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Suniland Furniture At 2817 Main St.


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Hello, we're looking to rehab and redevelop the old Suniland Furniture building at Main and Tuam in Midtown. Below are photos of the building in its current state. If anyone has any photos of the building as it originally looked, we would love you forever! We think it was built in 1928 (and, obviously, added onto over the years). The downtown library doesn't seem to have any photos of the building.





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I used to work for MHMRA many years ago and there was an early picture (1930's era) of the building hanging on the wall in someone's office. I recall that the windows in the picture were of the multi-paned casement variety.

Have you contacted MHMRA to see if they still have the picture or anything in regards to the building?

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Louis Shanks bought Suniland in the mid 90s and kept a couple of stores open as Louis Shanks Fine Furniture. You might try Shanks and see if they have any historical information about the company, old employees, etc., or they might be able to put you in touch with the previous owners.

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Thank you, brucesw and sixthwardguy. I'll follow up with MHMRA and Louis Shanks and see if they have anything. Depending on what we can find, we'll gear the development to respond to the building. I'll keep you all posted when there's more definitive info.


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  • 11 months later...
  • 7 years later...
On 11/6/2020 at 7:41 PM, Former Sunilander said:

I realize this post is old. I worked for Suniland from the late ‘70’s until they sold out to Shanks. I have many pictures of the old buildings & employees. They we’re going to be thrown away, but being the pack rat I am, I took them. Contact me if you still have any interest. I’m 71. When I go, they’ll be lost.  

Please consider donating them to the Houston Metropolitan Research Center housed in the Julia Ideson Building of the Houston Public Library. Here is a link to the HMRC web site: https://houstonlibrary.org/research/special-collections/houston-metropolitan-research-center . Thank you also for holding on to the pictures. They may have more significance than you might suspect.

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  • The title was changed to Suniland Furniture At 2817 Main St.

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