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Electric Bill

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I live in a 3 br 1500 sq. ft condo. I've lived here almost 5 years. We are on commercial electric--meaning we only pay .088950 per kwh.

Our HIGHEST bill was from June 19-July20. It was $217. That is the highest we have ever seen. It was crazy. July 24 we put in R30 insulation in our attic, and we saw the benefits of that the next month: our bill from July 20-Aug 19 was only $92.

So.....nothing much has changed. We've not had any big parties, no major lifestyle changes, nothing is any different than it has been for the past few months....but we got our bill for August 20-Sept 20, and it was THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR DOLLARS. $304!!!!!!!! You can imagine my shock! I called my prop mgr and said, "I have NEVER had a bill this high. This HAS to be wrong." She said, "Polly, I've had calls all day from people saying the same thing. We checked our main numbers and they seem to be right but I will have someone come out and check your meter again tomorrow."

What is this? There is NO way we have used 3418 kwH in 30 days. It's just impossible. The most we ever used was 2400. Hell we weren't even HERE the week of Rita, for God's sake. I just don't understand this at all!

Does anyone have any ideas? Does this sound like a big mistake? :o:unsure:

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No rate changes at all--that's why this is SO weird. It's just me, my husband, and our 5 month old daughter. This just cannot possibly be right. God, withOUT the insulation we never had one this high. I just checked last year's bill for this time and it was $107. Something HAS to be wrong here.

I am guessing it is through reliant but we get our bills from the HOA.

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well, unless your daughter is powering up a huge computer system behind your backs, or is hiding a deep freeze full of her favorite foods, something is definitely up...especially since the property manager has been hearing about it from others... B)

this happened to me several years ago, and it was due to a faulty AC something-or-other...the complex looked into it and took what they thought the difference should be (not nearly enough!) off my rent...

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But I wasn't even here for a week of it! :huh: Not only that, but didn't we have the "hottest June" on record too? Heck, that was before we put the insulation in and our bill in June was $200. It simply doesn't make any sense.

Edited by Parrothead
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I just went and checked our past electric bills...the 3408 kwH they said you used DOES sound like a big mistake. For reference, the most we've ever used in our 2500 sf house is 2592 kwH (last month, btw).

For your electricity to jump like that, it's either a mistake, or some piece of equipment in your house went haywire.

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I had something similar happen to me in my old 1600 sqft single family home. The end result was that they hadn't really read the meter for about 6 months and billed on an estimate. When they finally did read it, I got a whopper of a catch-up bill. Basically I had been underpaying for 6 months.

Not saying that is what happened to you, but it is a possibility.

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There is NO way we have used 3418 kwH in 30 days. It's just impossible. The most we ever used was 2400.

You're right Parrothead - there is little chance you used that much, unless you have something big running day and night (faulty water heater?).

To give you a comparison, my last bill (through Oct) was my highest ever in my 1800 sf house, and I only used about 1200 kw keeping the a/c at 75 degrees. And that was for 32 days.

Sounds like Reliant is screwing up, so here's what you do - find out when they read the meter (it's on the bill) and read it yourself each month for a comparison. If the bill doesn't agree with your readings, you call them on it. My dad does this every month for several years and he's busted them several times for incorrect readings.

Actually, I heard that if your meter is in an enclosed yard, you can tell them the yard is off limits (dog, etc) and that you'll read it yourself. Supposedly they'll honor this, but I've never tested it.

One other possibility is a bad meter - you should be able to have them come out and test it (or maybe just ask for a replacement).

Edited by GoAtomic
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I live in a 3 br 1500 sq. ft condo. I've lived here almost 5 years. We are on commercial electric--meaning we only pay .088950 per kwh.

Our HIGHEST bill was from June 19-July20. It was $217. That is the highest we have ever seen. It was crazy. July 24 we put in R30 insulation in our attic, and we saw the benefits of that the next month: our bill from July 20-Aug 19 was only $92.

No *WAY* that $92 bill was right. I'd say there is a 95% chance they read the meter wrong, and whenever they read the meter wrong you make up for it (good or bad) the next month. If you have a digital camera just take a shot of your meter each month, and have someone read it for you. Its pretty easy to read but some people get confused by the dials being near the 0, and having the snapshot will give you evidence.

So, I'd say 95% chance your $92 bill was wrong, 5% chance they were just estimating and now you're catching up. Your meter is fine.


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I disagree...here's why:

Our kwH usage BEFORE insulation for 2005--

January 737

February 546

March 730

April 840

May 1268

June 2475

July 2402


August 1204

September 3418

BTW, August for the past three years has been:

2004: 2598 (also our highest bill we've ever had here prior to this latest one)

2003: 2395

2002: 1913

Those three years represent when our A/C was running at all times. Now that we've had the insulation in for the past two months, our A/C rarely has to come on, that's how efficient our insulation is now. It's incredible, the difference. That is why I don't think it is an adjustment....unless they are adjusting other residents too...because I'm not the only one complaining, apparently.

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Given that September was the warmest September ever recorded in Houston, and you have a new baby, which likely means you were at home during the day more often, the electric bill doesn't look too far out of whack. Plus, the lower August bill suggests that they estimated that month, meaning some of your August usage ended up on September's bill.

My electric usage doubled this year due to the heat and a Katrina forced roomate. While not pleasant, it was understandable...and I watch my usage carefully. September was easily my biggest bill.

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January 737

February 546

March 730

April 840

May 1268

June 2475

July 2402


August 1204

September 3418

The insulation isn't going to cut your bill in *HALF* unless you had every surface of the house sprayed down with 6" of icynene foam. They misread August, and September caught it back up. The math works out perfectly. Subtract 1000 kwh from Sept and put it on August, and the numbers look correct.

If they didn't misread August, they probably did like my August bill where it was an estimated billing...I'm sure my September bill will be awful as well.

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September was easily my biggest bill.

Mine too, and so it was for all my neighbors. Everyone said it was due to "fuel costs" adjustments, which meant if they (the energy company) had to pay more, it got passed on to you (the consumer). BTW, mine was closer to $600.00 for September, and we don't move the thermostat from 80 degrees and have a super insulated roof and insulated and tinted windows. Go figure, everbody got screwed for September... ;)

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I had a similar situation like parrot on my CoH water bill.

My bill stayed the same for several months at $27.43. Then I get a bill for $191. They estimated my bill for months and finally decided to read the meter. I called about it and they said if they can't get to the meter they don't read it.

I'll have to eat this one and hope they read it every month.

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For what it is worth our bills since Katrina have been HUGE. Our provider was Entergy which had low rates however post Katrina Entergy has the highest rates of the bunch. Check out www.powertochoose.org and verify for yourself. Really upset me because they jacked the rates and didn't notify anyone unless you count the big $$$ bill a notification!!!

Regardless now we are with Gexa, I hope that works out.


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I KNEW something was wrong!!! My prop mgr just called me and said she had someone read it today and he said there was no way it could be right because "it was going 100mph" and knew based on our past kwH and our insulation that it just couldn't be, esp. with today's weather. So, she is sending someone to come check it tomorrow. She verified it was NOT an adjustment.

A speck of light at the end of the tunnel. Thank God, too, because this month has been a doozy.

Yes, our insulation has cut our bill in half. You have to understand that we didn't have ANY insulation in our attic. EVER. Then we go and put in R30....trust me, it made a HUGE difference!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I live in a 3 br 1500 sq. ft condo. I've lived here almost 5 years. We are on commercial electric--meaning we only pay .088950 per kwh.

Our HIGHEST bill was from June 19-July20. It was $217. That is the highest we have ever seen. It was crazy. July 24 we put in R30 insulation in our attic, and we saw the benefits of that the next month: our bill from July 20-Aug 19 was only $92.

So.....nothing much has changed. We've not had any big parties, no major lifestyle changes, nothing is any different than it has been for the past few months....but we got our bill for August 20-Sept 20, and it was THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR DOLLARS. $304!!!!!!!! You can imagine my shock! I called my prop mgr and said, "I have NEVER had a bill this high. This HAS to be wrong." She said, "Polly, I've had calls all day from people saying the same thing. We checked our main numbers and they seem to be right but I will have someone come out and check your meter again tomorrow."

What is this? There is NO way we have used 3418 kwH in 30 days. It's just impossible. The most we ever used was 2400. Hell we weren't even HERE the week of Rita, for God's sake. I just don't understand this at all!

Does anyone have any ideas? Does this sound like a big mistake? :o:unsure:

I've been single since 1998. For 6 1/2 years, I've been living in a 17 1/2 foot-long travel trailer. My overhead is low. The highest electric bill I've had since moving into it in May of 1999 was $40 (one month).

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