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HAIF HD-5 upgrade


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In reply to your final post on the HD4 thread...

"The old forum software didn't have a 12/24/48-hour topic list. But what it did was defaulted to the option to show you all posts you hadn't read.

That feature still exists. It's in your Settings area:


That solution does not solve the problem I laid out. That is how my search setting is configured.

If a thread I visited yesterday has not received a new post by anyone since my last visit, then neither of those two settings above will allow me to find it. Only a "show me active past 24 hrs" button would. If that's never been nor ever will be an option.. so be it.

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In reply to your final post on the HD4 thread...

"The old forum software didn't have a 12/24/48-hour topic list. But what it did was defaulted to the option to show you all posts you hadn't read.

That feature still exists. It's in your Settings area:


That solution does not solve the problem I laid out. That is how my search setting is configured.

If a thread I visited yesterday has not received a new post by anyone since my last visit, then neither of those two settings above will allow me to find it. Only a "show me active past 24 hrs" button would. If that's never been nor ever will be an option.. so be it.

Sorry. I must have misread what you wrote. I don't remember if there was a 12/24/48 hour option before. I'm fairly certain there wasn't, though there's no way to go back to be sure.

I've added your request to the list of things I'm going to try to implement with the new upgrade. If I'm able to make it happen, I'll post here.

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A quick update about some things I'm working on --

It looks like we'll go back to the "classic" HAIF colors. The current color scheme is a little jarring, IMO. Also, I think the old blue shades kind of defined HAIF in the old days and made it stand out. I think I'm going to be able to bring that color scheme back from the dead. If you are new, or don't remember what the old colors looked like, they still exist on HAIF:Now.

Sharing a topic on Facebook, Twitter, etc... will be a little easier, or at least more explicit.

If someone shares a thread on Facebook, you will the number of people who have done so.

I think HAIF:Maps is coming back. Maybe not today, but likely soon.

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OK, I'm going to switch everyone over to the new system now. It's not quite complete. There are a number of features that have to be re-enabled or migrated or merely switched on. It will take a few days to shake everything out.

If you notice a feature missing, something not quite right, or a way to improve things, let me know. I don't commit myself to tinkering with the guts of HAIF very often, so if you want something, this is your chance to ask.

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I've changed the way HAIF pushes CSS to your computer.

It used to be that all of the so-called "styling" (colors and formatting mostly) were delivered to your web browser as a separate file. This was done to speed up the loading of HAIF pages. What would happen is your browser only had to check once a day or so to see if the CSS file changed or not, and if it hadn't would just use the old copy it cached on your computer rather than fetching a fresh copy from HAIF.

Well, not everyone's computer wants to play nicely. Some people using older browsers (*cough* Internet Exploder *cough*) or unusual connections (often satellite connections to oil drilling sites in the Gulf of Wyoming or other remote places) wouldn't get the styles right. For various reasons their browsers would load the text and pictures, but not the style file. These instances have been described as HAIF looking "low resolution" or "1994."

So, what I've done is jam a compressed version of the style file into each HAIF page as it is delivered to you. This makes page loading slower for people who aren't on broadband connections. But I just checked, and these days only 1.79% of HAIF visitors are on dialup. So, I'm afraid you guys are going to have to suck it up for the benefit of those with outdated browsers. I know this affects about 600 people, but I'm not sure what else to do.

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If you're a HAIF subscriber, let me know if you see ads on HAIF. You shouldn't, but I'd like confirmation to make sure.

Also, for those of you who haven't signed up for ad-free HAIF -- With this new system, you no longer have to wait up to 24 hours for the ads to disappear. Once you pay for your subscription, the ads should disappear almost immediately.

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What about making sticky threads for those developments that are popular/in the planning/under construction/likely to be commented on over a long period of time? Ones that are more than just, "Michael Jackson RIP" that we know we'll come back to later? I'm not sure who would decide, I guess the mods (maybe via user request?).

They could stay in their regular forum and then maybe duplicated into a "popular" sub-forum?

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I removed the forum icons from the front page. They just seemed like so much clutter with the new/old design.

I'm also updating the forum section descriptions. Some of them are a few years out of date.

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You can now push your Twitter profile picture to be used as your HAIF profile picture.

You can now push your Twitter avatar so it is used as your HAIF avatar.

You can now push your Twitter About Me bio so it is your HAIF About Me bio.

You can now link your Twitter tweets so they become your HAIF status.

You can now export your HAIF status so it becomes a Twitter tweet.

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You can now sync your HAIF profile picture with your Facebook picture.

You can now sync your HAIF avatar with your Facebook picture.

You can now update your HAIF "About Me" with your Facebook "About Me"

You can now sync your HAIF status to your Facebook status.

You can now sync your Facebook status to your HAIF status.

!! ALERT !!

If you sync both your Twitter and Facebook accounts with your HAIF account, be sure not to select overlapping options. For example, if you set both Facebook and Twitter to update your HAIF status, they will constantly overwrite each other.

You can now quickly share HAIF discussions through Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Google Reader/Wave, Del.icio.us, Reddit, StumbleUpon, or e-mail. You can also print or download a PDF.

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People have long requested the ability to preview a topic without actually going into the topic, itself. All of the implementations I've seen to date have been really ugly and obnoxious, with windows popping up all over the screen. Really brutal.

Now it is possible to do that on HAIF -- but it's been implemented in a civilized manner.

When you hover your mouse over a thread title, there is an icon with a green arrow. Click it and the preview appears.

I think this is a pretty good compromise.


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How's this:

Be able to just blank out a topic you don't have an interest in reading or mark it read by clicking a button?

Sometimes the "Mark all read" can just blank stuff you don't mean to.

The system looks great, Ed. :)

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Be able to just blank out a topic you don't have an interest in reading or mark it read by clicking a button?

Sometimes the "Mark all read" can just blank stuff you don't mean to.

Do you mean mark a single thread read with a single click, or do you mean click something to cause a thread to never show up in your unread threads list ever again?

Looks great... my only sugguestion would be that the icons for "no new posts" and "new posts" are *really* similar looking. Hard to tell the difference (to me) at first glance

Yeah, the default icons are really fugly. They look like they're straight out of the internet's mid-90's Playskool era.

Fortunately, Highway6 is taking a stab at making some replacement icons for us. Hopefully we'll see what he comes up with by the end of the week.

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Fortunately, Highway6 is taking a stab at making some replacement icons for us. Hopefully we'll see what he comes up with by the end of the week.

If they're anywhere near as awesome as his Bagwell/derrick/shuttle monument idea, he might be the first person ever to win a Nobel prize for icon design.

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the location of the ads makes everything look much better, too.

Don't get too excited there. I still have some tweaking to do. There are certain items which have disappeared that I'm still obligated to put back in once I find a way.

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Do you mean mark a single thread read with a single click, or do you mean click something to cause a thread to never show up in your unread threads list ever again?

I would prefer to just click and never see that thread again, but if I can just bypass by just clicking it and disappear for that session, that would work too.

Oh yeah, put the "-" back on? Please? :)

Pretty please?

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