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traffic study in my neighborhood?


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Hey all,

I live in Katy, and am having huge problems with traffic on my street. I've estimated that over 2000 cars a day pass through, and many are teenagers who are doing at least 40mph. this street is NOT on a main road. It is a neighborhood street with homes facing outward.

Anyway, I have several neighbors that want to demand that our HOA put in speed bumps to slow traffic, though it was tried a few years ago to no avail. The difference now, is that because many of the drivers are teenagers who have just come of age, it has almost doubled what it was when the speed bump's were initially asked for. We would really like some ammunition to try and push this, and would like to take it to the next level.

This is my question: Does the state/county offer traffic studies at request? Is there a fee, and who do I contact to get this information?

Thanks in advance.

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this is a city issue most likely. In houston it is fairly easy to do by petition however you can be shot down just as easily if the the traffic engineers decide it is a route for emergency vehicles and speed humps would add to the response time.

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this is a city issue most likely. In houston it is fairly easy to do by petition however you can be shot down just as easily if the the traffic engineers decide it is a route for emergency vehicles and speed humps would add to the response time.

That's what scares me. From what I've heard, the first time the bumps were asked for it was shot down because it was designated as an emergency route.

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if you know any of the patrol officers, get in contact with them and ask them to put a car out there to address the problem. if you don't know em personally, it might be better to go through the civic club/hoa/etc since they usually have established contacts.

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if you know any of the patrol officers, get in contact with them and ask them to put a car out there to address the problem. if you don't know em personally, it might be better to go through the civic club/hoa/etc since they usually have established contacts.

We've done that, and it works some of the time, but as soon as the officers gone everything returns to normal. Quite honestly we want to get the study to attempt not only a fight for the speed bumps, but to possibly have a new bridge put in (Over the bayou) about a mile down the road. It would eleviate a huge amount of the traffic.

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a buddy of mine tried this several years ago near the village. from what i recall, the city comes out, takes the average speed between stop lights/signs, and number of cars.

my memory is fuzzy but believe there were two main issues:

1) the report was based upon the time and day they came out. if they came at 2:00 pm on a tuesday, it wouldnt be a true representation.

2) while i dont remember exactly the number, cost for each speed bump was outrageous.

talk to katy and express your concerns. as others have said, if you start a petition and get enough signatures, that should start the process. at the end of the day, dont know if anything will happen but at least make the city aware.

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get an old bike, some old kids cloths, bunch of straw hay or rags, ketchup, teens about 14-15 that can't be tried as an adult.....and make a strawman dummy.......wait up a driveway of a vacant or for sale house....preferably one with an escape route and around dusk......tape the dummy to the bike and slather in ketchup.....when the kids come hauling down the street ghost ride the bike out in front of them and watch them smash into it with their car.....laugh as you run away

repeat until they get the message B)

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talk to katy and express your concerns. as others have said, if you start a petition and get enough signatures, that should start the process. at the end of the day, dont know if anything will happen but at least make the city aware.

The problem is that I'm not technically in Katy, but Harris County. Would I go to the county?

Also, does anyone know who to contact in order to get the ball rolling for this traffic study?

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The problem is that I'm not technically in Katy, but Harris County. Would I go to the county?

Also, does anyone know who to contact in order to get the ball rolling for this traffic study?

i'd start with the county commissioner in your area...i believe that's steve radack.

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