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I've been looking for an apartment for my family to move to in the next 3-4 weeks. I've come upon this website, apartmentratings.com, and look on that site to see rating and comments for as many complexes as I can.

However, that site is very depressing and discouraging because it seems like EVERY complex has a problem with 'ghetto' people, car break-ins, rapes, fights, thefts, shootings, sex in pools and hot tubs, roaches, mold, rats, crappy management, and any other complaint you can think of. The problem is that you see the people complaining all day and then tell you to look elsewhere. But where? Everything else seems to be a dump according to these people. Then you throw in that anyone can write reviews, so you could have a bad resident write bad reviews on a complex b/c they were disciplined or you could have employees write glowing reviews about these places --but you can't tell the difference.

Anyone have any advice? Every complex in my price range all seems to be bad dreams waiting to happen, and I wouldn't care as much if it was just me--but I have a wife and 21 month old to protect also.

Another thing that makes looking for an apartment hard is that in the area that we'll probably end up living in (northwest), there seems to be shadiness all over--even as far out as Huffmeister.

I got so fed up that I decided to look at rental homes, but most of the ones in my price range are in almost equally questionable areas. The job that I finally got is paying me less than I anticipated, so I can't afford $900-$1000 a month payments right now--unless I take up a second job. Honestly, I just might if it means getting my family to a decent place.

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Well, you're going to have to do what my wife and I did, which is ask yourself how much is your family's safety worth? The answer for us was about $800.00 a month over here in Westchase. Its not Fort Knox, but its definately safer than most areas.

As for the norethwest side, you're right. Old Spring Branch, Longpoint, Antoine, West Tidwell, and the likes are all struggling neighborhoods. You might have to hop back on 290 and head further out. I hate to tell you that, but the NW side is very limited it seems.

The best advice I can give is to drive around and literally shop every complex in the area you want to live in. From there, you'll have to decide. I spent weeks driving through complexes in the evenings to see if there were people gathering in the parking lots, I would ask people checking their mail by the front office what they thought of the place, and I would check the HPD website for crime activity in those areas (cross referenced by street & address).

Its a tough thing to find a decent apartment, but once you do - you'll be glad you took all that time. Oh, and you will pay too much to live somewhere safe AND inside the city.

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I have to agree with you as far as the NW is struggling a bit, also note that that particular website also has competing apartment managers writing those articles as well. (I know two managers who admited doing so).

In regards to safety/location, I again have to stress, even in "Good parts" of town and "complexes" crime occurs. Unless you have someone that has a personal grudge against you, you can't predict what will happen where and what the final outcome will be.

CO has excellent advice as far as investigating various properties during various times of the day and night if time isn't a factor for you.


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I live close to Westchase and my rent isn't bad. I was looking at a Washer/dryer in the unit, free cable, personal fitness trainer, the management is VERY helpful. I had a hard time finding an authentic place too. Everything on paper looks good and then may go ghetto when you move in.

I lived off Richmond near Briarpark. It was so nice to live in a townhouse. UNTIL the place turned ghetto. I parked my car on the curb and it got damaged overnight cost my dad $1000 to fix the side doors. Not like my truck was sticking out or anything. People just drove the street careless.

Finding parking was another issue...I had a hard time finding parking OFF the street!

The constant notes on my door saying "be careful" or some sort of crime had happened...I got out of there. I couldn't take it anymore. I moved to somewhere where I am around more things like the grocery store and shops in my area.

:) Convience and being that I don't make alot either...I found someplace that's comfortable in my price range.

Well, you're going to have to do what my wife and I did, which is ask yourself how much is your family's safety worth? The answer for us was about $800.00 a month over here in Westchase. Its not Fort Knox, but its definately safer than most areas.

As for the norethwest side, you're right. Old Spring Branch, Longpoint, Antoine, West Tidwell, and the likes are all struggling neighborhoods. You might have to hop back on 290 and head further out. I hate to tell you that, but the NW side is very limited it seems.

The best advice I can give is to drive around and literally shop every complex in the area you want to live in. From there, you'll have to decide. I spent weeks driving through complexes in the evenings to see if there were people gathering in the parking lots, I would ask people checking their mail by the front office what they thought of the place, and I would check the HPD website for crime activity in those areas (cross referenced by street & address).

Its a tough thing to find a decent apartment, but once you do - you'll be glad you took all that time. Oh, and you will pay too much to live somewhere safe AND inside the city.

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I put in my two cents worth on apartment ratings.com on another thread. personally I wouldn't put much weight behind it.

It has been my experience that most crime in apartment complexes, (unless they are in really rough parts of town), is limited to issues in the parking lot. Cars stolen, broken into, etc. Whenever there was a break in, 99% of the time it is someone that knew that resident and knew what was in that apartment. Think about it, if there is 300 units and one may have a bean bag chair and a tv and the next one may have top of the line electronics and jewelry, how would a robber choose which ones to hit? It is almost always someone that has been in the apartment, (and not the maintenance man).

For that reason I would pay extra for something with a garage. The other factor that has a lot to do with crime rates is whether or not the complex is in an "apartment row." If you are in an apartment "area", even a nice one like Eldridge, you are more subject to crime. the criminals that look to "work" parking lots are going to go to areas where they can hit several apartment complexes. Also, if one complex is not holding up on qualifying criteria, it can negatively impact all those around it. If possible, pick one that is off by itself.

One myth is smaller complexes are somehow better. Not true. Smaller properties are always training grounds for new managers. They have smaller staffs and smaller budgets to pay them. The offices may be less busy and it may be possible to get more personalized attention, but chances are the larger complexes will have a much more seasoned and professional manager. They have bigger budgets to pay for better talent. Not always true, but usually the case.

Checking a property at night, and scoping out the mailbox area at the 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. range will give you the most accurate picture of who really lives there.

Also, look for deferred maintenance and the general condition of the office. Are there files everywhere? Is everyone just sitting around and acting bothered that you came in? Are the door jams and carpet dirty in the office? If so, then don't expect a very high standard on how they take care of you. If you see dirty grounds, pools in disarray, peeling paint, etc. Then they may not have the money to pay for supplies to service residents needs. A newer property should be white-glove military inspection clean. It should look absolutely crisp. If it is not, you may have trouble because they are not meeting the standards they should be meeting.

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There are some duplexes/condos that line the entrance to Ravensway off Huffmeister. They are about 22 years old. I don't know what the tenants are like, but I generally feel safe in the area.

HAR shows three units currently available, ranging from $625 to $695 a month (search for "ravensway")


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Another thing that makes looking for an apartment hard is that in the area that we'll probably end up living in (northwest), there seems to be shadiness all over--even as far out as Huffmeister.

is this location job related, or just price-friendlier for you?

i have been living near 290 and hollister for a couple months now...it is "apartment row" there - many larger complexes, many people, many fast food choices, and a whole lotta concrete!

the problem is, most of these apartment complexes were built "nicer" (ie crown molding, blahblahblah) but are having to cut rent drastically to get people in. i know that they advertise my unit for about $750 a month - and we definitely don't pay that - and nor do the neighbors.

the crime is a little higher around there, but mostly limited to auto theft and burglary.

i am hesitant to say they are much different than any other complexes in the city...

anyhow, i would recommend flying by the area between 610 and the belt on 290....stick to jones road area, like Toolman suggested...

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Suburban vs. inner-loop wars aside, my experience has been that the inner-loop apartment properties tend to have much less crime. Memorial Club at Westcott & Washington used to be okay, nothing fancy. But the location was great & the rates weren't too bad. The crime there was minimal and the area around it had not gentrified as much as it has now. So unless they have really gone down, it should still be okay.

In general, a cheaper complex close in tends to have a better resident profile than a similiar priced complex farther out.

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