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Around Houston (70+ Pics)

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Great pix as always! Thank God I have a high speed connection, it makes looking at photos such a pleasure. Rice U in your shots looks very beautiful and very green. What a pretty campus, and so well located. And now on the light rail too!

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Nice pics!

Now, one question; where is this located? I have seen many pics of it, but I still have no idea where it is, exactly:


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Has anyone else noticed that nearly every picture you see of downtown Houston is of this building and surrounding buildings? Why? When I first noticed it was when the superbowl came to Houston and I kind of liked it, but now I hate it I wish they would Change the whole face of the building.

Building sign: "Easy Credit" How Ugly <_<


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Hey Texasboy, could you take pictures of Greenspoint?

i'm sorry but ha not interested enough. like i said before other than the airport i have no interest for the north side when i lived in houston and when i come back to houston. but seriously what is in greenspoint but some dull box scrapers surrounded by a decaying mall? if you have been there you would say the same thing.

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Has anyone else noticed that nearly every picture you see of downtown Houston is of this building and surrounding buildings? Why? When I first noticed it was when the superbowl came to Houston and I kind of liked it, but now I hate it I wish they would Change the whole face of the building.

Building sign: "Easy Credit" How Ugly <_<


You're kidding, right? That's a GREAT old advertisement...it fits well in the "hip" Main Street scene. Just a handful of years ago, that was also the location of NOTSUOH, a great little coffee shop/bar/reading room/chess club/hangout for the homeless/people watching spot. I don't remember when NOTSUOH opened, but it seems to me like it was way out in front of all the "revitalization" of downtown. At least before everyone started "dressing up" to go downtown...back when the only drinking establishments were the "totally unhip" Brewery Tap, Warren's, Market Square, La Carafe, and the Lone Star Saloon.

Ah, the good ol' days.

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i'm sorry but ha not interested enough.  like i said before other than the airport i have no interest for the north side when i lived in houston and when i come back to houston.  but seriously what is in greenspoint but some dull box scrapers surrounded by a decaying mall?  if you have been there you would say the same thing.

How about the Woodlands? I think pictures of the riverwalk and all the new development in that area would be very nice to look at.

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^ If you look closley, the building could use some updating

everything does not need to be updated you know. It's called character. What would the French Quarter be today if it were updated from its original 17th century, or however old it is, charm or Boston updating its Colonial era neighborhoods. It would be nothing special. Just like any other city. I think you would appreciate some buildings more if you thought differently. Houston would probably be a better city today if a lot of the history was not torn down or gentrified in downtown. where do you think all those parking lots on the edge of downtown came from? or how some parts of fourth ward lost some of its charm, yes it had some charm to it, through the overly gentrified sterile townhomes you see there today? just a thought.

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everything does not need to be updated you know.  It's called character.  What would the French Quarter be today if it were updated from its original 17th century, or however old it is, charm or Boston updating its Colonial era neighborhoods.  It would be nothing special.  Just like any other city.  I think you would appreciate some buildings more if you thought differently.  Houston would probably be a better city today if a lot of the history was not torn down or gentrified in downtown. where do you think all those parking lots on the edge of downtown came from?  or how some parts of fourth ward lost some of its charm, yes it had some charm to it, through the overly gentrified sterile townhomes you see there today?  just a thought.

I agree 100%!

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To go back to the original pictures (I'm trying to get caught up here), what is that monument / structure there at the end of the reflecting pool in Hermann Park?

I haven't been down there recently - obviously this is similar to the Washington Monument and reflecting pool in Washington D.C., only on a smaller scale. Is our monument dedicated to anything or anyone in particular? Am I correct in thinking that this is recent construction?

Can't we think of anything more original than copying the D.C. layout?

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It was originally built in 1916 but was renovated recently. My second semester final for my landscape architecture studio was a proposal of this park that my professors at Tech designed. It didnt win but was in the top 8...they both look quite similair however

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