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Houston ranked one of top 10 ugliest cities

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Houston, we have a problem: You’re ugly. This is the United States’ fourth largest city when it comes to population, but the attraction sure isn’t scenery. There are many other ugly American cities (let’s face it — American metropolises aren’t exactly beauties: Atlanta, Cleveland…), but this one should win the title of ugliest of them all, with a large impoverished and homeless population (close to one in five families live below the poverty line) and a cityscape with no formal zoning regulations.



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I think Houston lacks some of the "polish" that Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin tend to have, but to me, Houston has a lot of what I call "city-ness". Bryan has it. College Station doesn't, partially because it's newer and perceived to be nicer. It's pretty tough to describe, but it's best when you combine a somewhat aging road with a plethora of random businesses. But if you consider that to be ugly, there's plenty of neighborhoods just outside of 610 that have huge houses and lots of shade...and if you don't like that, then...


Oh, and I consider this quote:

with a large impoverished and homeless population 


to be mostly true of ANY city, and Houston has a proportion so it's not ALL bad. Compare those same proportions to different cities even within Texas, like, say Waco, and you'll find that Houston comes out quite on top.

Edited by IronTiger
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