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Greenhouse Corporate Centre: Greenhouse Rd. At I-10

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In a town that is built on oil, calling your new development "GreenHouse" may likely not be the best leasing strategy. They might even wish to change the name of the street.

No one with money will care what it's called.

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No one with money will care what it's called.


But, do you really see a come at like Kinder Morgan renting space in a development like "Greenhouse"?

My guess is that a number of businesses having little to so with fossil fuel production will happily lease space. But, IMO, folks in the fossil fuel business will decide there are addresses that are better for them.

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But, do you really see a come at like Kinder Morgan renting space in a development like "Greenhouse"?

My guess is that a number of businesses having little to so with fossil fuel production will happily lease space. But, IMO, folks in the fossil fuel business will decide there are addresses that are better for them.

I don't think it's much of an issue. If a company like Kinder Morgan wanted to lease space there, they would make sure the name of the building changed to the Kinder Morgan Corporate Center or something. If the company leasing is not large enough to get naming rights, then they won't care.

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I don't think it's much of an issue. If a company like Kinder Morgan wanted to lease space there, they would make sure the name of the building changed to the Kinder Morgan Corporate Center or something. If the company leasing is not large enough to get naming rights, then they won't care.

Do you really think that Big Oil would lease a place on "Greenhouse road" with or without naming rights to the building? Do you really think that they would want 1000 employees passing out business cards that say:

Jim Smith

Marketing Director

Acme Oil Company

#### Greenhouse Road

Houston, TX 77###

Personally, I believe that they would pass.

Of course, many others, not related to fossil fuels would not care.

My only point was that if the owners of this development wished to maximize their leasing potential, a road name change would certainly help. If not, they will have no issue leasing this property in this economy but, they will likely not be leasing to the predominate industry in town - fossil fuels.

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  • The title was changed to Greenhouse Corporate Centre: Greenhouse Rd. At I-10

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