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Economy in Houston - 2020 and beyond


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Wasn't sure where to put this, but thought I would put it in politics.   

Looking for opinions for Houston's economy and real estate market in the next few years.


Our economy seems to be booming, and love him or hate him, I do believe that Trump's tax breaks have helped with stoking the economy along. 

I don't, however, think he will be re-elected in 2020 and I think the Democrats will win back the White House.


If that occurs, how does our economy respond?    Continue to move along?  Slow down?  


I have some commercial property that I am thinking of selling, and I really think I want to sell before the next election.  I'm worried about a down turn in the next few years.  



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10 hours ago, native_Houstonian said:

Wasn't sure where to put this, but thought I would put it in politics.   

Looking for opinions for Houston's economy and real estate market in the next few years.


Our economy seems to be booming, and love him or hate him, I do believe that Trump's tax breaks have helped with stoking the economy along. 

I don't, however, think he will be re-elected in 2020 and I think the Democrats will win back the White House.


If that occurs, how does our economy respond?    Continue to move along?  Slow down?  


I have some commercial property that I am thinking of selling, and I really think I want to sell before the next election.  I'm worried about a down turn in the next few years.  



POTUS Trump will get reelected in 2020.

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13 hours ago, native_Houstonian said:

Wasn't sure where to put this, but thought I would put it in politics.   

Looking for opinions for Houston's economy and real estate market in the next few years.


Our economy seems to be booming, and love him or hate him, I do believe that Trump's tax breaks have helped with stoking the economy along. 

I don't, however, think he will be re-elected in 2020 and I think the Democrats will win back the White House.


If that occurs, how does our economy respond?    Continue to move along?  Slow down?  


I have some commercial property that I am thinking of selling, and I really think I want to sell before the next election.  I'm worried about a down turn in the next few years.  




Wasn’t it during the tail end of George W Bush’s term who literally brought the whole country's economy to it’s knees? The “Great Recession” they call it. Look it up!  So many ignorant Americans seem to have amnesia about this and still blame Democrat Obama for it. Anyway my point being, Republicans in office doesn’t always equate to having a thriving economy here or countrywide. That’s a delusional mentality at best. On another note, it’s funny you jump to political reasonings for whether or not to sell but don’t even consider the catastrophic flooding that’s occurred and the threat of it occuring again and again and again in the city. Honestly, this is the real threat to Houston’s future economy. Or have we already forgotten Harvey too? 

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I don't necessarily jump to political climate for my decision, but yes, I do believe that companies will pull back on investing if taxes are raised.  Also, I would think that capital gains would be raised with a Democratic President, which would affect my net outcome.     And, this area is high and dry...not affected by flooding at all.    In reality, I guess I'm looking for verification that I should sell now, rather than wait.

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Texas needs to legalize cannabis. There are hundreds of millions of dollars to be made.


I heard “New Republicans” don’t care about a person’s digesting habits.


The whole tobacco and alcohol thing as well. Texas leadership is contradicting itself by allowing the sale of cigarettes and  alcohol. We can’t turn a blind eye about the fatal DUI wrecks that happen daily, or the cancer fatalities as a cause from smoking. 


Alcohol is so bad. It’s a mind altering substance that leads to addiction and death..



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