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Houston Super Bowl LI New Super Bowl Live Renderings


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what do you get for volunteering? (if you don't mind my asking).


when I volunteered for champ car, I got free entry to race day.


I wouldn't expect tickets to the game, but if the only benefit is getting to be a part of the show, I'll skip it.

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47 minutes ago, samagon said:

what do you get for volunteering? (if you don't mind my asking).


when I volunteered for champ car, I got free entry to race day.


I wouldn't expect tickets to the game, but if the only benefit is getting to be a part of the show, I'll skip it.


I don't know at this point if there are any freebies - they have already said no game tickets/passes.  


This is what their website says:  


"the Host Committee will give successful applicants a once-in-a-lifetime prize, the chance to be part of the Houston Super Bowl LI Host Committee’s Super Bowl festivities"


"Neither volunteer roles nor benefits include attendance at the game or access to the stadium on game day."

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Warning:  rant ahead.


The NFL had over half a billion dollars in revenue from the 2016 Super Bowl (c), excuse me, The Big Game, yet was a bad deal for the host city (apparently, as usual).  


With all that cash floating around, one would think that they could afford to pay the workers - but no, they don't even have access.  


(edit:  to try to get the links to appear, still unsuccessfully.  Google "Super Bowl Revenue 2016" and you'll get the gist.)

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4 hours ago, mollusk said:

Warning:  rant ahead.


The NFL had over half a billion dollars in revenue from the 2016 Super Bowl (c), excuse me, The Big Game, yet was a bad deal for the host city (apparently, as usual).  


With all that cash floating around, one would think that they could afford to pay the workers - but no, they don't even have access.  


(edit:  to try to get the links to appear, still unsuccessfully.  Google "Super Bowl Revenue 2016" and you'll get the gist.)

They are a for profit business. If I could get people to work for free I would too. 


Clear Channel does the same thing for concerts. At least those people get to see the show though.

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The NFL only recently dropped (well, last year recently) their tax exempt status. so yeah, they are now a for profit business.


Until that point they had been filing as a 501c6, a non profit organization that promotes their industry. they ran for 73 years as a non profit organization.


Clarification is that the teams have always been for profit businesses, the thing is that the super bowl is a game run by the nfl, not the teams.


Anyway, if a business wants to ask for volunteers to participate in their events, go for it. just don't expect me to line up unless I'm being fairly compensated in benefits. when I volunteered for champ car I did 8 hours of work, and got all weekend (including race day) access. roughly $130 value. So while I wasn't cut a check at the end, my time was worth about $16/hr for them. It was a good deal.


If I had a friend or loved one that participated in the Houston marathon, I'd probably volunteer at a water station, knowing my only pay was to support participants. I know lots of people who volunteer for the MS150. They get the benefit of donating their time to a good cause.


Anyway, I agree, I find it unconscionable that the NFL who stands to make tens of millions off the super bowl is not willing to compensate the people who volunteer, and the host committee is forced to provide that. But then, as long as there are people that find that "a once-in-a-lifetime prize, the chance to be part of the Houston Super Bowl LI Host Committee’s Super Bowl festivities" is ample compensation for their time, the NFL and host committee will do it for as little as possible.


It wouldn't take much for the NFL to get some memorabilia made. A football with super bowl stamped on it, and all the players signatures. It would cost like $1 to get something like that made in China, but it would be invaluable to a lot of people, especially if it were only available for the volunteers.

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I don't volunteer with expectations of being compensated - I volunteer because I like the cause/event and am happy to give my time - I volunteer on several Boards and some charity events and am not compensated for any of them and I am fine with that...


We learned that Super Bowl volunteers will receive "uniforms" (shirts, jackets, hats, and backpacks) -- also, speaking with people that have volunteered before, you usually get something depending on where you are volunteering - for example, one person's job was making swag bags for one of the SuperBowl parties, she got to keep one of the bags



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