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hurricane sandy and the upcoming presidential election


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do you think the east coast disaster will have an effect on the outcome of the election? will the disaster give more opportunities for voter fraud? will it help or hurt incumbents? do you wish the election were over?

frankly, i'm tired of politics; however, i do not think the election unimportant. i wonder if there are districts in the disaster area where voting regulations will be loosened (id checks, handwritten or punched ballots) to "help".

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I can't tell if Red is being sarcastic or not.

I have not been paying close attention to the situation, but in the context of the election, that is sad many people won't be able to vote. Is there actual thought the states could flip the vote because of this?

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I heard from my mom that rush Limbaugh thinks that when president Obama was in the war room that he was working with lawyers to find holes in the election process should Romney win those states.

I'm really not sure if my mom took my silence as shock that Obama would do such a thing, or shock at Limbaugh just vomiting stuff like that on the radio, and worse that she might actually believe it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe anyone who would be running for the presidency wouldn't look for advantage anywhere they can, but that's pretty far afield.

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I can't tell if Red is being sarcastic or not.

Look at the polls in NY and NJ and then decide if I am being sarcastic. The person who should be asked about sarcasm is bachanon. Why would there be voter fraud in two of the most reliably Democratic states in the country? Is this how far some people have fallen for conspiracy theories?

Unless he is suggesting that the GOP would be committing the fraud, in which case I'd point out that Republicans don't dirty their hands with voting for dead people. They go large by owning the companies that sell electronic voting machines. Much easier to rewrite computer code than vote for dead people.

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Look at the polls in NY and NJ and then decide if I am being sarcastic. The person who should be asked about sarcasm is bachanon. Why would there be voter fraud in two of the most reliably Democratic states in the country? Is this how far some people have fallen for conspiracy theories?

Unless he is suggesting that the GOP would be committing the fraud, in which case I'd point out that Republicans don't dirty their hands with voting for dead people. They go large by owning the companies that sell electronic voting machines. Much easier to rewrite computer code than vote for dead people.

The hurricane won't affect the reliably democrat states....we may have lower turnout, but that wont matter...people who live in big cities tend to become heavily dependent on the government. Whether it be for roads, debris removal, police protection, or trash pickup - they look to the government to solve their problems....The NE will still vote heavily democrat.

As to voter fraud - I think its quite funny that Red believes republicans would try to rig an election through code on a computer...Doing things like that leaves digital footprints that are not difficult to track down - No, I don't believe any republican group would do such a thing. I think the majority of voter fraud is committed by people voting more than once in different precincts (which I personally witnessed in 2008) and also by groups like Acorn, or others who will make fraudulent voters and then send them to the polls...Its small tactics that when aggregated make a difference....it also leaves little trace as the people are half the time fictitious.

Voter fraud is a problem in this country, and so is government dependence, but alas none of it matters...more than half the population is too dumb to really understand the implication of their vote or why they are voting for one party over their other...most just vote the way their parents voted without any thought whatsoever as to why....America has become full of uneducated buffoons, and the tone of our politics reflects it.

As long as people continue to get their information from the media, which is as corrupt as the politicians, there will be no good information....mainstream media is slanted so far to the left as to be laughable, and foxnews and the online media sources that are not left slanted are right slanted...there is no more neutral media. They are all in the tank 100% on one side or the other. You have to watch both and then average them to hope for some semblance of reality.

The dumbing down and entitled nature of America today is depressing to watch....I believe its time for a reset...time to put folks back to work and take away entitlements. I dont however believe that either party has the fortitude to do what is necessary...

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As to voter fraud - I think its quite funny that Red believes republicans would try to rig an election through code on a computer...Doing things like that leaves digital footprints that are not difficult to track down - No, I don't believe any republican group would do such a thing.

The software is proprietary and closed source. We can't look inside of it. The Ohio Sec State just applied unapproved patches to the software: http://www.salon.com...oting_machines/

Edited by kylejack
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The hurricane won't affect the reliably democrat states....we may have lower turnout, but that wont matter...people who live in big cities tend to become heavily dependent on the government. Whether it be for roads, debris removal, police protection, or trash pickup - they look to the government to solve their problems....The NE will still vote heavily democrat.

New York and New Jersey both pay more in federal taxes than they receive in federal funding. Ironically, it's the tea party states that tend to get the most federal welfare. So, your theory is debunked.


As to voter fraud - I think its quite funny that Red believes republicans would try to rig an election through code on a computer...Doing things like that leaves digital footprints that are not difficult to track down - No, I don't believe any republican group would do such a thing. I think the majority of voter fraud is committed by people voting more than once in different precincts (which I personally witnessed in 2008) and also by groups like Acorn, or others who will make fraudulent voters and then send them to the polls...Its small tactics that when aggregated make a difference....it also leaves little trace as the people are half the time fictitious.

Voter fraud is a problem in this country, and so is government dependence, but alas none of it matters...more than half the population is too dumb to really understand the implication of their vote or why they are voting for one party over their other...most just vote the way their parents voted without any thought whatsoever as to why....America has become full of uneducated buffoons, and the tone of our politics reflects it.

And yet there is no evidence that voter fraud has been of any significance in federal elections in this country, even after numerous investigations, including a 5-year effort by the previous administration.

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New York and New Jersey both pay more in federal taxes than they receive in federal funding. Ironically, it's the tea party states that tend to get the most federal welfare. So, your theory is debunked.


And yet there is no evidence that voter fraud has been of any significance in federal elections in this country, even after numerous investigations, including a 5-year effort by the previous administration.

I was not commenting about taxes, I was commenting on their dependency on the government to solve their problems...City dwellers are dependent on government for everything in the NE, including transportation....when public services shut down these people are literally stranded without anything.

However, in response to your post - its pretty clear why major cities are exporters of income...they have more people in a smaller area to serve....Texas probably recieves a tremendous amount of federal funding for its roads because it simply has more of them...I would not be surprised if its 100x what Rhode Island receives but so what? What does that matter? Its a pointless statistic.

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