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Stars Shine Over Houston

(HARRIS COUNTY, TX) --- Talk show host Oprah Winfrey, actor and comedian Jamie Foxx, and news correspondent Katie Couric were among the stars who came to Houston on Tuesday to meet with survivors of Hurricane Katrina.

Winfrey broadcast live from the floor of the Reliant Astrodome, Foxx walked through the Red Cross shelter, and Couric pre-recorded some survivor interviews that will be broadcast during the NBC "Today Show" on Wednesday morning.

New Orleans native and singer/ Harry Connick, Jr. performed for residents Tuesday night. Connick and jazz great Branford Marsalis, also a New Orleans native, both serve on the Habitat for Humanity's "Operation Home Delivery" program to assist Hurricane Katrina survivors.

In other news.

All residents of Reliant City were issued new color-coded wristbands on Tuesday in order to provide more security at the site and protect residents' safety. Residents not on the Reliant Park property by 11:00 p.m. will not be able to return until after 6:00 a.m.

The United States Postal Service has assigned Reliant Park its own ZIP code: 77230 will get mail from Louisiana re-routed faster to Houston. The new ZIP code for the George R. Brown Convention Center is 77247.

Volunteers are still needed at Reliant Park, but you no longer have to call first to register. Instead you can simply show up at the Yellow Parking Lot at Reliant Park. Volunteers will be given a brief orientation before being sent out to work.

Donations of cash, food, clothing and other items are not being accepted at Reliant Park, but food can be donated to the Houston Food Bank, clothing can be donated to the Star of Mission and Goodwill Industries, but the American Red Cross and other charities prefer charitable donations by check.

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That's cool about the zip codes.

As for celebrities, i don't really like it when they put themselves in the situation and bring cameras along. Except for one, Harry Connick Jr.

He tour the section of New Orleans where his father (former District Attorny for Orleans Parish) lives. While looking around he saw a man laying on a porch partially alive and naked. Connick gave the man the clothes off his back and carried him to the boat. The woman along with him was Hoda Kotb of NBC who was a former anchorwoman as the CBS affiliate in New Orleans. She new the city fairly well and was doing some good reporting on her own.

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I agree about Connick Jr., and I'm neutral over Oprah. I don't like Katie Couric - but that has nothing to do with the Hurricane.


Who I can't stand is Sean Penn. Thank God he was able to get down here and do some good though :rolleyes: . I'm just glad he was able to muster a personal video crew and photographer in a short enough period of time. <_<

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Doesn't a lot of the celebrity show of support for the victims fit into the category that Houston2Bastrop mentioned in another thread? They may not be doing this for the most altruistic of reasons, but if it garners more support for those that need it most, then maybe it is not so bad.

Besides, who cares what these bimbos (including male bimbos) do anyway? As long as they don't get in the way, who cares? Hear that, Sean? Stay out of the way.

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I hear Geraldo made a dramatic rescue on the air yesterday. The only problem was it was "take two". "Sorry honey but you've got to get back in that brackish filthy water so we can get the rescue on film". SPLASH. I know the Faux network has degenerated to be the "enquirer" of network news but would they stoop that low? Geraldo? I wouldn't put it past him. Does anytone know if this is actually true or is it a new urban legand?

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I hear Geraldo made a dramatic rescue on the air yesterday. The only problem was it was "take two". "Sorry honey but you've got to get back in that brackish filthy water so we can get the rescue on film". SPLASH. I know the Faux network has degenerated to be the "enquirer" of network news but would they stoop that low? Geraldo? I wouldn't put it past him. Does anytone know if this is actually true or is it a new urban legand?

Well, they don't call it FAUX News for nothing.


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It was urban legend. I know Geraldo is a little out there, but the rescuers who were right behind them wouldn't let this happen. I never muched like him, but he wouldn't stoop that low.

And please don't lump Geraldo into a part of the Fox News conspiracy that its a conservative news group. Geraldo is far from conservative and is actually quite liberal. So is Greta.

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It was urban legend.  I know Geraldo is a little out there, but the rescuers who were right behind them wouldn't let this happen.  I never muched like him, but he wouldn't stoop that low.

And please don't lump Geraldo into a part of the Fox News conspiracy that its a conservative news group.  Geraldo is far from conservative and is actually quite liberal.  So is Greta.

Wrong again, girlfriend. Every gay republican like your self knows that. :D


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It was urban legend.  I know Geraldo is a little out there, but the rescuers who were right behind them wouldn't let this happen.  I never muched like him, but he wouldn't stoop that low.

And please don't lump Geraldo into a part of the Fox News conspiracy that its a conservative news group.  Geraldo is far from conservative and is actually quite liberal.  So is Greta.

Faux news conspiracy has little to do with being conservative. They have a conservative bent because it sells. Their conspiracy is all about ratings. If they cease to be a serious news source they don't care. It's all about ratings. By the way it is nice to see Gretta do some real news for a change instead of the missing rich white girl de jour. And please, Geraldo would stoop that low and lower yet. His drama based reports on the hurricane have been awful. "the bodies are going to pop out of their graves and float down Bourbon Street, Oh did I mention the bodies are gonna pop out of their graves". I'm still waiting on the manufactured tears.

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While watching the local news coverage last week of when the first wave of the "guests of Texas" first arrived at the Dome, the anchor kept up a teaser of "see how one woman was overcome with emotion when she arrived" and they show a brief glimpse of a woman hugging a reporter. Then finally the 2 minute story airs, and the reporter is egging the woman on with paplum like "Aren't you happy to be here? Aren't you just so happy to be alive? Weren't you just so scared in the Superdome?" type crap, and the woman is answering back nicely enough, smiling but tired. But we don't see anyone overcome with emotion, then at the end of the piece, the reporter (now off-camera) half-mumbles to the woman, "Can I give you a hug?" (I think the reporter was Cynthia Hunt from Channel 13), and the woman leans over and gives her a little hug, just to get rid of her. The reporter ends it there, and the anchors look at each other and say "Now that is just so heart-warming!" (or totally manufactured....)

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The worst of the worst I've seen so far is Kris G-something (Hispanic last name) from Channel 2.

The night that the buses started arriving at the Astrodome (last Wednesday night?) and mass confusion reigned, he was stopping people from getting back on the bus to ask them such important questions as "How do you feel?".

Talk about your heartless him-bo.

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That's what I wrote earlier..."Stupid Questions asked" -How do you feel?"...their having a party GET ON!...how do you think THEY feel?!

and it was funnier when he got on the bus and the security called him saying, "Mr. You can't get on the bus"...and he repeats to us (as we didn't hear, "I am sorry I can't get on the bus right now")


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