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Roula And Ryan Show Dropped On 96.5


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I listened to Ed Shultz on Tuesday.

He cried for two hours straight, but I still listened to it.

He's just like John Kerry. All "this is wrong, the Reps are wrong" but not one solution.

Just gripes!


Yeah, he may be biased like Rush, Sean, Bill et al but at least it is a different point of view. Listening (i like talk shows even though I don't like the right-wing hosts) to the endless Bush boot-licking all day gets tiresome.

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And Air America is a blinding show of morality? D

Also, just from the statements you guys are spouting, I can tell that you haven't truly listened to any of their shows. You would realize that they are nothing like you are characterizing them to be.

Rush never talks about morals are moral superiority. It's not what his show is about. He doesn't even go to church. His show is about conservative ideals which have nothing to do with christianity and church going.

Some conservative talk radio is too much for me such as Sean Hannity. He's too much for the show and fame and not about the talk.

I like Rush, Glenn, and Michael Savage. Also, Michael Savage is religionless but believes in god. These guys don't hide who they are and don't preach that everybody should be such a way. If they do, I'd like for you show me. Also, if they were all preachy, they wouldn't have such a fan base.

The success of Talk Radio has showed people the lack of information they have been getting from traditional news sources.

I would listen to Air America if it was available in Houston but it's not so I don't know if they are a "blinding show of morality".

A quote from Rush:

"And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs,

using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good

because we know what happens to people in societies and

neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if

people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought

to be accused and they ought to be convicted and

they ought to be sent up."

Rush never talks about morals? Never get's preachy? Hmmmmm.

Also, I do listen to those talk shows I complain about. I like talk shows but my choices of shows is limited to right-wing hypocrites. Guess it's good to see what the other side is thinking.

And don't get me starting on Micheal Savage. I don't take anyone who advocates the use of nuclear weapons seriously.

I hope we can all agree that Chris Baker (740AM) is a grade A MORON!

I knew we would agree on something! :)

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Well, I did actually listen to him. I actually don't mind him, but Tueday was a lame segment.

I hope we can all agree that Chris Baker (740AM) is a grade A MORON!

That is why 950am got rid of him. He is not so much a Moron, as the fact he just doesn't fit the programming of 950am. Reverse trivia is amusing on fridays. The fact that his "panel" is only keen on maybe 5 subjects, is what I find laughable. :D

Did i see someone say that Michael Savage doesn't preach that people should be like him ! You haven't listened to his bolsterings enough then.

Edited by TJones
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Where did Rush talk about morality in the statement?

He talked about legality. He did break the law, and he went into rehab as a first offense. Not much more or less than other first time drug offenders of a prescription drug.

He had a prescription that he abused. The abuse is linked to an addiction. This happens to a lot people on pain and other medication that have narcotic properties.

He actually was in compliance with the state he made. He went into rehab as was demanded by the court.

Where's the hypocrisy?

Should anyone who had a drug problem not be able to take the stance that illegal drug use should be prosecuted? It seems like he would have a more valid viewpoint from his experience.

Glenn Beck, before becoming a talk show host, was an alcoholic and drug user. He has reformed and got his life back on track. I think he is a better person now after going through the experience.

None of these guys claim to be saints. And if they do, they are wrong for it.

Michael savaged is a very hardened person. I don't aggree with everything he says, but he does open your eyes. He not necessary just some radio idiot. He has lots of credentials behind more than any other radio show host.

Also, most of these guys are far from talking head for the administration and republicans. They actually have been some of the harshest critics. They rail against Bush for immigration and over spending. They go after the congress for spending like drunken sailors.

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And Air America is a blinding show of morality? D

Also, just from the statements you guys are spouting, I can tell that you haven't truly listened to any of their shows. You would realize that they are nothing like you are characterizing them to be.

Rush never talks about morals are moral superiority. It's not what his show is about. He doesn't even go to church. His show is about conservative ideals which have nothing to do with christianity and church going.

Some conservative talk radio is too much for me such as Sean Hannity. He's too much for the show and fame and not about the talk.

I like Rush, Glenn, and Michael Savage. Also, Michael Savage is religionless but believes in god. These guys don't hide who they are and don't preach that everybody should be such a way. If they do, I'd like for you show me. Also, if they were all preachy, they wouldn't have such a fan base.

The success of Talk Radio has showed people the lack of information they have been getting from traditional news sources.

Man, I don't know what to say except god help all you self loathing gay Republicans, kjb434. It's just sad on so many levels.


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The guy that used to do mornings with Sam and Maria was Psycho Robbie (whereabouts unknown, probably not in radio)

Sam Malone IS his real name.

Replying to someones post about morning DJ's laughing about everything. I noticed Natalie was already doing it Monday morning at everything Sam was saying (I think she was already laughing even before Sam started talking :-P). It was pretty annoying.

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I wonder what the third phase is?

1. Day Laborers & Taco Trucks

2. Spanish speaking TV & Radio

3. ...?

Phase three is making as many babies as possible, Oh wait that was step 2.00001 on the way to phase 3.

No phase three is Constitutional amendment making Spanish the official language of the U.S.

Talk Radio and Spanish speaking formats is the way because that is who is listening and are in the majority. Radio has gone to the Spanish speaker because most Hispanic/Latino families are poor and cant afford to buy and additional service like XM or Sirius. Plus most listeners are only Spanish speakers and not bilingual. I used to participate in a marketing survey for radio stations. they would play sons for me and I would rate them. I would always rate the songs I really hated very high so they could get played and inevitable they would get played a lot more then before I took the phone survey

OK I will comment On the actual topic too I did not like R&R for many of the same reasons already stated. However I have never liked Malone. That guy sounds like he looks ugly. His face is perfect for radio. Malone makes Howard Stone show sound like quality radio, and the sad thing is that both R&R, Sam Malone and many others try very hard to emulate Howards format.

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Phase three is making as many babies as possible, Oh wait that was step 2.00001 on the way to phase 3.

No phase three is Constitutional amendment making Spanish the official language of the U.S.

Talk Radio and Spanish speaking formats is the way because that is who is listening and are in the majority. Radio has gone to the Spanish speaker because most Hispanic/Latino families are poor and cant afford to buy and additional service like XM or Sirius. Plus most listeners are only Spanish speakers and not bilingual. I used to participate in a marketing survey for radio stations. they would play sons for me and I would rate them. I would always rate the songs I really hated very high so they could get played and inevitable they would get played a lot more then before I took the phone survey

OK I will comment On the actual topic too I did not like R&R for many of the same reasons already stated. However I have never liked Malone. That guy sounds like he looks ugly. His face is perfect for radio. Malone makes Howard Stone show sound like quality radio, and the sad thing is that both R&R, Sam Malone and many others try very hard to emulate Howards format.

Howard Stone?

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How am I self loathing for being gay and conservative?

The conservative view is more positive and uplifting. I find liberals to generally be more mired in self hate. They blame anything in the world on America and believe that the US is alway the problem. Who's self loathing now?

Also: Conservative does not equal Republican

Conservatives aren't locked to one party. I'm registered as independant. How would you explain that I voted for Bill White?

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That pretty much why i'm happier being gay and conservative.

I find I can live my life with all the weight of self guilt my liberal friends always carry.

I started seeing that life wasn't always about the next thing to complain about. Instead, I like to enjoy life and the challenges it presents. It's a more positive way of enjoying life.

It's also why I'd rather listen to radio shows that generally back my view. I may not always agree with them, but that's where the talk in talk radio comes from. It's about logical discussion instead emotional tirades.

Also, morning shows like Roula and Ryan just aren't part of a money making model anymore. Morning radio shows will go the way of the Newspaper and National Network news. The listener, readers, and watchers want more than what they are being given.

People are looking for talent and not a formula based show cooked up by the station managers.

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I'm glad we can amuse you,

And for my next trick......

I like these discussions sometimes, as long as we don't go to mud slinging.

I don't like to personally attack people on here too. I'm not tring to convert people, but I have no problem displaying my position.

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Yes. He is certifiably worse than Pat Grey.

Glenn Beck is a radio god. As for Michael Savage - he's only saying what we, John Q. Public (as a majority) won't say.

Savage speaks for the majority? I don't think so. He sure as hell doesn't speak for me. Does the majority believe anyone that doesn't agree with Savage or the government should be tried for sedition and thrown in jail? Don't think so. As a gay man don't you find it offensive that he once told a gay caller that "I hope you catch AIDS and die"? And his constant crying that he couldn't get a university position because he is a white male is getting old. Could it have been he wasn't smart/talented enough? Having a PHD doesn't guarantee competence (see Lee Brown). Worst of all is his constant shilling of his damn books. His show is little more than an infommercial for Savage books.

Ooops sorry Jeebus. Your not a gay man. Thought I was replying to someone else.

Edited by west20th
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How am I self loathing for being gay and conservative?

The conservative view is more positive and uplifting. I find liberals to generally be more mired in self hate. They blame anything in the world on America and believe that the US is alway the problem. Who's self loathing now?

Also: Conservative does not equal Republican

Conservatives aren't locked to one party. I'm registered as independant. How would you explain that I voted for Bill White?

I find liberals to generally be more mired in self hate. They blame anything in the world on America and believe that the US is alway the problem.
ALL liberals? Every single one of them? Facinating.
How am I self loathing for being gay and conservative?

Because the party that most closely represents your conservative views (the Republican party) has formally inserted into their platform anti-gay planks that would legally deny you oh so many things.

In addition you can conduct a search of Savages most hatefull slurs against gays.

Savage speaks for the majority? I don't think so. He sure as hell doesn't speak for me. Does the majority believe anyone that doesn't agree with Savage or the government should be tried for sedition and thrown in jail? Don't think so. As a gay man don't you find it offensive that he once told a gay caller that "I hope you catch AIDS and die"? And his constant crying that he couldn't get a university position because he is a white male is getting old. Could it have been he wasn't smart/talented enough? Having a PHD doesn't guarantee competence (see Lee Brown). Worst of all is his constant shilling of his damn books. His show is little more than an infommercial for Savage books.

Ooops sorry Jeebus. Your not a gay man. Thought I was replying to someone else.

I could not have said it better, west.


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Savage speaks for the majority? I don't think so. He sure as hell doesn't speak for me. Does the majority believe anyone that doesn't agree with Savage or the government should be tried for sedition and thrown in jail? Don't think so. As a gay man don't you find it offensive that he once told a gay caller that "I hope you catch AIDS and die"? And his constant crying that he couldn't get a university position because he is a white male is getting old. Could it have been he wasn't smart/talented enough? Having a PHD doesn't guarantee competence (see Lee Brown). Worst of all is his constant shilling of his damn books. His show is little more than an infommercial for Savage books.

Ooops sorry Jeebus. Your not a gay man. Thought I was replying to someone else.

Hehe.. Who you callin' a homo? :P No, I'm not gay, thus I didn't find it offensive. He makes many statements that I 100% totally disagree with. However, he makes a few points that have merit. I do agree that he is a braggart. Either way, one should be able to listen to both liberal and conservative media and draw their own conclusions. Unfortunately most don't, which is why we have idiots who couldn't name five democratic senators or five republican senators (much less the two from their own state), yet still think they have the right opinion concering national affairs. Just watch the "Jay-Walking" segment on the Tonight Show for proof.

As for Mr. Savage, I made the statement because why else would the man have three best sellers, and a top rated radio show, if it weren't for popularity? Please insert right-wing conspiracy theory here: _________________________. He may not speak for you, but he's obviously speaking for someone - enough "someones" to grant him those ratings. ;)

..Notice that no one is arguing over Glenn Beck?

"I hope you catch AIDS and die"? !!!!

Man, he stole that from South Park!

What a rip!

I loved the episode where Subway Jared got "AIDS" to help him lose that weight, and he tells everyone they should get AIDS too! :lol:

EDIT: For you that didn't see the show, Jared didn't get AIDS - he got aides - to help him lose the weight.

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..Notice that no one is arguing over Glenn Beck?

I loved the episode where Subway Jared got "AIDS" to help him lose that weight, and he tells everyone they should get AIDS too! :lol:

EDIT: For you that didn't see the show, Jared didn't get AIDS - he got aides - to help him lose the weight.

Glenn Beck isn't too political so most people don't have a strong opinion on him one way or the other.

I've always heard the creators of "South Park" are gay. Anyone know if that is true? Gotta luv 'ol Big Gay Al'.

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They did go in drag to the academy awards after their song was nominated from the movie.

Also, I've heard savages view of gays. I don't completely agree. To some extent I do. I agree about the radical and sometimes militant activist that do nothing more than make more people not accept gays.

It's the same way I feel about far right wing conservatives that sometimes make the majority of conservatives seem crazy. Of course both sides have this. The liberals have Moveon.org, Michael Moore, and many other insightful groups.

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Also, I've heard savages view of gays. I don't completely agree. To some extent I do. I agree about the radical and sometimes militant activist that do nothing more than make more people not accept gays.

And those radical and militant activists would be? Oh you must mean those ones that want "special" rights. How dare those uppity 'mos want extra rights. We are already way more fabulous, what more do we want?!

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  • 2 years later...
Actually, I kind of like 104 in the morning because Malone is no longer there.

Sam Malone has been consistantly playing either "Higher" or "With Arms Wide Open" every other freaking day. Are we stuck in 2001? Give Creed a rest old man. I am tired of you playing it. <_<

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How about Sam's short lived AM talk show. That was a trainwreck. He's even less entertaining when he can't talk about "The Bachelor" and "Temptation Island".


p.s. How about Puma topping a 3 year old thread! :)

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