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On 6/3/2017 at 9:46 AM, plumber2 said:

Thank you Republicans for screwing with one of the expanding markets in Houston and across the nation. Now we have to put all of our plans on hold and wait it out.



But, but they don't destroy jobs, they only create them right, right? 

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On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 11:10 AM, jmitch94 said:


But, but they don't destroy jobs, they only create them right, right? 

LOL please don't make me laugh too hard, I'm trying to eat a messy hot dog here !  Because you know, us working folk don't make the economy go, only the very wealthy do here in America, right ???


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It's not wrong. Trump's proposed budget slashes research and development spending. Unless the grown ups in both parties of the Senate act, then it could be a disaster, especially for large research institutions/hospitals. The waiting game is very real. Throw in the mess with healthcare and you've got a disaster lurking. Adding tens of millions to the insured rolls was a bonanza for hospitals. The threat of 24-30 million people losing their insurance is a nightmare. 

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On 6/3/2017 at 9:46 AM, plumber2 said:

Thank you Republicans for screwing with one of the expanding markets in Houston and across the nation. Now we have to put all of our plans on hold and wait it out.



Crony capitalism. Is not part, if not most, of the reason for the expansion because it was being propped up by taxpayers? Were it not for the government taking more money from taxpayers there would not have been the expansion. The growth was not organic.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/5/2017 at 9:00 PM, KinkaidAlum said:

It's not wrong. Trump's proposed budget slashes research and development spending. Unless the grown ups in both parties of the Senate act, then it could be a disaster, especially for large research institutions/hospitals. The waiting game is very real. Throw in the mess with healthcare and you've got a disaster lurking. Adding tens of millions to the insured rolls was a bonanza for hospitals. The threat of 24-30 million people losing their insurance is a nightmare. 


There’s no reason why research institutions/hospitals shouldn’t fund their own basic research. Indeed, If an institution wants the prestige and recognition of being highly ranked then they should be responsible for their own funding.

Be that as it may, proposed slashes in NIH funding wouldn’t affect Houston's institutions much. The biggest growth right now in the Med Center is coming from Dr. Ferrari’s Houston Methodist Research Institute,  and his labs receive almost 100% of their basic research funding from the Department of Defense and not NIH. If anything Trump’s proposed budget of increased military spending will create even more growth for the Med Center.  

If Hillary would have won and she would have slashed military spending even more than Obama has then that could have been a disaster for the Med Center and growth. Fortunately Trump won.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you. I feel so much better now that you explained this to me. When we are all sidelined and out of a job I'll remember your explanation and thank all of you (and Dr. Ferrari) who voted for Trump. 

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If you lose your job just get another one. The latest jobs numbers indicate strong job growth in health care. Health care employment increased by 37,000 in June.  So far this year, health care has added an average 24,000 jobs per month. These are not record jobs numbers, but they're not bad either. All in all very solid numbers for the health care sector. Thank you Pres. Trump. 

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On 7/11/2017 at 0:10 AM, 102IAHexpress said:

If you lose your job just get another one. The latest jobs numbers indicate strong job growth in health care. Health care employment increased by 37,000 in June.  So far this year, health care has added an average 24,000 jobs per month. These are not record jobs numbers, but they're not bad either. All in all very solid numbers for the health care sector. Thank you Pres. Trump. 

Healthcare IT Architect here. Those growth numbers are due to growth under Obamacare. They've started to slow hiring recently based on uncertainty in the markets with Trump. If the Senate Bill passes, we've already been told that the Medicaid cuts will have a detrimental impact on our business. You clearly are clueless when it comes to the reality of the healthcare landscape.

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1 hour ago, brian0123 said:

They've started to slow hiring recently based on uncertainty in the markets with Trump.


Incorrect. Hiring is up in healthcare recently. The Internet exists. Information is available to everyone for free.



The healthcare sector had the largest net positive change in jobs last month compared to May 2017 than any other sector. Admittedly, your sector, information IT is not doing that hot.


My wife is patient facing. MD/PhD, good friends with the CEO of Houston Methodist Research Institute. I am well aware of the clinical, basic research and administrative issues. As far as we can see since Trump became president, things are great. We recently moved to Chicago so my wife could accept a position at Northwestern Medical. The general economy in Chicago is not that great, however, even Healthcare is doing amazing up here. But feel free to clue me in regarding the landscape once you have treated a patient or written a grant proposal to NIH. 

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7 hours ago, 102IAHexpress said:


Incorrect. Hiring is up in healthcare recently. The Internet exists. Information is available to everyone for free.



The healthcare sector had the largest net positive change in jobs last month compared to May 2017 than any other sector. Admittedly, your sector, information IT is not doing that hot.


My wife is patient facing. MD/PhD, good friends with the CEO of Houston Methodist Research Institute. I am well aware of the clinical, basic research and administrative issues. As far as we can see since Trump became president, things are great. We recently moved to Chicago so my wife could accept a position at Northwestern Medical. The general economy in Chicago is not that great, however, even Healthcare is doing amazing up here. But feel free to clue me in regarding the landscape once you have treated a patient or written a grant proposal to NIH. 

Actually I'm published and do work on the clinical side daily (currently working to integrate AI to do a better job at predicting outcomes). While you seem keen on Trump, I suggest you look at the outpouring of healthcare orgs against the current house (and current Senate) bills. Yes, healthcare is doing great following Obamacare. That's what you're seeing. Trump has literally done nothing yet other than introduce uncertainty in the healthcare market.

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4 hours ago, brian0123 said:

Yes, healthcare is doing great following Obamacare. That's what you're seeing. Trump has literally done nothing yet other than introduce uncertainty in the healthcare market.


If what you say is true then wouldn't uncertainty = hiring freezes, slow growth? If I am uncertain about a sector why would I hire more employees in that sector?


Over a month ago on June 3, Plumber2 said without evidence that Republicans screwed up the expansion of the healthcare market. I didn't post anything then, because no matter how ridiculous the claim on this forum, I always analyze the data then I post. Who knows maybe plumbers wild claim was right? Maybe June was going to be a horrible month for healthcare growth across the nation? Nope. Sure enough he was wrong, facts prevailed, one month later, the June jobs report numbers show healthcare as the strongest market in the U.S. economy in June.


My analysis is that healthcare sector growth did very well under Pres Obama. I don't think anyone on this forum would dispute that. My analysis is also that healthcare is continuing to grow under Pres Trump. The claim that healthcare growth plans are on hold across the country is just false. 


oh and b, just my experience from the other threads, just ignore the trolls who mention to ignore the trolls. The mods just end up deleting their posts anyways. Thank you mods for deleting those trolling posts in the other threads. 



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102, it sounds like you're confusing growing numbers with actual growth and spending.  http://www.healthleadersmedia.com/hr/healthcare-job-growth-slows-2017?nopaging=1





Regarding what I'm personally talking about...I'm referring to what our CEO has told us directly about the Medicaid cut impacts to us.

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The Kaiser Family Foundation exists to analyze things like this.  


They have an interesting interactive map with which you can determine what the plan currently before the Senate would do to premiums, at (link).  I get to buy my own insurance, and my net premiums would more than double vs. what they would be under ACA (or Obamacare, or whatever you want to call it).

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6 hours ago, brian0123 said:

102, it sounds like you're confusing growing numbers with actual growth and spending


How are they different? You don't invest in hiring new workers unless you think those workers will make you more profitable. Now, you could argue that investment is not as high as it was this time last year. That's true, but a halt in investing has just not occurred. To suggest it is just not factually correct. 


Bottom line, the fundamentals are still true. Aging baby boomers will continue to age and will require more healthcare, more prescription drugs, more everything. Obamacare or no Obamacare will not change that market reality. The biggest access to this market for the aging population will be via Medicare and Medicare is not being messed with. 


Obama promised us that if we like our doctor we can keep our doctor, if we like our plan we can keep our plan, he promised us more choices in the individual market at lower prices. None of that has come true, accordingly there needs to be a correction. No matter the correction, the healthcare market will flourish because of the above fundamentals. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, 102IAHexpress said:

We've gone from Trump/Republicans have screwed up healthcare in the first post to now admitting Trump has not screwed up healthcare. Evidence and facts win again. 

You clearly don't understand how forecasting for future market events work. Trump/Repubs make threats to an industry... so they react. Trump/Repubs fail at said threats... industry reacts differently.

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the evidence does not agree with you. Hiring in healthcare has been booming regardless of the rhetoric. Which makes sense, since aging baby boomers are dictating the market, not Trump.


clearly those who run health care facilities know this and have forecasted baby boomer demand into their hiring practices. Clearly, only someone who has never hired patient facing employees would claim that a proposed legislation that has not even passed is a "market event".

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  • 1 month later...

All I know is that most of our construction projects that are in the planning stages have been put on hold. Projects that are underway are being allowed to continue. Yes, several clinical departments have hired and are hiring employees to fill these needs. However, these projects were planned and approved for capital spending several years ago. Nothing new is being considered now unless it is truly needed. Examples of that are replacing aging equipment and outdated facilities. The new project list is a fraction of what we are used to managing.

Just Sayin!

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  • 1 year later...

As compared to the Trump era, Obamacare has given a lot of beneficial factors by promoting healthcare among people. And just because of this actions, healthcare plans are growing because most of the people are now aware of the benefits they will get after claiming. It's true that now, baby boomers will continue to age and will require proper healthcare plan which will make the Medicare market grow to a greater extent. There are many websites (https://www.thehealthexchangeagency.com/about-us/) available from where one can get a detailed information about the growth factor in Medicare Plans among people.

Edited by MarcoFarber
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