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What Would Be Your Downtown Plan?


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The light rail and the fountains need to stay. They help give downtown a sense of place. However, I think the rail cars should be more visable. Paint them bright red.

Not only would it give downtown a needed jolt of color, perhaps it would help to get motorists' attention and reduce collisions.

I seriously think we need some ads on our light rail vehicles to help with funds.

Here are some examples from Minneapolis' light rail vehicles. About the same age as Houston's. ipod wraps


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The light rail and the fountains need to stay. They help give downtown a sense of place. However, I think the rail cars should be more visable. Paint them bright red.

Not only would it give downtown a needed jolt of color, perhaps it would help to get motorists' attention and reduce collisions.

And metro could sell ads on the inside and outside like so many other cities do. A little extra cash never hurts. Maybe dedicate the $$ to help defray maintenance costs on the line?


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I would like to see adds on the METRO lightrail and buses. The adds to me make you feel like your in a really big city. Houston doesn't have that do they? I know Los Angeles has it. Another thing, METRO needs to update it's website. That think looks so cheap compared to other major cities tranist websites.

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I would like to see adds on the METRO lightrail and buses. The adds to me make you feel like your in a really big city. Houston doesn't have that do they? I know Los Angeles has it. Another thing, METRO needs to update it's website. That think looks so cheap compared to other major cities tranist websites.

Brownsville has ads wrapping their buses. :lol:

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Nice pics of Chicago, and L.A.~(?)

What would my downtown plan be, I wouldnt change a damn thing with the Bayou Plan, METRO's Main Street line is ok. Id add - a line of Electric Street Cars (just like they were before we wised up and took them out) to run down Washington Avenue and then on to the Heights. Might even concive of putting a similar line down West Gray - then turn it south on Shepard - until it hits Westheimer - then turn it back towards downtown and run it over to the University of Houston.

After that Id tear down Reliant Stadium - and move it/have it rebuilt just opposite of the music halls on the land now occupied by the Post Office. Devise a zoning height odinance to encourage - no inforce the development of highrises in downtown - and midrises in Midtown and the Hardy Yards.

I would move the new Catholic Cathedral north to be across from UHD (where our brilliant city leaders placed all of our Jail facilities) and move those some where southeast of downtown - perhaps on the border of Midtown and the Third Ward. Build a large plaza that would span across Buffalo Bayou directly in front of the Cathedral (the old Cathedral would be turned into either a gallery or perhaps a theatre - for silver screen?) Across from the Cathedral on the other side of the plaza Id develop (the City) - several 20 story highrises that would contain residential and commercial space (on the bottom 2 floors).

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I can't remember the exact locations, but I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.

There are areas of downtown that look like totally rundown warehouses and such. I would LOVE to see those areas become developments of sometype. I would also love to see the jails downtown moved somewhere out there, and the jails turned into retail or entertainment centers.

I'd like more Miami-type Residential high rises on the same locations as some of these run-down buildings

I MOST want to see Hard Rock Cafe either moved to Main Street's entertainment district, or take up a MASSIVE expansion. It's too small, yo! Wasn't it more spacious in Montrose? It needs to be one of the best and biggest in their chain. Heck, make it that worndown looking building beside Toyota Center and Root Park if you had to. You ever see the size of the ones in Las Vegas or Orlando? And then look at ours.

Plus I'd like to see a House of Blues downtown. I want Power Of Houston to come back. And I would LOVE for people to hang out at the new downtown park by the George R. Brown at night to admire our skyline without fear of being mugged or hurt.

Lastly, I would like to see all of Buffalo Bayou's renderings come to life within the next TEN years instead of 25.

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Be realistic though.  Make your plans match up with what is already there.

My plans would be to seperate downtown into different districts.  I would make the area around Minute Maid Park a Ballpark Neighborhood and continue the tradition with loft developments with a ballpark theme.  Not to tacky though.  Maybe regular midrise loft developments with sportsbars, internet cafes, and restaurants at the bottom floor of the lofts.

I would continue with plans for making the area around Main Street Square focused on retail.  Maybe add one more mixed use project with Houston Pavilions.  Open up the bottom floor of the Humble Building for more clothing retail and other buildings with bases that can use tenants.

In the historic district, I would definitely fill in some of those surface lots with midrise infill.  It seems like there are anough restaurants in the area, so I would probably lay off of the street level retail on the base of the buildings. 

Near the Convention Center, I would focus on building downtown's real community/neighborhood.  A great area for families.  Maybe place some modern rowhome type developments facing the park for easy access for pedestrians to walk to the park from their stoops.  I wouldn't change a thing about the park's plans.

I guess since there are not that many surface lots in the skyline district, I guess I would leave it alone and focus more on business like it already is.

The Theater District.  I would definitely feel that there needs to be more pedestrian malls and walkways and add some big led screens to the area.  Possibly place in a few midrise condos/lofts in the area.

Southend of downtown:  ??  LOL, but no really ??

I would not change the plans for the bayou.

What would some of your plans be for downtown?

I would pore 12 feet of concete over the whole thing and call it quits.

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I would put an HEB on the ground floor of any building downtown near the southern part.

Maybe like on Leeland and Main or bell and main. downtown needs a major grocery store I am tiered of having to drive to midtown or further for my food.

With all the residencial development going on Downtown, we DEFINATELY need 3 or 4 supermarkets on ground level of some of these high rises. Good point!

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