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Tropical Storm Harvey - 2017

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I wanted to pass along some information to residents from the City of Houston regarding Tropical Storm Harvey before it makes landfall later this week:


·         Monitor conditions with local media and through official channels, The City will post information as it becomes available at houstonemergency.org.

·         Make sure you have your emergency plan and kits ready to go. Food, water, First Aid Kits, medicines, flashlights, batteries, and safety supplies should be ready to go (for a full list – visit houstonemergency.org).

·         Residents should also identify a safe room to ride out the storm.  This should be an interior room away from windows and doors.

·         Residents in mobile homes, or in homes that may not be able to withstand the wind should be prepared to seek shelter in another, more substantial structure.

·         Move vehicles to higher ground beginning Friday – especially if your neighborhood is prone to street flooding.

·         Ensure that ditches/drains and culverts are clear of debris.  That also means keeping trash receptacles and recycling bins off of the street. These can float and block drainage.

·         Be sure to secure pets and verify that fences are not damaged before letting them into backyards. 

·         Houston residents should take steps ahead of time to prepare, including:

o   Securing any outdoor objects that may be picked up by the wind

o   Avoiding travel during periods of heavy rain, especially at night

o   Ensuring they have a flashlight and battery-powered radio to stay informed even if the power goes out

·         Stay informed by following the OEM on social media (@HoustonOEM on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).

·         If the storm causes damage to roadways, debris or trees in streets, or causes street flooding, residents can report these to Houston 311 so that the City can dispatch crews to remediate the situation.

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