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College Football 2011


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I know it's slightly early... but between conference expansion talks last week and the coaches poll this week.. I'm all psyched up for the only sport that really matters.

It's effin College Football Time !!

I've set up this years College Football pick'em over at ESPN.

Group name: Haif 2011 and as usual, password : Haif

Playing with confidence points this year.

Please have your profile or team name contain your Haif name so we know who the competition is.

I'll bump this as the month progresses so we get our usual dozen or so signed up. The more, the merrier.

If anyone has any thoughts on conference expansion, teams over/underrated in the coaching poll, early Heisman favorites, anything relevant to the upcoming season.. bring it.

I know it's slightly under 4 weeks away.. but opening weekend is going to have 5 consecutive days of college football. How awesome is that !

Edited by Highway6
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I bet you knew I would respond first. College football is the best, no question. But I have a feeling the aggies and my team (LSU) are a bit overrated coming into this season. Our OC got diagnosed with Parkinson's, so plan B there can't be as good. We're going to be good, and we'll have some good games, but without that solid leader at QB we will have some disappointing ones too. In the end, it doesn't matter. My tigers have already won 2 more national championships than I thought they would in my lifetime. Of course that easy-going attitude goes bye-bye on game day, I'm a total basket case. Doesn't matter. The anticipation each week and the joy of watching a win is better than it could be with any other sport. So bring it on!

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Yeah, Kragthorpe was OC at A&M when I was there.. brought us our only Big XII championship. That's pretty tough on him and his family.

Preseason polls.. well.. I can see why some say they're meaningless, but ya gotta start somewhere. SEC deservedly gets lots of respect, LSU finished top 10 and with a bowl win so I don't really see them as overrated.

A&M - I can understand if people think they're slightly over ranked, though I'd say anyone that thinks they don't belong in the top 15 is high. Then again, the next 5 below us all lost their bowl games as well, so do they deserve a slightly higher ranking, doubtful.

I think Auburn and TCU got downgraded a wee bit much, despite losing their starting QBs.

I think with all the SECede talk the past 2 summers and what I see as inevitability of Aggies heading east, I'll be following SEC football more closely this season.

I don't really know what to think about the longhorns this yr.. two coordinator changes and still have Gilbert under center.. I'll be honest, I hope they have another season of suck.. but who knows.

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I'm keeping as much info to myself as possible, but I think this will likely be the year that the title leaves the SEC and checks into another conference or 2 for 4-6 yrs. Remember when it was all about Florida State, Oklahoma, USC and Ohio State? Also, Auburn was a below average team w/o Newton/Fairley and at times they were average w/those guys. LSU and Bama are the SEC's only solid bets and Florida/Arkansas may have a slither of hope as well.

Auburn's title run will actually haunt the SEC this year given the chances that Auburn may win 8-9 games at most. At that point beating the previous ntl. champ will not weigh very heavy at all, so LSU NEEDS to beat Oregon for the SEC to have any type of power on the national scene....Just an observation.

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the first one that jumps out is how a 5-7 UT team gets ranked 24th???

I think Von Miller being gone will have a bigger effect that predicted. Its a convenient excuse for some teams to not be ranked because they lose players, but then for other teams that lose key players the media acts like its no big deal.

Same thing for OSU (Ok State), ranked way too high.

but nothing new, the preseason are usually just chatter to get the enthusiasm up for the season around the corner

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I'm in once again. Was hoping to sign in as an official future SEC member. Instead we are still waiting to see if we can find a conference that will take us and so I guess you'd call it that we are "speculative???" SEC member.

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I'm in once again. Was hoping to sign in as an official future SEC member. Instead we are still waiting to see if we can find a conference that will take us and so I guess you'd call it that we are "speculative???" SEC member.

Don't fret.. SEC will happen before the season starts. Guaranteed.

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As an alumnus of a founding SEC member school, I'm not sure how I feel about all the shuffling talk. Talk radio (not local, can't stand those idiots) are all over the place with where it could go. I like the idea of the SEC getting A&M, Clemson, and Florida St. Not Miami, not the idiotic rumor about Missouri. So, that's 4. But I think we should combine that with giving 2 back to the ACC - Kentucky and Vanderbilt. They're both more basketball schools, and Vandy's academics fit in better with them than with the likes of Auburn and other moron schools. That would shuffle things up but keep it at 14, and it would add 2 in-state rivals (for SC and UF), and give us (LSU) back our long time rival. They've tried to make LSU-Arkansas be the rival game, end of the year big thing with the huge boot trophy, but we just don't care about them. But lots of us grew up when LSU and A&M played the first or second game every year, that's a much better rivalry.

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Doesn't sound like Clemson or Florida St are viable options. I've read numerous articles about some SEC schools that apparently have a gentleman's agreement not to invite schools that infringe on the footprint of existing SEC schools. This also goes for Georgia Tech. So as a block, Florida, Georgia, and SC are going to keep out FSU, Clemson, and GT.... least that's what it sounds like.

I've heard Virginia Tech and West Virginia tossed around with Mizzou as possible #14.

Personally, I'd like to see VT come in; I have a soft spot for them since they have a Corps of Cadets and use to send over exchange cadets to A&M. Plus Beamer has always come across as a likable guy. Plus they get sympathy points for the campus shooting. And finally, it's part a result of leading a weaker conference, but they've consistently had 9+ win seasons since the mid 90s.. Seems like a winning partner to me.

From the standpoint of the things that count.. supposedly they bring in the DC tv market.. and I would say they have the most national name recognition and football success out of those 3 (VT, MZ, WV)

All that being said.. VT might not want to come until conference Armageddon is closer at hand considering how easily they dominate the ACC

PS. Miami died today.. they aren't going anywhere.

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College Football pick'em over at ESPN.

Group name: Haif 2011

password : Haif

Season kickoffs 2 weeks from tonight.

We have 6 people signed up.

Reminder for current participants.. it's no fun not knowing which haifers to make fun of during the season. Please make either user name or team name match your haify Id.


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I'm actually more excited about the season starting now that our QB is suspended. He's just not that good. I think we saw the best he was going to be. I don't think we've seen the best of the other 2 yet. I think we'll lose 3-4 games this year, but we're overrated to start with. It's all about how we ended the season. We lost our team leader and 3-4 best players from last year, there's gonna be a drop. Bring it on.

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I'm actually more excited about the season starting now that our QB is suspended. He's just not that good. I think we saw the best he was going to be. I don't think we've seen the best of the other 2 yet. I think we'll lose 3-4 games this year, but we're overrated to start with. It's all about how we ended the season. We lost our team leader and 3-4 best players from last year, there's gonna be a drop. Bring it on.

Yeah.. I don't know much about your former QB... but I'm guessing losing 3 starters (once you include WR Russell and LB Johns) a week and a half before you open against a top 5 team probably isn't very good for ya.

Love your optimism.. and I was rooting for LSU.. but i think I'll be changing my pick to Oregon now.

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College Football pick'em over at ESPN.

Group name: Haif 2011

password : Haif

We have myself, 20thdad, The Pragmatist, Sowaname, Aggie92, and 3rdDownPunt signed up.

3rd Down Punt.... Distrubaire PE, is that you ?

Tubleweed and OriginalTimmy.. You two plan on signing up ?

Lockmat, Red, Brijon.. seems like we're still missing some of our football contests regulars.

First game that counts is actually Saturday 11am, so you have a week to sign up.

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Texas A&M is officially announcing its intention to leave the Big 12. I'm excited to see how we will do in the SEC. Renewing some old rivalries will be cool to see, too. I just wonder what this means for the Lone Star Showdown.

Happy Happy ! Joy Joy !!

It's certainly been fun watching the sports twittersphere speculate and explode the past few weeks, and this is certainly the outcome this Aggie wanted, but I'm ready to get this over with so the fans can focus on the season.

I expect to see a press conference with Slive and Loftin tomorrow.

College Football pick'em over at ESPN.

Group name: Haif 2011

password : Haif

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Happy Happy ! Joy Joy !!

It's certainly been fun watching the sports twittersphere speculate and explode the past few weeks, and this is certainly the outcome this Aggie wanted, but I'm ready to get this over with so the fans can focus on the season.

I expect to see a press conference with Slive and Loftin tomorrow.

College Football pick'em over at ESPN.

Group name: Haif 2011

password : Haif

Yep, it's time to pay attention to 2011. BTHO SMU!

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Side bet -

Since it's not on this weekend's slate of games due to being on a Friday night.

I'm picking Baylor over TCU. TCU has lost too many starters and their 15 minutes are up.

Nice call so far, 34-23 with 5 left in the half! Patterson should have left after last year, it won't ever get any better than that for TCU. I know they think they are special (same delusion aggies usually have), but last year was as good as it gets.

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