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College Football 2014!


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Morning HAIF,


College Football is upon us! I know that there was a college football 2013 tread, but decided to start one for this season. This will be a continuous thread for this college football season! Anything related to college football, teams, stories, whatever lol. BTHO South Carolina, Aggies! Gig'em. Good luck to everyone elses team....except South Carolina of course >.>

Edited by Luminare
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Hope you don't mind if I hijack your thread off the bat but just want to add another link for anyone who wants to do the college football pick 'em challenge that we've been doing the last few years.  We have 5 people signed up so far but more would be better.




It's private and if that link doesn't work for you the group name is: HAIF 2014 


Password: haif2014


To make this more related to your topic...I'm expecting some bigger things from my Red Raiders this year with Davis Webb and having a returning defensive coordinator for the first time in about 5 years. Some stability will hopefully do us some good!

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