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Ever Been Fired?


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One of my co-workers was evesdropping on one of my private conversations, and complained about a naughty word I used, So I may be. :angry:

Wonder if anyone else has....

They can't fire you for that, if it wasn't directed toward the co-worker. The co-worker could be fired for espionage though. File a complaint about her listening to your private conversations. :D

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more like a statement.

that i would like to doctor a pic so it looked like my boss had my lil buddy in her mouth.

of course, totally taken out of context.

and the most annoying thing is, my boss doesnt care....

I think you ought to ask her out, if she truly doesn't care about the statement, although I can't figure out how you could take that statement "out of context "? It's not S.H. she's your Boss, it all falls on her. Does she look decent ? :D

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pretty hot actually.

But I dont think her husband would approve

he HATES me :D

That is the best kind, no commitment, she has to go home to hubby. Of course if it was my wife, I'd have to hurt somebody. BTW, where do you work? ;):lol: I know it's not my wife, she has a tough enough job at home with our 3yr old and one on the way.(psst!) don't tell where you work.

Edited by TJones
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I was fired once. Amazingly, only once. But it was the best thing that ever happened for my career. If I hadn't been fired I probably would have been stuck in that dead-end job forever.

I ended up signing with Kelly as a temp for a while. Did lots of things like data entry for a trucking company, and building heart monitors for an electronics company. Had to take two or three temp jobs at once to make ends meet, but it worked until I could get back into my chosen field.

Even if you're a guy, Kelley is a great way to go. It's not just secretarial stuff. I always use them when I'm inbetween jobs. They once put me in the administrative offices of a chemical company. Once I repaired Kenwood stereos. Once I was a church secretary. Whatever. Gave me lots of insight into a lot of different worlds.

Firing isn't always a bad thing. But it's not always a great thing. Either way, it's scary.

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  • 4 months later...
They can't fire you for that, if it wasn't directed toward the co-worker. The co-worker could be fired for espionage though. File a complaint about her listening to your private conversations. :D

In Texas, you can be fired for almost any reason. There are few rights that the employeed can use as a defense.

Edited by nmainguy
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Have I ever been fired? Not yet. But the night's still young...

You people are lucky. Some of y'all got laid off from companies like "Enron", or "in the oil industry" or something. In high school, I got laid off from....Peter Piper Pizza. "Our restaurant chain is downsizing their restaurant locations in Houston. Your services as a game technician/dinosaur mascot are no longer required." I suck. <_<

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I got fired from a telemarketing place for "AT&T". I talked on the phone too much, not enough sales, and their phones on my end were so bad (it was hard to make a sale when there was so much static coming from my end of the line AND Embarrassing)..I want to sell you AT&T but my phone line is horrible!!...

well one time I talked to this British lady trying to make a sale. I use a little Britishism that Quality Control didn't understand and mistook me saying something to the British woman for cursing (which I didn't) and the lady and I were even laughing at the Britismism I used. I hated the job anyway. I went home crying everynight the job was so horrible!

the other job I was laid off from was Petsmart grooming. The employees treated me so wrong!! I had crazy hours, and I remember one time this employee was retiring. So the manager said "run next door to Randalls and get some plates/silverware (plastic) for our going away party) So I did just that and came back. The manager told me to go fluff out a poodle to finish what she was doing. I finish the job and I look out the window of the front room and I see them eating cake and enjoying themselves. I slid down the wall of the back room and cried while this Rottie consoled me. They distracted me long enough so they could enjoy themselves and I was pretty much not invited. (yet I bought their silverware/plates and stuff) I felt so used!

I got wrote up there when a small dog bumped me in the mouth (while grooming) and I said "sh**!" outloud. I had just had dental surgery and was worried about my gums bleeding in that particular area. The manager wrote me up for that.

some small dogs are kennel aggressive and when I had to take a small dog out I had to ask for help. The assistant working that worked with me didn't like helping me and got frustrated when I asked.

I tried to put a muzzle on the pit bull when clipping its nails and they told me unless it was aggressive it would make it worse for the dog! (yea nevermind the fact I could lose a hand!!!)

The hardest I think was trying to hold back the bigger dogs like German Shepards, Retrievers, Rotties, Pit Bulls, dogs with muscle and taking them in the back room to get washed when their owner is right there.

I am glad I left there. But because of my petite size and learning disability in math its REALLY hard for me to find a job :(

and Texas Rehab was NO HELP!

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  • 2 months later...

Yep. Got fired from my previous job for calling in sick to attend the final interview process for my now current job. The old company thought they were hurting me, but as it turns out, im making more than double at the new company and can do most of my work from home without having to go into and office regularly :P:P:P

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Have I ever been fired? Not yet. But the night's still young...

You people are lucky. Some of y'all got laid off from companies like "Enron", or "in the oil industry" or something. In high school, I got laid off from....Peter Piper Pizza. "Our restaurant chain is downsizing their restaurant locations in Houston. Your services as a game technician/dinosaur mascot are no longer required." I suck. <_<

:D:D:D Hilarious! Single best reply yet!

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No haven't been fired yet. But I have quit several jobs. By the age of 22 I had been through about six jobs. When the job just starts realllly sucking is the day I leave. I never had a hard time finding a job so if I get fired I'm sure I'll survive :)

12 years ago I was finishing up my final shift as a Chili's bartender. I was heading into the big world of Real Estate and my waiting tables days were finished. It was a Friday night and I was heading out with some buddies after work. I "comped" them some chips and queso and also poured them probably 20 beers and a few Yager Shots throughout my shift. I charged them for nothing. I understand this is stealing. I did not care.

As I was checking out my manager asked where the ticket was for my friends. I pulled out some other ticket that had a few beers and a some burgers on it. He focused in on the ticket and asked me where the chips and queso charge was. I told the manager I had "comped" those. He went off on me and fired me on the spot for stealing. He did not even ask about the booze, just the chips and queso. I laughed pretty hard and told him It was my last night anyway. He told me he would put this in my file and I would never work for a Brinker restuarant again. I laughed it off and went out with my buddies.

I later heard from another manager that he was jealous that I was 23 and going off into the big world of buisness and he was stuck at Chili's.

He had nothing to worry about as I was broke as hell for many years to follow.

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  • 3 weeks later...
One of my co-workers was evesdropping on one of my private conversations, and complained about a naughty word I used, So I may be. :angry:

Wonder if anyone else has....

I've gotten fired from many jobs. But there's one I've always patted myself on the back for. I got tired of a supervisor's treatment of me. So I "blew the whistle" on her to the U.S. Attorney. Naturally, her superior fired me when he found out. I filed for unemployment compensation. He then lied about having fired me. When I told TWC to check with the U.S. Attorney, he didn't contest my appeal, and I was approved to receive unemployment compensation. In that instance, getting fired worked to my advantage.

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  • 1 month later...
They can't fire you for that, if it wasn't directed toward the co-worker. The co-worker could be fired for espionage though. File a complaint about her listening to your private conversations. :D

You're wrong about that. You can be suspended or even fired because of things you say in private conversations that could offend someone who overhears it. It has happened.

The most notorious example of this happened at a Boston newspaper ten or fifteen years ago, and it made news all over the country. Two reporters at the water-cooler were talking about an employee soft-ball game they were planning, and one asked if a certain other reporter would be playing. The other said something along the lines of "No, he won't be there, his wife has him so P--sy Whipped he doesn't do anything on weekends anymore." Or words to that effect.

At any rate, a female reporter working about 30 feet away overheard it, and she was so offended she filed a sexual harrassment complaint against the two reporters, who were suspended for two weeks without pay. The other reporters at the paper were so outraged by that treatment they walked out on strike and shut the paper down for several days, until the management changed its mind about the punishment, and agreed to rethink its policies on sexual harrassment.

Don't say it can't happen, because it most assuredly can.

Edited by FilioScotia
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Have I ever been fired? Not yet. But the night's still young...

Love the reply.

I was a sub-sub contractor to an engineering firm as an IT guy and I was having running battles with MY boss, the contract's boss, and engineering's managers/customers whom were expecting outlandish demands.

I told one manager "unless <company name> buys into Teleportation technology in the next few minutes, it ain't gonna happen."

was probably within days of being fired, fortunately (or not), I was hurt on the job and was STILL fired, but got workman's comp and started my own business with it.

Don't miss the corporate world at all, but I do miss the regular hours and benifits, though.

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Love the reply.

I was a sub-sub contractor to an engineering firm as an IT guy and I was having running battles with MY boss, the contract's boss, and engineering's managers/customers whom were expecting outlandish demands.

I told one manager "unless <company name> buys into Teleportation technology in the next few minutes, it ain't gonna happen."

was probably within days of being fired, fortunately (or not), I was hurt on the job and was STILL fired, but got workman's comp and started my own business with it.

Don't miss the corporate world at all, but I do miss the regular hours and benifits, though.

Sometime it's a blessing in disguise.

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I had to fire someone once. It was terrible. The lady's life was spinning out of control due to personal issues in her life. She was never able to get to work on time and was missing way too many days. I wanted to giver her some slack to get things back in order, but the higher ups were getting pressured by others to get rid of her.

When my current employer asked me to take a management position I quickly said "no thank you". I'd rather be a worker bee than a queen bee anyday.

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