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Houston Radio


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The jingle from the 'Q Morning Zoo' is still stuck in my head - it might be worth trying to have sugically removed!

Remember Mr. Leonards? "That sure is a pretty dress, but it's a booger to iron."

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Speaking of olden times, I just discovered recently that Col St James was still on the air. Whatever the classic rock station is now? Christ on a cracker, he was on KILT back when they were a rival to KLOL!

All dudes on the radio should sound like Roark on KPFT. Sans the constant public radio beg-a-thon, though. Now that I'm thinking of it, forget Siri, I want that guy dictating my calendar and reading back my notes. "Roark! Cancel my meetings today! I'm going to chill." "Whatever you say, Kathy. Let me turn on your pandora station. Should I have bourbon and nachos delivered? I think you would enjoy a massage."

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I can only speak for sure for the ones listed for KILT (610). RB McEntire was the morning news anchor, Jim Carola was News Director and afternoon anchor. He also was long-time PA announcer at the Dome for Oilers games but was not a sports reporter. Pat Hernandez, the only one of the three still active (at KUHF) was the leg-man - he covered city hall, the courthouse, major news conferences including sports, but was not primarily a sports reporter. KILT may have been listed because they still had what was considered for the time a full-service news department instead of just people ripping and reading wire copy to fulfill a news commitment.

Many of those other names have been primarily considered sports reporters but I don't know what programming they did, for instance, the three listed for KIKK-FM: did KIKK-FM have any dedicated sports shows or just drop-ins in newscasts? I have no idea.

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Those were the good old days of radio. RB is a neighbor of mine. We were having a discussion not long ago about how different radio is today. Biggest difference is there are no local owners. Every station is owned by a conglomerate based in NYC.

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Those were the good old days of radio. RB is a neighbor of mine. We were having a discussion not long ago about how different radio is today. Biggest difference is there are no local owners. Every station is owned by a conglomerate based in NYC.

Except they are all owned by Clear Channel - a conglomerate based in San Antonio.

(which technically is owned by Bain Capital out of Boston).


Cool. I still have the silver-head KLOL bumper sticker around the house somewhere.

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Does anybody remember Jon Matthew (before he pulled a My Sharona) being the comic foil to Moby (before he went to Dallas and went country) on 97 FM's morning show? 101-KLOL vs 97 Rock was a great rivalry back in the day.

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Does anybody remember Jon Matthew (before he pulled a My Sharona) being the comic foil to Moby (before he went to Dallas and went country) on 97 FM's morning show? 101-KLOL vs 97 Rock was a great rivalry back in the day.

Wasn't Moby the "Get your lazy asses out of bed" one? I had a colleague who idolized him.

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radio in Houston is too compartmentalized... We don't have a true rock station like Corpus, Vegas, and most other markets.

instead, we have The Buzz that only plays stuff from new bands and Metallica, three classic rock stations that fight with each other, and we have Outlaw Dave on the 9-5-0.

I didn't hear the new Van Halen song on the radio until I went to Vegas for a week- all the Houston stations could learn a few lessons from C101 in Corpus and KOMP in Vegas... :)

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I miss the old KTRH. I miss album rock stations. Hell, I miss variety in radio stations. Truth is, I listen to either NPR or the BBC news on Pacifica on my drive into work. Morning shows are just blah blah blah by grownups acting like a bunch of teenagers, pretending to be oh so clever and funny. Guys? You are not. Neither is your audience.

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Back then Houston had a "Beautiful Music" radio station. As a young lad sharing my great-grandmother's taste in music, I used to study with it as background music. Odd that the "Beautiful Music" format sort of vanished. Houston also had the great classical station KLEF.

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The Beautiful Music station was KXYZ AM and FM. It started that format in the late 50s, and I loved it. It wasn't just elevator or doctor's office music. It was real orchestral popular music performed by people you've heard of.

Sometime around 1965, the owner -- Lester Kamin -- decided to change the format to less "Beautiful Music" to more "Pop" music. He threw out the orchestral stuff and went to pop singers and big bands. In 1966 he hired KPRC DJ Bill Calder to be his program director and do an air shift. Calder fired all the deep throated announcers -- like the great Pat Brown, Larry Fogle, and Richard Fulghum -- the guys who made the Beautiful Music programs sound so great, and replaced them with livelier but less interesting Pop Music DJ's from other cities.

I couldn't stand listening to Calder because of his obnoxious on-air persona and his giant ego. He actually believed people wanted to hear HIM, and the music he played was just filler between his DJ riffs. He just ruined a great station, in my opinion. He only lasted about a year at KXYZ before he got canned and moved on, but the damage had been done. KXYZ was never the same.

If you want proof of what I say about Calder, check out the chronological list of radio stations where he worked, and the fact that he didn't work more than about a year at any of those stations. He wore out his welcome pretty quickly and left a trail of destruction everywhere he went.


In 1968, Kamin gave up trying to revive KXYZ and sold it to ABC Radio.

Edited by FilioScotia
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  • The title was changed to Houston Radio

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