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New Pics Texas Tech Campus


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Thanks for the post. Plan to walk around campus when I am back in Lubbock for Thanksgiving. SUB has alot of good memories for me.

Suggestion for next post. Some shots of Lubbock which is a very well planned city, signage height restrictions. lack of billboard, buried utilites and landscaper requirements.

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That looks like quite an infusion of new money going in there. Glad to see it. Tech has always kind of been the red-headed stepchild of Texas colleges. I have alot of friends who went there. You may have seen them on the cover of newsweek some years ago. When the whole homecoming brawl happened between the fraternities. ahhhhh......Goodtimes. :D

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That looks like quite an infusion of new money going in there.

No doubt. Some $1 Billion in New Construction on the Texas Tech campus over the past 6 or 7 years. I didn't even include a pic of the new Arena. Texas Tech has had some excellent leadership over the past 10 years.

More to come...



$60+ Million for new Rawls School of Business

$30+ Million for continued expansion of Jones SBC (soon to be AT&T) stadium to increase capacity 10,000 seats to around 62k-65,000 seats. Along with a matching Stadium Building for the East Side that will incorporate a 1,000 car parking garage and 25 new luxury suites (bringing the total luxury suites to 78). Immediately following this season, they will replace the astroturf with a new field turf (currently evaluating 7 different variations) and construct an aesthetic brick wall around the field. Next season, they will begin construction of the new stadium building along with expanded seating and aesthetic facade surrounding Jones AT&T.

$500 Million for the George W. Bush Presidential Library (Tech is a finalist with some heavy hitters leading the charge bidding for the site). Here's the video for the West Texas (Tech/Lubbock/Midland) proposal - George W. Bush Presidential Library Proposal


$50 Million Vietnam War Center - largest repository for Vietnam War Archives outside of the Federal Govt.


$7 Million Soccer Stadium (a concession for Title IX...as Tech's Athletic Budget has now grown just about equal to Texas A&M's)

$3 Million for the Rawls Golf Course Clubhouse complex consisting of a pro-shop, men's and women's golf team facilities and a themed restaurant.


$12 Million for Mark Lanier Law Professional Development Center at the Texas Tech School of Law (TTU alum Lanier is one of the premier PI attorneys in the country, having recently won that landmark Vioxx case) - (under construction)


$10 Million for a new Student Wellness Center (Quack Shack) - (under construction)


$10 Million for the Child Development Research & Center for Study of Addiction Recovery (under construction)


$8.5 Million for the Outreach & Extended Studies Building (under construction)


$36 Million for TTUHSC new Clinical Tower (under construction)

$25 Million for the privately funded new Baseball Stadium and HoF Museum.

...and a slew of other smaller projects in the $1-3 Million range.

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Pfluger Fountain


Student Union


Student Union patio


Admin Building


Memorial Circle


Aerial View


Main Gate


Engineering Key


Jones SBC (soon to be AT&T)


Football Training Facility


TTU Museum


English-Philosophy Building


Dan Law Field


Flint Ave. Parking Facility (aka 'Garage Mahal')


Women's Softball & McCloud Tennis Facility


Geriatric Center


Rec Center


Experimental Science Bldg (under construction)


Frazier Alumni Center & Marsha Sharp Center Courtyard


Frazier Pavillion (note the new green 'Turfallo' grass hybrid developed by TTU)


Track & Field


Murray Hall


TTU Law School



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Not to be rude or anything, but why spend so much on the beauty of the campus instead of improving the state of your academics?

Interesting comment, Aggie0083, especially considering your last post on this thread you started.


One might ask why A&M is spending so much on its athletic facilties instead of academics as well. :huh:

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Interesting comment, Aggie0083, especially considering your last post on this thread you started.


One might ask why A&M is spending so much on its athletic facilities instead of academics as well. :huh:

The athletic department is funding these projects themselves through donations (i.e. - Artie McFerrin's $9 Million gift, Coach Fran's $1 Million gift) and revenue from athletic events.

The other buildings are part of the "faculty reinvestment program" that is designed to create 447 new positions in the faculty to both reduce class sizes and improve the quality of education here at Texas A&M University. At our current state we are running out of space and have actually had to close 2 on-campus dorms (Hotard and Cain) and move certain programs off-campus in order to find space for this growing faculty. This is all part of Texas A&M's goal to be recognized as a "top 10" public university by the year 2020. This year Texas A&M was ranked 21st this year among public institutions, Texas, 17th, but Texas Tech stands on the third tier, somewhere >120th nationally (they don't rank past approximately 120).

This was not meant as smack talk or anything, it just makes me wonder.

Maybe I should just stop talking, I don't want to ruin this thread.

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Not to be rude or anything

That's okay Aggy, it just comes natural for you choads.

USN&WR ranked A&M in the 2nd Tier (6 schools tied for #60 --- including A&M).

Texas Tech has a higher SAT average and endowment than 12 Tier 2 schools. Tech is a Tier 2.

Considering that UT, A&M and Tech all have AVG SAT scores within the same 99 pt range, your academic smack only belittles your own beloved institution. (A&M's Avg SAT scores aren't much higher than Tech's -- 50 pts).

When you consider that A&M receives more than 5 times the funding that Texas Tech receives, its rather remarkable that the two schools are so close.

Ags and mediocrity go hand in hand. Never has so little been done with so much. It's really quite pathetic.

Enough of the smack, choad.

Tonight's game will be enjoyable.

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There are always 2 routes one can take when someone takes a cheap shot. It is a shame you decided to jump in the gutter with Aggie0083, mrfootball.

They are both accomplished schools, along with UT, in spite of the territorial rants of some of the graduates. Having been accepted to attend all 3 (along with UH), I would have been proud to have attended any of them.

Having said that, I am always amused at the cowboy rivalry between A&M and Tech. Tonight should only add to the fun. :P

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That's okay Aggy, it just comes natural for you choads.

USN&WR ranked A&M in the 2nd Tier (6 schools tied for #60 --- including A&M).

Texas Tech has a higher SAT average and endowment than 12 Tier 2 schools. Tech is a Tier 2.

Considering that UT, A&M and Tech all have AVG SAT scores within the same 99 pt range, your academic smack only belittles your own beloved institution. (A&M's Avg SAT scores aren't much higher than Tech's -- 50 pts).

When you consider that A&M receives more than 5 times the funding that Texas Tech receives, its rather remarkable that the two schools are so close.

Ags and mediocrity go hand in hand. Never has so little been done with so much. It's really quite pathetic.

Enough of the smack, choad.

Tonight's game will be enjoyable.

I didn't want to go into this, but I will anyway.

First off, you are not tier 2, and are not even one of the best 6 colleges in Texas. A lot more goes into a ranking than endowment and SAT scores. Link: US News and World Report - Texas Tech's Profile

As for A&M's status, there are 124 schools in the top 2 tiers and they do not differentiate between the first and second tiers. Just for clarity, the 21st ranking I was referencing earlier was among public institutions and 60 is the ranking among all institutions (UT is 52). In the list of The Top 60 Public Colleges Texas Tech is not ranked.

Link: Top Public Institutions

A lot of the poor SAT/ACT scores at both A&M and UT result from Texas House Bill 588 where approximately 50% of both the A&M and UT student body is made up of automatic acceptances from the Top 10% of high school classes rather than from the best candidates. This hurts both the schools and is a problem that has been fought for some time.

(Don't even talk about rudeness. May I remind you of tech wrecklessly throwing the goal post into the A&M section a few years ago at Jones SBC, or the defacing of UT's 18 wheeler last year, or the throwing of batteries at our fans, or yelling at elderly A&M alumni last night at our Lubbock Midnight Yell.)

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I'm not sure why you felt the need to come in on my picture thread and denigrate Tech, but it does speak of your insecurity.

Poor Old Tech...

Texas Tech students carry a higher SAT average than HALF of the Pac-10 schools.

If A&M's "Harvard"...Tech is Yale (both don't come close, yet only aggy is idiot enough to make that assertion):

SAT avg's only 50 pts apart...roughly the same as A&M is from UT.

As for USN&WR

It shows here that Texas A&M is "tied" at #60 with 6 other universities (#60 representing the last number in the first Tier....it is quite reasonable to assume that A&M is mostly likely NOT in the first Tier):


Funny Math:

As for USN&WR...they can't even be trusted enough to use accurate figures in their calculations. Example:


In the guide, they list Texas Tech University's Endowment as being only $114,144,277. This is INCORRECT. Texas Tech's Endowment in 2004 was $392,595,000.

Source: http://www.nacubo.org/documents/research/F...etsforPress.pdf

I'm certain these numbers are part of the equation in their rankings.

Texas Tech has higher SAT Avgs than the following 'Top Tier' Universities: Tennessee, Kansas, Colorado State, Utah, Arizona, New Hampshire, Oregon, Ohio, Alabama, TCU, Howard, Auburn, Indiana

Further, they rate Indiana as #74 (or #32 on your Top Public School list). Let's look at how Indiana compares to Texas Tech University:

Avg SAT for Incoming Freshman (2004):

Texas Tech: 1125 (1131 for FY2005)

Indiana: 1104

Endowment (2004):

Texas Tech: $392,595,000

Indiana: $113,578,597

Undergraduate Students (2004):

Texas Tech: 23,329

Indiana: 29,549

Student/Faculty Ratio (2004):

Texas Tech: 19:1

Indiana: 18:1

Tech compares favorably to 13 or more "top tier" universities as far as SAT scores go, and even better when the correct endowment figures are applied.

As for your last comment: need I remind you that you Aggies were the first ones to throw punches (at each other oddly enough...) during the now legendary goalpost episode. One of Rick Perry's own advisors even lied to Lubbock police about who hit him (it was another Aggie). You then classlessly retaliated by printing some awful smack in your official Media Guide, then embarrasingly had to retract it. It seems in these types of off-the-field run-ins there's always the same constant player....Aggy. (SMU cheerleader, Nebraska fan on the field, Rice Owl Band...etc.). As for the batteries...aggy myth...just like the Kool-Aid RC poured all over himself to try and fire up his troops. Aggy fans wouldn't last a second in the SEC or Big Ten, where rivalries get a lot more heated than this. Wimps.

Looking forward to tonight...how about you, Aggy?

"Goodbye...and Good luck."

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My Gawd, while it's almost too sad to kick you poor bastards when you're down...you have the audacity to ask for more. Classsssy!!!

Just so everyone knows, Scotch is referring to the Texas Tech mascot horse that got spooked a few years ago, ran into a wall and died. Then, another one of Tech's mascot horses was killed when a drunk Texas A&M grad crossed into oncoming traffic and violently collided with the truck (pulling the Tech Mascot trailer) outside of Tech's campus in Fredericksburg following a parade appearance, and the horse had to be put down...very sad.

Ironic that A&M people would think that to be funny when their very own traditions killed 12 students practicing the annual Aggy log stacking ritual. Should we talk about that, Aggy? Architectural Brilliance? Even sadder considering the fight A&M put up to restrict those poor families right to sue, instead putting up some pathetic homage to Stonehenge to forever memorialize Aggy stupidity.

God bless those horses, and God bless those poor students.

I'd rather talk about tonight's 56-17 victory over Ag & Mechanical.

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Man, you 2 guys-mrfootball and aggie0083 need to step back from the brink.

What would you ever do if TT got Junior's library?

Here's a short preview:

aggie0083-We got us a presidential library! And our president is smarter than yours! :lol:

mrfootball-Well, we got one of them there librarys too! And our president is...well...er...ANYWAY...his wife is prettier and the twins are hotalicious! :blink:


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