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London Bombed

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Well, when we build our wall, I hope they choose an architecturally pleasing design, instead of that dreary cold war ____ that the Soviets did.

I lwould like something like this:


It would be great for tourism...oh wait, tourists are foreigners. Well, maybe tourists from Iowa would come see it.

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We truly wouldn't need a wall. I would be cheaper to have something similar to the minutemen.

There tour in Arizona improved the conditions along the border a lot.

I'd be willing to have the state or federal government contract them out.

These guys followed the rules and essentially just performed a citizen's arrest and turn the illegals over.

No one is opposed to immigration. Just illegal immigration. I thinkt he immigration process should be refined and quickened but have the security checks needed to weed out the bad people. I'm all for them coming over here and working, let's just do it in a legal way. I have two people in my office that are current working throught the system to be citizens. One is from India and one is from Lebanon. They are extreme heated over the fact that these illegals just cross the border and come into the country an nothing happpens. And then Bush is actually talking about amnesty, but he has recently pulled that because much of the country is opposed to that.

Let's fix the INS process and take care this problem.

Also, why is it that Mexico shoots and/or sends back illegal immigrants on their southern border, but if we send them back along our southern we are racists and anti-Mexico? Seems like a double standard.

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Closed borders is absurd.  Controled borders is the answer.

I agree - completely.

As for the aethetics of the wall, I don't really care. I would think maybe something with a southwestern flair. Either way, we need to get back to the basics around here. I would look to companies who manufacture only American made goods for the future business plan. I would also encourage the nation to find a way to replace the 33% of oil it get from the middle east somewhere else instead. I would put the farmers back on top, as without them, we have no food or fabric.

And finally - I would back out of all high risk areas like Iraq, Afgahnistan, Bosnia, South Korea - heavily fortify our positions in Germany & Japan - and start focusing on homeland security.

Don't close the borders - just control them. Yes, I agree.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, but weren't today's bombings just copy catters? If they were a real cell unfortunately, there would have probably been a lot more damage.

Yeah I think that is what they think. But still the only skill you need here is how to make a rudimentary bomb and that you are willing to kill yourself. Which is what makes these type of people so dangerous.

BTW today there were 2 explosions

2 duds

no injuries

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I don't think the terrorists that killed themselves in London meant to. I think they were remotely triggered by a mastermind who had convinced the bomb-deliverers that they would just make the drop by a certain time and then get off. The real plan was to set them all off at the same time, probably via cell-phone detonator so that there would be no "witnesses".

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