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Cheney Advisor Indicted


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Scooter Libby, VP Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff has been indicted on 5 charges of Obstruction and Perjury in the CIA leak case. Karl Rove was not indicted, but has not been cleared in the investigation, either.


Let the smearing and trashing of the DA by the right-wing media begin. Guess Fitzgerald is going to let Rove twist in the wind a bit more before cutting him down. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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Let the smearing and trashing of the DA by the right-wing media begin. Guess Fitzgerald is going to let Rove twist in the wind a bit more before cutting him down. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

While Ronnie Earle is painted as a partisan Democrat, Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald was appointed by the Republican controlled Justice Department...John Ashcroft, no less.

Hard to cry partisanship when your own party's people indict you.

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The smearing won't be much different than the personal attacks launch on Ken Starr.

So far nothing has been launched at Mr. Fitzgerald. I hope is stays that way.

They already started. Sean "Bush is always right" Hannity is already questioning Fitz's motives and methods in other cases. Rush is already crying because he wasn't charged on the original leak charge. Hmmmm......It's not about the sex....It's about perjury......We believe in the rule of law in this country.....Sound familiar? I'm starting a pool to see which talk show host first uses the term "rogue prosecutor" in reference to this case. Anyone interested?

Edited by west20th
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For all the flag waving and "God Bless America" singing that this administration has done, can there be anything more un-patriotic and un-American than selling out government intelligence employees for political gain?

I wouldn't paint every Republican with that brush, but certainly there are several in that inner circle in Washington who could not be more anti-American if they put on Taliban robes. That group includes Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, even if they are not indicted.

I will stand and applaud every Republican politician and voter who denounces these sorry bastards...and George W. Bush himself, if he would run off Rove and Cheney.

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The clinton case was a little different. Clinton wasn't found only with perjury. Giving false testimony to another witness to repeat and having a Federal judge finding you in contempt of court (not by Ken Starr) is much different. If all Clinton did was perjur himself, I would agree with you west20th. Clinton had more than enough to at least be indicted, but Ken Starr decided not to indict. The horribly detailed report he wrote after was a requirement from the horrible independant investigator statute (has expired).

Questioning why the investagator only came up with perjury and no violation of the underlying charge is not unreasonable. Especially when we do know the law was not violated by any of these reporters and advisors by releasing Valerie Plame's name. The law is clear and she wasn't a secret or covert agent at the time or in the past 9 years. She just provided some consulting to the CIA. Everyone in her neighborhood new she worked for the CIA that she was a covert agent in the past. The crime alleged never occured from the beginning. If it truly did, we wouldn't be indicting Libby on pejury, but on the statute the investigator was charged to investigate. Everyone is reporting that Valerie was outed, but if they actually looked in a little bit, they will realized she's been know around washington for years because she wasn't covert anymore.

Also, I think much of the news has bypassed the real story in all this, the lies told by Valerie's husband in the NY Times article. Everything he wrote is debunked in his Senate Testimony and agreed by Republican and Democrats. He came out of the senate building made a fool. Of course the press didn't cover it, but the transcripts are all available.

Lets also look at the end of all this. Mr Libby will most likely not get any jail sentence although it is possible. He will most likely have to pay a fine and that is it. The one thing about inside the beltway, is that even enemies will save one another to prevent worse treatment in the future from their enemy. Just look at Sandy Berger. He was found guilty of stealing top secret documents from the National Archives, all he got from the Bush justice department was a slap on the wrist and a small fine. Inside the beltway people protect each other whether liberal or conservative, republican or democrat. Everything you see on TV, read, or hear is mostly just life playing out in Washington without much substance.

In the end, politics as usual.

You can choose to get wrapped up in all this or not. As much as I didn't like Clinton, I didn't follow much of the scandal as it happened and didn't care if he was removed from office or not. I tried to avoid the news reports and the partisan banter from both sides. It's amazing what you can find out by not relying on the news. My life continues whether Libby or Rove is in there jobs. My life existed fine with Clinton who I didn't agree with or with Bush who I partially agree with.

Getting all riled up about whether this side did this or that is quite immature. The only thing that matters is the published indictments and the process and materials released from the trial. Everything around it is quite pointless. It was pointless during the Clinton adminstration and it is pointless now.

It only shows me in the end that the climate in Washington is more about a power grab and once you get there or knock someone down to get there, you do nothing so you can't lose your power.

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Rush says it's OK to sell out government intelligence employees:

"Rove and Libby had every right to try to discredit Joe Wilson. He's out there trying to destroy the presidency. What the hell are they supposed to, sit around? Is he infallible? Whatever Joe Wilson says, you've got to bend over grab the ankles and take it?" ---Rush Limbaugh

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Well, since a senate panel on Wilson's trip to Africa proved what he said he learn and published in a NY Times article was at complete at odds from what he testified, I think bringing the information to light was appropriate.

His testimony in congress agreed with the Bush adminstration and in backing them up in Iraq. His piece in the NY Times did the exact opposite.

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I didn't defend any republican politician. If Libby is guilty he is guilty. I can't change that.

Also, the woman who wrote the statute that was supposedly violated believes it doesn't apply to Valerie Plame.

Edited by kjb434
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Rush is right on that one. Joe Wilson is a jackass and has always looked out to rip apart this presidency. He's a partisan hack.

You and Rush are correct. Libby and Rove are entitled to try to discredit Wilson. What they are NOT entitled to do is expose CIA agents, nor to LIE to the FBI or Federal Grand Jury. That is what Libby got indicted for, not discrediting Joe Wilson.

According to the news, Libby plans to use the Steve Martin defense.

"You.. can be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes! You can be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes! You say.. "Steve.. how can I be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes?" First.. get a million dollars. Now.. you say, "Steve.. what do I say to the tax man when he comes to my door and says, 'You.. have never paid taxes'?" Two simple words. Two simple words in the English language: "I forgot!" How many times do we let ourselves get into terrible situations because we don't say "I forgot"? Let's say you're on trial for armed robbery. You say to the judge, "I forgot armed robbery was illegal." Let's suppose he says back to you, "You have committed a foul crime. you have stolen hundreds and thousands of dollars from people at random, and you say, 'I forgot'?" Two simple words: Excuuuuuse me!!"

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I didn't defend any republican politician. If Libby is guilty he is guilty. I can't change that.

Also, the woman who wrote the statute that was supposedly violated believes it doesn't apply to Valerie Plame.

nmainguy once again sits back and marvels at the twists and turns kjb exhibits in his pathetic attempt at defending Repulican wrong doing.

Maybe you could figure out a way to blame Clinton! :lol:


[ditto for parrothead]

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nmainguy once again sits back and marvels at the twists and turns kjb exhibits in his pathetic attempt at defending Repulican wrong doing.

Maybe you could figure out a way to blame Clinton! :lol:


[ditto for parrothead]

I'm sure Clinton chased ol' Valerie around the Oral, I mean Oval office, with a cigar, a time or three. :D<_<

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So what? I could care less if he was a republican at one time or worked for republicans. What does that have to do with my comment? Then he didn't become a partisan hack until after he became a raging democrat? He's ALWAYS been a raging democrat.... LOL!!

...and nmainguy..........whatever, honey. :D Just "sit back and marvel" all you want, K? We'll do all the legwork ;)

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...and nmainguy..........whatever, honey. :D Just "sit back and marvel" all you want, K? We'll do all the legwork ;)

$2.50 a gallon

indictments in the WH

war in Iraq


Taxes out the roof

Insurance doubled with less coverage

Schools unfunded by the state

Yep.....you guys are doing some great legwork!

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$2.50 a gallon

indictments in the WH

war in Iraq


Taxes out the roof

Insurance doubled with less coverage

Schools unfunded by the state

Yep.....you guys are doing some great legwork!

I'm sorry things are so bad for you in your "VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER !" Seriously, I do feel bad that your economy isn't so hot, mine is doing just fine. In fact I'm gonna make more money this year, than I ever have in any other year. Maybe you need a new career ?

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Who is "you guys"? When did this become "you" and "us"? Give me a break already. Share a little in the responsibility honey. We're all in this together and we ALL had a hand in it. I never saw so many try to blame so few.

Edited by Parrothead
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It may seem that way to a "raging Republican" like yourself, but Wilson earned praise from the first President Bush for standing up to Saddam in the first Gulf War.

Also I don't remember having a hand in this Iraq thing. If people listened to the truth, as told by individuals such as Ambassador Wilson, we wouldn't be in this mess.

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So what? I could care less if he was a republican at one time or worked for republicans. What does that have to do with my comment? Then he didn't become a partisan hack until after he became a raging democrat? He's ALWAYS been a raging democrat.... LOL!!

...and nmainguy..........whatever, honey. :D Just "sit back and marvel" all you want, K? We'll do all the legwork ;)

You'll "do all the leg work"?

I've always done my own leg work and will continue to do so.

Especially as long as there are "compassionate conservatives" in power

...and "whatever, honey"? What are you? 12 years old?


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