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10 reasons why so many people are moving to Texas

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Because we can never have too many articles boosting Houston and Texas.



Every way you look at it, there are a lot of people moving to Texas.

Five of the 10 fastest-growing cities in the country between 2011 and 2012 were in Texas, according to new figures from the US Census Bureau. New York is way out in front in terms of added population, but Houston is second with San Antonio and Austin fourth and fifth.

In terms of percentage growth, it's even more Texas, Texas, Texas. Among the five cities that grew most, as a proportion of their size, between 2011 and 2012, three are Texan. San Marcos is out in front with the highest rate of growth among all US cities and towns - 4.9%.

Some of this Texan population boom is due to a natural increase - more births than deaths - but the numbers moving into the state from elsewhere in the US and from abroad far outstrip every other American state. Why?








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I read this on my phone this morning. I always enjoy BBC because it's more worldy news, but this article was kinda of dumb-like.


"It's not Texas at all and that's what I liked about it. I don't know Texas very well, I grew up in Chicago, but Austin is not Texas because you think of 10-gallon hats and guys on horseback. It's a cliché but Austin isn't like that, it's hip and in the now. The rest of Texas is very conservative."


Why of all people did they interview this guy? The only thing right about this part alone is "I don't know Texas very well", No S#it.

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Some of the Brits comments are amusing. Like the the guy that said he lived in Houston and it was hot in the summer and had snow in the winter. He must have confused Houston with Dallas. Most comments are favorable of Texas. People in Europe love Texans for some reason, even though they might not care for Americans.  

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I live in an eastern part suburban area of Detroit. I have also spent many time in San Francisco and a few other locations in the US but Texas is my favorite city. I have just one reason to live here is I'm familiar with it and having lived here most of my life.

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