on car manufacturers, but very little on home builders. Funny because the average person probably spends 10x to 50x the amount on a new home than on a car.

BTW, I may have some spare time on my hands, but not enough to be clicking on this thread 10,000 times, maybe just a 1,000. :wacko:

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BTW, I may have some spare time on my hands, but not enough to be clicking on this thread 10,000 times, maybe just a 1,000. :wacko:

OK, yeah, so 10K may have been an excessive estimate, lol. Out of curiosity, whatever happened to that utility bank? Was it permanent?

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OK, yeah, so 10K may have been an excessive estimate, lol. Out of curiosity, whatever happened to that utility bank? Was it permanent?

It's still there. Lovett tried to cover it up with black paint and some bushes. It's still an eyesore to me. We, of course, walked away from the home after losing in arbitration. PM me if you are interested in seeing it. The home is in the museum district. They should've made the utility bank perpendicular to the street. I've since seen many patio homes with this proper configuration. Instead, Lovett made the utility bank parallel to the street completely blocking the view to the street.

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It's still there. Lovett tried to cover it up with black paint and some bushes. It's still an eyesore to me. We, of course, walked away from the home after losing in arbitration. PM me if you are interested in seeing it. The home is in the museum district. They should've made the utility bank perpendicular to the street. I've since seen many patio homes with this proper configuration. Instead, Lovett made the utility bank parallel to the street completely blocking the view to the street.

I believe Reliant tells the builder where they need to put the utility bank. Sometimes there are easement restrictions and other stuff.

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I believe Reliant tells the builder where they need to put the utility bank. Sometimes there are easement restrictions and other stuff.

Let's not diminish his personal vendetta by pointing out facts. It's far more important that he get this off his chest. Over and over. In someone else's forum.

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Let's not diminish his personal vendetta by pointing out facts. It's far more important that he get this off his chest. Over and over. In someone else's forum.

Nice point....

Sorry for my long vacation from this issue. While I have read through all the various comments since my last, it is late and "Editor" is the only one I feel has a level head on this so far.

My previous entry showed my disgust for whiny homeowners and it speaks for itself right or wrong in the court of world opinion. I may be a builder but I am also a homeowner and yes, I do understand the concept of value versus service, etc, etc....

At the end of the day, do not rely on your government to think for you(i.e. TRCC), you must educate yourself which brings us back to buyer beware. That is what Buyer beware was intended to mean. Be responsible for your your own actions, beyond that everything else is faith, misplaced or not.

Publicly complaining about misplaced trust does nothing but agitate the wound of a bad experience.

Some say look at all the bad press Lovett gets on this forum and that makes them a bad company. Others complain of Perry. This forum is quite small in the grand scheme of things compared to the combined thousands of homes these two companies have constructed over the years. While not all complain and not all compliment, the ratio is substantially one sided in the positive and the facts are undeniable to this.

Like the editor says, move on. Better luck next time and God help the next person you buy a home from. I pray it is not me for you are jaded beyond salvation. Mind you, I am not a religious person but in desperate times I will gladly seek help with troubled souls.

P.S. I build inside loop 610. Avoid this area if God decides to ignore me.

(sorry, couldn't resist a little humor....)

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Let's not diminish his personal vendetta by pointing out facts. It's far more important that he get this off his chest. Over and over. In someone else's forum.

Mr. Editor, have I offended you in some past life? If you are so sick of my warning others about Lovett, why do you even bother reading this thread? And besides, this is really my party since I was the original poster. Most people who are not enjoying the party usually just leave. Nobody is forcing you read this thread. If it's because your job, well, I'm sorry, I have no control over that.

With possibly the exception of my response to BuilderBob (whose post I must admit irritated me), I don't think I've ever made any personal ad hominem attacks on another poster. Furthermore, I've only posted all the details of my story ONCE. My other posts were only in response to others. As I've repeated many times, my purpose is to advocate, warn and inform. As such, I really resent these snide little comments from you. This just happens to be something I'm passionate about because I don't want others to make the same mistake. So if you have a problem with that, well I don't know what to say.

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Mr. Editor, have I offended you in some past life?

Actually, I think you have offended him in a current one.

I realize that you believe you are performing a valuable public service in warning others of your mistake. However, given that this is the only thread you have posted to (save for two posts in another thread, but on the same subject), your obscession with the topic severely impacts your believability and credibility. Myself, other than hiring an inspector, as I would for any home, your posts have not scared me away from Lovett at all. But, I would be extraordinarily wary of buying a home next door to you.

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Like the editor says, move on. Better luck next time and God help the next person you buy a home from. I pray it is not me for you are jaded beyond salvation. Mind you, I am not a religious person but in desperate times I will gladly seek help with troubled souls.

Well, hello there BuilderBob. Once again another inflammatory post by you. I don't understand this insistence by you and editor to "move on." I have "moved on" from the incidents of several years ago, but as I said, I'm keeping the thread alive to inform and advocate.

Nor am I jaded. I still consider custom building, and if I do choose to do so, I'll be going in much the wiser.

At any rate, if you gain anything from this thread, you should learn the lesson to treat your clients right because, who knows, your next client could be the next me. I don't think you would be happy seeing a thread entitled "Beware of BuilderBob."

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Actually, I think you have offended him in a current one.

I realize that you believe you are performing a valuable public service in warning others of your mistake. However, given that this is the only thread you have posted to (save for two posts in another thread, but on the same subject), your obscession with the topic severely impacts your believability and credibility. Myself, other than hiring an inspector, as I would for any home, your posts have not scared me away from Lovett at all. But, I would be extraordinarily wary of buying a home next door to you.

Really? How have I offended him? I haven't attacked his personal character, judgment, intelligence or anything. I just want him to get off my case.

You are entitled to your opinion of my believability and credibility and I respect that, but I'm positive that at least one person has read this thread and had second thoughts about going with Lovett. Just read some of the posts.

Oh, and I hope I never buy a home next door to you either. Sheesh, now the real characters are coming out of the woodwork.

Edited by amadeuz
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Really? How have I offended him? I haven't attacked his personal character, judgment, intelligence or anything. I just want him to get off my case.

You are entitled to your opinion of my believability and credibility and I respect that, but I'm positive that at least one person has read this thread and had second thoughts about going with Lovett. Just read some of the posts.

Oh, and I hope I never buy a home next door to you either. Sheesh, now the real characters are coming out of the woodwork.

I would buy a ticket to see these two in a room together.

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