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HAIF Magazine Ad


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In another thread on HAIF, it was suggested that we can promote the web site and bring in new members through a magazine ad.

I think it's a good idea.

It was also suggested that the members of HAIF could donate toward making the ad a reality.

I think this is a good idea, too.

So I'm collecting donations for a HAIF magazine ad. We'll have to decide what magazine to put it in, but I think 002 and Texas Monthly are certainly front-runners. The big question is the cost. I haven't done any research yet, but I expect it will cost at least $1,000. So I'm asking everyone who is so inclined to help to chip in.

You can click on this link to make a donation to the HAIF Magazine Ad fund.

(Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal accepted. No, you don't have to have a PayPal account to contribute.)

Ideally, people would chip in five or ten bucks. If you can do more, that's great. If you can only give a dollar, that's fine, too. And to show that I'm committed to this project, I'm going to kick in the first $100, which brings our total so far to:

(drum roll, please)


I'll keep posting updates here as the donations come in. Hopefully we can have HAIF in print and welcome a bunch of new members in no time.

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that sounds like a great idea. Ill chip in $25 for the cause. Why dont you contact someone like 002 and trade links as well? I know 002 is heading towards focusing more on real estate, you can tell already by their articles and current advertisers. The HAIF membership is a large part of the audience they are trying to capture.

Food for thought...

Edited by Houston Retail
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I'm just blown away by the response. Another donation.

Thanks, Dream, for the $30.

That brings the total to $165.

And you're right -- I should give bumper stickers or something to everyone who donates.

Next on the list is Thomas Keith Dunlap, our only regular contributor to the Houston Architecture Blog.

He's in for $25. We're now at $190.

Way to go, guys!

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Another donation has come in!

The latest donor is sevfiv, who ponied up $10!

Thanks for the contribution. This is really moving along much quicker than I expected.

Our total is now $135.

editor, you need to open a paypal account, so people can use their credit cards. ;)

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editor, you need to open a paypal account, so people can use their credit cards. ;)

That's what the link above is for.

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover.

Operators are standing by!

Some people are uncomfortable paying through Paypal, though. If that's the case, send me a PM with your contact information and I can take your credit card info over the phone and process it through my company.

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If you don't want to cough up actual cash for this project, you can use Firefox, instead. I've put a little box at the bottom right corner of the forum. When you click it to download and install Firefox, the forum gets a dollar. Every dollar helps.

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I really don't know. I'm sure they have some way of preventing abuse. I wonder if it's not just the download, but the actual installation that causes the payment to be recorded. I could see them attaching a serial number to each download and when you fire up the browser for the first time it sends that number back to Google to generate the credit.

Of course, that's all wild speculation on my part. I really have no idea how it works.

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I don't know what this photo would have to do with the add, but I thought you would enjoy it! :)


No need to worry about copywrites or whatever, it was taken by me, and its a gift to you! :D

"Houston shouldn't be famous from Hurricanes, or Enron, but from its Architecture...."

your moment of ZEN.

haha j.k.

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all digitals are generally large (depending on settings).

use paint to shrink em

I can't, the image is bigger then my screen, so I can't crop it because when I try to, it will only go as big as my screen, which is only like 1/4th of the image. I'm just glad Tinypic.com shrinks it to a much lesser size.

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I can't, the image is bigger then my screen, so I can't crop it because when I try to, it will only go as big as my screen, which is only like 1/4th of the image. I'm just glad Tinypic.com shrinks it to a much lesser size.

don't crop it...just open it in paint and go to stretch/skew (by percentage)

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I can't, the image is bigger then my screen, so I can't crop it because when I try to, it will only go as big as my screen, which is only like 1/4th of the image. I'm just glad Tinypic.com shrinks it to a much lesser size.

Just try and find a different editor where you can zoom out. I use photostudio 2000 SE, it is easy to use for cropping/resizing pics.

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