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Pecore St. & Tabor St.


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I noticed a variance request up across from the church.  It seems like they are trying to replot two of the four lots there into one lot?  at over 8k sq. ft.  It also mentioned for commercial use.  Anyone know whats going on there?   Any other plan for the the other two lots? 




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It's not really Woodland Heights; if it were, it wouldn't pass the deed restrictions.  The actual WH subdivision is several blocks south, and even the neighborhood association generally ends at Pecore.  That nit aside, though, it is consistent in scale with the sort of commercial structure that was built on semi commercial streets like Pecore back in the day, and probably would do so more if it didn't have to accommodate the current day "Let's Make Everything Look Like FM 1960" parking ordinance.

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  • The title was changed to Pecore St. & Tabor St.

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