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What Kind Of Area Is Montrose?

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I've been researching more, and I've found Montrose to be in my price range. What kind of place is it like, and how "alternative" is it? (you know what I mean!)

It's not quite as "flambouyant" as it used to be. There really is no one "gay ghetto" any longer. Actually the Heights may be as "colorful" as Montrose these days. You may want to look into the Heights. Just as close in. Cheaper. And in my opinion a better place to live. But if you are dead set on a high-rise there aren't many choices in the Heights.

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I want to be in a neighborhood that gays aren't the majority. Some part of it makes me uncomfortable.

Remember this is Texas we're talking about, so even the gayest neighborhoods still aren't that gay. In no neighborhood are gays the majority, not even Montrose anymore.

However, the numbers of gay and lesbian members on HAIF are pretty high, and as with the group at large, we are a top notch resource for newcomers. Though I don't speak for anyone but myself, you might want to practice a little more restraint in posting unnecessary comments.

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I just feel uncomfortable living by them. I am entitled to have an opinion.

That may be a problem for you. While no neighborhood has a gay majority there is no neighborhood w/o gays either. Besides some people think we boost the property values.

Careful, I got in trouble for using the word "gay shacks" to describe the dumps off Fairview.

It's Ok. I'm one of "them".

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It just makes me feel "out of place" if I'm SURROUNDED by them. I was always against Gay Rights, Marriage is between a man and a woman.

<--------------(SLAMS ON THE BRAKES TO THE BUS ! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEECH !!!!). Son, let me tell you something, if you are gonna move to Houston,Tx. You are gonna have to embrace a little diversity,and tolerance in yourself. You may want to rethink the whole,"I'm moving to Houston thing." You may want to look into Baytown or Pasadena if you are worried about being "surrounded" by what I see for the most part as some pretty decent folks. Are you worried you might actually enjoy talking to a gay person ? Believe me you wouldn't know in this town who is gay or straight just by looking at them anyway. And, it's not the gay and lesbian crowd you have to worry about in Montrose, it's the junkies and panhandlers, and if you don't like them either, you are gonna have a tough time driving around Houston without seeing them. Sounds like you better just stay where you are Chief, I don't think this town is for you. We are way off subject now. <_<

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I like Houston, and don't plan on changing my move.

Then at the very least, give yourself a little attitude adjustment ! ;) It's not as laid back as Austin around here, but the majority around here aren't as uptight as you.

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I posted my opinion, I didn't say I hated them, I just feel uncomfortable living by them. I am entitled to have an opinion.

Oh well, so long as you don't hate THEM.

First off, on this board you ARE pretty darn close to being "surrounded" as you seem to fear so much. Be careful, between making sure everyone knows you have a Cadillac & searching for appropriately "upscale" housing, you are, gasp, communicating electronically with several homos via this board! OMG! :o

Possibly you would be more comfortable staying in Iowa. I know I would be more comfortable if you did. My opinion, I guess I am entitled to one as well.

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Well, this straight boy loves having gay neighbors. By and large, they are much more considerate than the conservative straight neighbors I had in the Woodlands. And they really don't wear their leather chaps that often here in the Heights. The one that wears his Native American headress around all the time kinda bothers me though. :lol:

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Nah, he wears furry boots, also.


I thought for sure, that I had hidden these pictures well. Look, I can explain, I was in college, and I needed the money.


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TJ, the jig is up. When the hush money stops, the pics come out. :P

I really wasn't on my game that day, The night before was a whirlwind, I felt really bloated there. Do I look fat in that thong ? I think I should go knock on Cadillac's door in that get up, and see how he likes Houston then.

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I really wasn't on my game that day, The night before was a whirlwind, I felt really bloated there. Do I look fat in that thong ? I think I should go knock on Cadillac's door in that get up, and see how he likes Houston then.

Didn't you used to dance at JR's? Sorry about dropping the change in your g-string but I was really tapped out at the time.


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