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Mayor Ray Nagin


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And people still want to focus the blame at the federal level first? The hits just keep on coming..

I don't vote for the mayor of NOLA. I don't vote for the governor of La. I don't vote for La. senators. It is up to the people of La. to deal with these people. I do vote for president and this president appointed the officials in the dysfunctional Dept. of Homeland Security, namely FEMA. So yes. I'll focus my blame on the Federal Government.

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I don't vote for the mayor of NOLA. I don't vote for the governor of La. I don't vote for La. senators. It is up to the people of La. to deal with these people. I do vote for president and this president appointed the officials in the dysfunctional Dept. of Homeland Security, namely FEMA. So yes. I'll focus my blame on the Federal Government.

But FEMA didn't fail you. So then maybe the only people that should be allowed to gripe about FEMA are the ones who can allege that they were mistreated by FEMA in the first place - whether they're right or wrong.

Besides, if you're relying on the federal goverment to save you from a hurricane, then what's the point of having local and state government at all? Personally, I think FEMA is a victim of this whole Katrina fiasco as much as the people of New Orleans are. If the local and state governments would have done their job, then FEMA would not have been relied on to do not only its job, but the jobs of local and state government as well.

I'm not denying that FEMA screwed up - I'm just insisting that the blame start at the front of the line first.

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I'm not denying that FEMA screwed up - I'm just insisting that the blame start at the front of the line first.

I'm not denying the state and local government of La. didn't screw up either. Maybe to a greater extent than the Federal government. But like I said the Federal government is supposed to serve me. I pay Federal taxes so the Federal screwups are what I'll focus on. NOLA's or La's incompetence does not excuse the Federal governments incompetence.

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You ever wonder why citizens in the city of New Orleans complained the loudest yet the people of Mississippi and recently Florida are just dealing with their problems on there own?

FEMA is just getting to parts of Forida after Wilma hit yet no news agencies are reporting their tardiness. The reality is that FEMA is responding as they always do, a few days after the storm.

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I'm not denying the state and local government of La. didn't screw up either. Maybe to a greater extent than the Federal government. But like I said the Federal government is supposed to serve me. I pay Federal taxes so the Federal screwups are what I'll focus on. NOLA's or La's incompetence does not excuse the Federal governments incompetence.

...what he said [west]...


You ever wonder why citizens in the city of New Orleans complained the loudest yet the people of Mississippi and recently Florida are just dealing with their problems on there own?

FEMA is just getting to parts of Forida after Wilma hit yet no news agencies are reporting their tardiness. The reality is that FEMA is responding as they always do, a few days after the storm.

No, I don't wonder about Florida or Mississippi-or Louisiana for that matter.

FEMA is a joke-a step child of Homeland Security. A perfect example of the incompetence of the Bush administration: "Hey! This guy ran HORSE shows! Let's put him in charge of FEMA!"

The sad thing is, he's STILL on the payroll [just got another month extension].

Now if that's not a display of ineptness, incompetence, and the Bush administration's culture of cronyism-someone tell me what is...please.


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You ever wonder why citizens in the city of New Orleans complained the loudest yet the people of Mississippi and recently Florida are just dealing with their problems on there own?

FEMA is just getting to parts of Forida after Wilma hit yet no news agencies are reporting their tardiness. The reality is that FEMA is responding as they always do, a few days after the storm.

Well there have been complaints about FEMA in Fla. Brother Jeb has done his best to deflect blaim away from George. There were also problems with response in Beaumont, Jasper, Orange etc. I do have to say I haven't heard any complaints regarding the FEMA efforts in Port Aurthur.

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Nagin's an idiot, in my book. Last night on the news, they showed a clip of him saying that he was "worried about his town getting overrun with the Mexicans", (who went there to work, btw). Imagine how that would have sounded coming out of Bill White's mouth after Rita, saying he was "worried about his town getting overrun with poor black people", (who didn't come here to work, just evacuate). How does his get away with stupid statements like this, nice double standard....

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Nagin's an idiot, in my book. Last night on the news, they showed a clip of him saying that he was "worried about his town getting overrun with the Mexicans", (who went there to work, btw). Imagine how that would have sounded coming out of Bill White's mouth after Rita, saying he was "worried about his town getting overrun with poor black people", (who didn't come here to work, just evacuate). How does his get away with stupid statements like this, nice double standard....

Hopefully they will show him the door next election.

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You ever wonder why citizens in the city of New Orleans complained the loudest yet the people of Mississippi and recently Florida are just dealing with their problems on there own?

FEMA is just getting to parts of Forida after Wilma hit yet no news agencies are reporting their tardiness. The reality is that FEMA is responding as they always do, a few days after the storm.

Anybody want to show me a link to a "real" news report on this story? All I have found is 3 or 4 conservative blogs adding 2 and 2 to get 5. As usual, there is not a single name attributed to any of the quotes.

BTW, anyone who thinks they are not bitching about FEMA in Mississippi, East Texas and Florida is spending too much time on those blogs, because they are all screaming about it...except Jeb and Rick and Haley, of course.

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Hopefully they will show him the door next election.

With all his hand-to-mouth, entitlement-mentality constituants evacuated, there should be no one left to vote for him.. or Congressman William Jefferson for that matter.

Speaking of hand-to-mouth, entitlement mentality kjb434:

You ever wonder why citizens in the city of New Orleans complained the loudest yet the people of Mississippi and recently Florida are just dealing with their problems on there own?
Two answers:

1. The people in New Orleans were hungry.

2. The people of Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, and Florida weren't depending on the goverment at all levels before hurricane Katrina/Rita/Wilma to feed them.

(You should be able to take answer number 2 to decode the hidden logic in answer number 1. ;))

Nagin's an idiot, in my book. Last night on the news, they showed a clip of him saying that he was "worried about his town getting overrun with the Mexicans", (who went there to work, btw). Imagine how that would have sounded coming out of Bill White's mouth after Rita, saying he was "worried about his town getting overrun with poor black people", (who didn't come here to work, just evacuate). How does his get away with stupid statements like this, nice double standard....

Double Standard indeed. <_<

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Nagin's an idiot, in my book. Last night on the news, they showed a clip of him saying that he was "worried about his town getting overrun with the Mexicans", (who went there to work, btw). Imagine how that would have sounded coming out of Bill White's mouth after Rita, saying he was "worried about his town getting overrun with poor black people", (who didn't come here to work, just evacuate). How does his get away with stupid statements like this, nice double standard....

Obviously Mayor Nagin has never been to Houston or it's surrounding areas. :huh: He has nothing to worry about, at least he'll have the city rebuilt in record time.

Edited by TJones
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Anybody want to show me a link to a "real" news report on this story? All I have found is 3 or 4 conservative blogs adding 2 and 2 to get 5. As usual, there is not a single name attributed to any of the quotes.

BTW, anyone who thinks they are not bitching about FEMA in Mississippi, East Texas and Florida is spending too much time on those blogs, because they are all screaming about it...except Jeb and Rick and Haley, of course.

If all you can find are conservative reports then that must be all that's going on. I'm sure if there was something to report, our majority liberal media would have found it by now.

As for people "crying FEMA".. Now that everyone has seen Katrina evacuees get their $2,000.00 dollars, anyone who ever gets a 10mph gust from a hurricane is the first in line the next day screaming that they need their FEMA check. And can you blame them? Nope.. not when the system is completely broke.

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Oh, and here's your gripe from Port Arthur.


There were still pockets of grumbling Monday. Speaking from an area littered with downed trees and power lines across major roads, Bill Goodrich, 59, a retired Marine from LaBelle, Texas, complained, "We haven't seen FEMA or nothing here."

Its so easy to drive down a back road and find someone who might have been overlooked, or has not been reached yet to get a negative comment about FEMA's most recent response.

God forbid the news ask one of the thousands of people that have gotten successful help.

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Last night after Nagin made his idiotic remark, the reporter asked a black contractor what he thought about overabundance of Mexicans looking for work in NOLA, and the black man smiled into the camera saying "I have an affliction, I only like to hire people who LOOK LIKE ME!" Then the reporter asked anothe contractor who said that he'd be happy to hire more black people, but they just aren't there...

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"Get us the fuel. Get us the water. Get us the food," said Port Arthur, Texas, Mayor Oscar Ortiz. "They (FEMA) promised they were going to bring me a truckload of fuel. They promised they were going to bring me a truckload of food. It hasn't happened yet."

They drove down a back road and found the mayor of Port Arthur.

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Per the CNN article and other news agencies, all these people that Nagin says are getting edged out of work - don't even want to go back!

As I said earlier, Nagin & Jefferson just want their constituants back. They both know they don't have snowball's chance in hell of re-election at this point without those people. Now those people don't even want to come back. How fitting.

Let the Mexican's rebuild New Orleans - especially since the people of New Orleans won't.

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