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Effects Of Rita (backyard Pic)


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That leaf on the far right got torn up pretty bad. Are you going to move away? That would be too much for me.

My head is still spinning. How could you even ask me a thing like that right now? I swear some people are so insensitive! :angry:

You must be from Ch. 2, 11 or 13. Only they'd ask such a thing.

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A weather guy (not a meteorologist, I don't think) on a TV station in Idaho told the audience that the hurricanes were caused by the Japanese mafia using Russian weather control devices.

He has since quit the station to devote himself full-time to exploring this.

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unfortunately, you weren't kidding...

Forecaster leaves job to pursue weather theories

Hmm, interesting. Far fetched perhaps but possible. You can see the terroristic possibilities. Someone from some bedroom somewhere could cause enough hurricanes to bring the largest economy to its knees. Too many over a period of years would rouse suspicion and then the gig would be up.

So, if the guy gets rubbed out while eating sushi in a restaurant, we'll know he was on to something.

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I checked out the guy's website weatherwars.info and he made no mention at all of the giant nuclear powered Chinese rice press in remote western China that the plate in my head told me was causing all the hurricanes in the US. He is obviously a co-conspirator with the commie Chinese or a fraud. Just ask my plate...


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So, I guess this crap that man-made issues aren't causing more hurricanes is a load of crap! The Bush people knew about this and tried to blame it on us fornicators!

I'm so mad, I'm going out and buying me a hooker. Take that, you damn Christians!


Hey Red, I'm sure alot of hookers are Christians. They probably pray every night that they didn't catch AIDS or a STD of some sort. God love 'em !

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I checked out the guy's website weatherwars.info and he made no mention at all of the giant nuclear powered Chinese rice press in remote western China that the plate in my head told me was causing all the hurricanes in the US. He is obviously a co-conspirator with the commie Chinese or a fraud. Just ask my plate...


Huh? What? Has the world gone mad? Since when?

Citing "extermination" is crazy talk as is "global warming". B)

The norm. Cat doo.

That grass has rights too! :P

Edited by Sooner&RiceGrad
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I thought I explained it to you...the guy is whacko...just ask the plate in my head!


Nmainguy, did you ever see the" Texas chainsaw massacre 2" made in about 1989 or 1990. Leatherface's brother was hilarious,he had a plate in his head also, his famous "catch-phrase" for the movie was, " Lick my plate, you DOGD*#K !" It was so stupid, it was funny. Just felt like sharing that with you. :blink:

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