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In DC, we need a metro

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It's actually a fun neighborhood. That's why it costs so much. That's why people are willing to pay that amount to live there. There is a massive demand. But keep talking from the outside looking in.


If i were in a fun neighborhood in NYC I don't think I'd spend as much time as you do posting to this thread.  Is the outside talking to the outside here?


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If i were in a fun neighborhood in NYC I don't think I'd spend as much time as you do posting to this thread. Is the outside talking to the outside here?

I'd guess so, since he seems to have no real idea of the state of the stores there.

Any pictures to prove you're there?

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You can now go back to your life in college station. And I can stop wasting time arguing with a country bumpkin about how fortunate I am to travel like I do. I'll be in Chicago this weekend do you need evidence of that also? What a joke.

Edited by Slick Vik
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You can now go back to your life in college station. And I can stop wasting time arguing with a country bumpkin about how fortunate I am to travel like I do. I'll be in Chicago this weekend do you need evidence of that also? What a joke.

For such a world traveler, you still have bigoted and prejudiced views. And it's partly cloudy right now in NYC too, not clear. ;)

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It's been a while, December 2012 was the last time. Downtown Bryan actually had some charm to it though.

You don't know how to win friends. You are not the kind of person I thnk I would like. I have no dog in this fight, but your snarkiness is extremely undesirable and counter to what you think you're proving. You aren't sophisticated, you're mean spirited.

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In Chicago right now. Impressive metro system and downtown here too, ground floor retail everywhere. Houston is 50-100 years behind.


Wow. Thanks for the update. I had no idea Chicago had a larger downtown with ground floor retail everywhere AND a metro system. Without your traveling reports, we'd never have known how badly Houston sucks and how badly behind the times we are.


Gosh, just think, if we'd have been as cool as Chicago, we wouldn't have lost population over the last few decades...

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