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The Jerk Meter


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I lived in College Station for 4 years, I can't say I enjoyed it much.

But no, it's not because you live there, though, I hope that you wise up and leave as soon as you can from that cookie cutter town.

Cookie cutter town? If you're talking about political views, the lean is conservative, but that's not to say there aren't vocal liberals. If you're talking homes, I can prove that Houston's suburbs is full of sprawling homes, all similar. If you're talking about restaurants...I'd tend to agree with you.

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The plusses and minuses are pretty useless, so why get worked up about them? They aren't currency. You can't barter them for anything. You can't eat them. You can't wear them. Plus, there are some cantankerous "jerks" on this board who would use the minuses simply out of spite, regardless of the thought or argument.

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...and AtticaFlinch laughs at other posters when they make a statement that they trip on.

You mean the guy who called people who disagreed with him an anti-American, socialist, communist Marxist?

He didn't trip on those words, and he deserves my laughter.

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You mean the guy who called people who disagreed with him an anti-American, socialist, communist Marxist?

He didn't trip on those words, and he deserves my laughter.

No, he stated that the more green you got, the more liberal you were. Not to worry, his "reputation" is still negative.

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Let's just make a big poster board with our names and put gold and silver stars on it when we do good stuff.

Or we could stop opening pointless threads. Either way.

Ooo.. a shared google docs spread sheet with 100s of collaborators...

We can make this beautifully awesome disaster of an idea work.

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One of the things I noticed that I feel needs to be addressed is the point feature.

"But IronTiger! You said you didn't care about your + count!"

I don't. But what I despise is people getting the points for being overtly hateful, condescending, and just plain a**hole-ish. I have seen it again and again, often the same group of people racking up points. This needs to stop, and I am increasingly viewing the "reputation" meter as the "jerk meter"...the more you act like a jerk, you get points. Acting like a jackass? Peeling apart arguments and making cheap shots at others' beliefs? What good have you done?

Look, to those who earn their points legitimately and aren't jerks...I'm sorry. But I just cannot tolerate the people who get rewarded by their "friends" for acting like, as Editor puts it, "assclowns".

Sorry I'm getting here a couple of days late for this thread. I wish I'd seen it when it started so I could have stopped it before it became three pages long.

For the record, I didn't read the entire thread. Just the first post by IronTiger, and it really has me shaking my head.


Did it not occur to you that since the last flamewar was touched off by my defense of one of your posts that MAYBE YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN FOR A WHILE?!

All of those things I wrote to Niche and Bag and Red apply to you as well. You must respect your fellow HAIFers. You must play nice with others. And... and this is the big one... THINK BEFORE YOU POST. Ask yourself, "Does this post enhance or degrade HAIF?" I think it's clear from reading the very first post in this thread that it can only serve to make people angry. Is that your intent, or was it just to draw attention to yourself?

If I may put some words in Niche and Red's mouths, they thought you were stupid. The problem wasn't with their thoughts on the matter, but with the way it was handled. I think you write a lot of stupid things, too. The difference is I don't call you names over it. But after you decided to start another flame war with this post, I bet a lot more people see things their way. You only brought it on yourself. Do you think you have some kind of carte blanche around here because I took your side on one issue?

Also, you get a system warning for violating the Terms of Service you agreed to when you signed up for HAIF. Specicifcally,

Vulgarities are not permitted. Using symbols to evade the banned words filter will result in warnings. Repeated violations may result in suspension or termination of your account.

I'd ding you extra for poor judgement, but there's nothing in the rules about that.

As for the points system -- if you don't like it, don't use it. I like it. I also liked the negative points thing, but that was abused. You may not agree with Niche and LTAWACS posts, but there are lots of other people who do and it's perfectly within their rights to mod those posts up. If your estimation is true that they're only getting points because they're friends with someone -- SO WHAT??? What's the harm? Spend six years on HAIF making intelligent posts and I bet you'll have a posse, too. Keep making posts like the one that started this thread, and you'll find no one interested in reading your posts or reaching for that little green + button.

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We can also install a Grease Monkey script that will make the negative vote appear again.

Actually, I wonder if there's a way to make the negative and positive only appear for certain users.

Taking it one step further -- link it to a PayPal API so that every time someone uses the [-] they end up donating money to charity.

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Actually, I wonder if there's a way to make the negative and positive only appear for certain users.

Taking it one step further -- link it to a PayPal API so that every time someone uses the [-] they end up donating money to charity.

Oh, like a probation period, then you have to reach a certain threshold of +'s before you can redeem yourself. :mellow:

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Oh, like a probation period, then you have to reach a certain threshold of +'s before you can redeem yourself. :mellow:

Yeah. Or maybe you have to make xx number of posts before you're allowed to use the + and then another number before you can use -.

I'll put it on my list of thins to look into today.

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I saw someone using this software once invoked the Israeli keyboard setting on his Mac and wrote everything right-to-left. Then whenever someone would reply to his post, their words would go the same direction. It's probably been fixed by now, though.

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