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The best of Austin


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Anyone familiar with my work on City-Data knows I'm not Austin's biggest fan. So, here's a refutation of that article to reflect my version of the so-called truth.

Best Barbecue: Actually, it's near Austin, but not in Austin. Lockhart, Luling and one single joint in San Marcos called Southwest BBQ have the best barbecue in Texas.

Killer Mexican Food: Actually, the blandest Mexican food offerings of all Texas' major cities. But they're hip, cool and weird. They might get an extra style point or two, I suppose.

Live Music: Yeah, there's live music there. It's got ACL and SXSW, but (in my opinion) that speaks more to the quality of the fans than the musicians. Anybody of any renown who plays in Austin plays in DFW, Houston and San Antonio too. A band's more likely to get blind appreciation in Austin than in Houston, but a band that's successful in Houston is more likely to actually be good.

Austin Style: Everything listed in this section is hardly unique to Austin. What's just silly is that the article spends 3/4 of the paragraph discussing western wear when you're more likely to see a suit and tie, khaki shorts or dreadlocks in Austin than a cowboy hat.

The Story of Texas: Yeah, because whatever Austin has is far more relevant than the Alamo or the actual site where the state/country won its independence (Houston/Deer Park).

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This list is a tepid joke, but consider the source. It's a fluff article in a fluff advertainment freebie magazine designed to sell more hotel rooms to people on expense accounts.

I have my issues with Austin's poorly managed growth and feeble attempts at selling out its authenticity to the rest of the world, but it still is a place I know well and like a lot.

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