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Master Of Urban Planning In Houston?


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Hi all, I'm thinking about returning to Houston after 10 years in NYC.  I'd like to leave my current career and get my MUP. The only accredited school in Houston appears to be TSU.  Does anyone know anything about this program?  I'm aware of TSU's less than stellar reputation, but since this is the only program in Houston, does it hold some weight?


Additionally, is there anyone who has a graduate degree from another school in Houston that is now practicing Urban Planning?  


Any insight is appreciated.  

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  • 2 months later...

Have you considered pursuing a M of UP from one of the online universities?  Any number of major schools offer the degree you want online.  Here are the top ten.




It's a sad commentary, but a degree from TSU won't open very many doors for you, whereas, a degree from any of those top ten universities will open the world up for you. The only advantage TSU might offer is the cost. You'll pay less to attend TSU than practically anyplace else.


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I don't think the masters from TSU will close doors.  Far from it.  It isn't an undergraduate degree, and even if it was my experience is a lot of employers will hire you because of you and not because of the degree (particularly in this town in regards to architectural jobs).  I've seen folks with degrees from note worthy institutions both here in state and outside of it who come across as far from formally educated.


Remember the profession of architecture isn't about where you went to school, it is about the rich people you know who want to build something!  And you can have a degree from Po-Dunk University provided you have a sense of design and know and understand at least a few things about architectural concepts.  I think a masters in urban design/planning will help you find a niche in this town.

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