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Former Alley Theatre Building At 3617 Main St.


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Oh my goodness -- are you new to Houston? The Alley Theater has been a very big deal in Houston since the early 1950s. It's recognized nationally as one of the best regional theaters, with a resident company of full-time professional actors. Check out the website, and take the time to read up on the Alley's history. 



Edited by FilioScotia
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The Alley Theatre company started in a room at the end of a long alley:


1947 - 1949



The Alley’s first home was a single, large room at 3617 Main Street, almost hidden at the end of a long alleyway and pinched between two retail stores. Rita Cobler, a founding board member, took one look at the alleyway and suggested the name “Alley” for the theatre



After a 2 years, their lease was cancelled and they moved into an old fan factory off of Louisiana


1949 - 1968



In 1949 the Alley Theatre moved from its original home in a Dance Studio at 3617 Main Street to an abandoned fan factory on Berry Avenue. To maintain the sense of the company’s name a small alleyway was created at the side of the property as the access between the lobby area and the stage


The current downtown building is the same one that they've been in since 1968



Construction on the new theatre began on August 10, 1966 with the dedication celebrated 26 months later on October 13, 1968.


From what I can tell, the fan factory is now an office for the Holy Rosary Church, though it's possible it was demolished and replaced with the current structure.  

The original theatre at 3617 Main still has an alley between two buildings (the brick building across from Mid Main and the other retail building) but I can't tell if the stage structure is still standing from Google Maps.


Source: all information and pictures from https://www.alleytheatre.org/about-us/history 

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  • The title was changed to Alley Theatre At 3617 Main St.
On 1/27/2016 at 11:21 AM, cspwal said:

The Alley Theatre company started in a room at the end of a long alley:


1947 - 1949

Today I found an amazing discovery!  I read an article in a newspaper that was written during the time they were in that small studio at 3617 Main St. Southwestern Times dated October 16, 1947. 

Braeswood Actress To Direct Alley Theatre

Nina Vance of 2213 Dorrington in Braeswood,  well known Houston actress, last week was elected director of the Alley Theatre at an organization meeting
attending by over 100 Houstonians.

The group, which ultimately hopes to build its own theatre, will begin offering productions of the "intimate" or "circle" style in a studio at 3617 Main Street, the director said. Tryouts for the groups first production are now underway, Mrs. Vance Said.


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  • 2 months later...

Went and saw Damn Yankees there in the mid 50's. Our neighbor and my godfather played one of the leads, and was married to Marrieta Marich. His name was Bob. They later had a dinner theater. She went on to play the mother in a later version of the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. She and my dad had a Saturday afternoon TV show featuring a movie an old take on dinner and a movie in the fifties on KPRC. They sang together with a live band in the studio. Dick Shannon who had the dixienauts at the dome was the leader and also wrote the the old UToTem jingle. You tell em - Utotem. Crazy childhood days!

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  • The title was changed to Former Alley Theatre Building At 3617 Main St.

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