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What Happened On 104 KRBE?

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If my radio is on then its either KUHF, KTRU, or KPFT.

I am a iPod junkie aswell. Thats because my music is pretty far from mainstream and that is about all you'll find on Houston radio.

i like the pacifica programming on kpft. i really wish kuhf radio would play more npr programming during the day and leave classical for later in the evening.

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My drive is about 45 minutes in the morning, and it usually takes only about 15 before I give up and plug in my Ipod and avoid all the nonsense. Too many comercials, too much sucking for me to continue. I never have liked morning shows anywhere, all i want is some music and instead its inane chatter about the dumbest topics. That being said I don't know if you can say houston is the worst, I have never heard a morning show I like in the last 3-4 years. DC had the Sports Junkies that were pretty funny, but it was kind of like listening to a conversation between my friends and I about sports. Not everyone's cup of tea.

I'm not sure which morning show I would kick off first (its tough between Roula and Ryan or Walton and Johnson), but if there was ever one that actually played music without a lot of the idiocy of conversational topics where other fellow idiots call in to give their 2 cents, I would probably listen to that.

I'm more of a classic rock guy, but I do listen to a lot of new stuff as well. 93.7 doesn't do it for me. Too much cheese in there. I want to hear something obscure off Sticky Fingers or Beggar's Banquet from the Stones, not I Can't get no satisfaction for the 1 millionth time. Also, Dylan does have more songs than Like a Rolling Stone or Lay Lady Lay.

If there was a way Rice radio could ever get a little more mainstream, I would probably listen to it. I will hear one or two great off the beat tracks from Elliott Smith, Nick Drake, Velvet Underground, a few I haven't heard of and then they bust out the art rock techno electronica that I don't get and the DJ comes on sounding like as if they just put down the peace pipe. Rice radio will stay on my presets for when i'm scanning, but honestly the radio is usually only on when my ipod is out of batteries. The Gulf Coast rocker (89.7 I think) sometimes is good at playing some good deep cut Zeppelin tunes, and a few others, but the signal is weak.

That's my 2 cents.

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If there was a way Rice radio could ever get a little more mainstream, I would probably listen to it.  I will hear one or two great off the beat tracks from Elliott Smith, Nick Drake, Velvet Underground, a few I haven't heard of and then they bust out the art rock techno electronica that I don't get and the DJ comes on sounding like as if they just put down the peace pipe.  Rice radio will stay on my presets for when i'm scanning, but honestly the radio is usually only on when my ipod is out of batteries.  The Gulf Coast rocker (89.7 I think) sometimes is good at playing some good deep cut Zeppelin tunes,  and a few others, but the signal is weak.

That's my 2 cents.

back in the early 80s, rice radio would play some of the hottest punk and new age music around. i have not listened to it in awhile though.

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Thanks. I thought 88.7 was gone.

I can't stand those morning shows that go on and on for hours about Britney Spears, "American Idol" or whether or not Ashley Simpson can really sing. I can't stand that crap. I also hate when I turn the TV on to a news channel to get some news and they're dedicating an entire segment to the latest person kicked off "The Apprentice".

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Thanks. I thought 88.7 was gone.

  I can't stand those morning shows that go on and on for hours about Britney Spears, "American Idol" or whether or not Ashley Simpson can really sing. I can't stand that crap. I also hate when I turn the TV on to a news channel to get some news and they're dedicating an entire segment to the latest person kicked off "The Apprentice".

well ... i cannot understand why AI, Simple Life, and a SLEW of other shows are even on television to begin with, or why their ratings are so high, but i guess that speaks to the state of mind of most americans. and to think that we waste so much time the next day TALKING about it.... just amazes me. as if there is nothing more important going on in our country (ballooning trade deficit, ongoing war in iraq, looming wars in iran, n. korea, etc., social injustices, looming institutionalization of the the patriot act) ...

i am proud to say i have watched fewer than two episodes each of survivor and american idol, never even SEEN simple life (and have no desire to see paris, or nikki, or nicole or whoever the frick they are parade around the country) and cannot stand morning radio.

i know i sound pretty maladjusted, and angry, but i am not ... it just makes me upset that we can spend so much time on bull and not even think about things that really matter. what has become of us?

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Arrested Development - Ingenius writing, and even better delivered acting. This might be the funniest show ever.

Family Guy - Another of very few well written animations. It certainly isn't that crap NBC tried to pass off with those computer animated Lions. :rolleyes:

Conan O'Brian (Late Show) - By far the best in late night, next to Johnny himself. Thank God Conan is taking over the Tonight Show in a few years.

agree arrested development is hilarious, great writing and something different.

family guy has been a favorite of mine since it started in '99. glad to see it's coming back May 1.

why is conan on so late here? he even had an episode where he was in houston, downtown at the bus station i believe, asking people if they knew who he was.

i love triumph.


Lost - Very clever show. I'd rather watch this group of actors than any reality survivor/race show.

OC - Okay, okay.. so I have to watch one show a week with my wife. It might as well be this one right?

i was hooked on Lost after a few episodes. a friend begged me to watch and i haven't looked back. i like how they slowly intertwine the character's backgrounds. good development.

OC - i too watch with my girlfriend. better then 90210.

i watch a little too much tv as well, i have a DVR so i just record and slowly catch up. i'm also hooked on anything in HD.

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I like "American Dreams", too. Unfortunately I think it's been cancelled.

I don't watch a lot of current TV anymore. My favorite shows are old classics like "Twilight Zone", "Knots Landing" and "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", as well as shows on the Travel Ch., History Ch., Food Network, Health & Fitness Ch., TV Land and the news and music (music only) channels.

The sitcoms today are so stupid and I hate the reality shows.

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27, good call on some of those shows. Not sure how we've started discussing TV, but whatever.

If Arrested Development gets cancelled, its basically the final proof I needed to realize that TV people are idiots. I have been a huge Seinfeld fan and ensuing Curb your Enthusiasm fan, but Arrested is up there in terms of the overall package. The actors are all perfect in their roles, GOB has become my favorite TV character in some time. I think the time slot is killing it some too, I always Tivo it and watch it later in the week.

Law and Order I was never into at first, but I watch some of the 900 reruns they show on TNT (we know drama). Briscoe and Green is about as good as it gets, I was pretty sad when Jerry Orbach (Briscoe) died. I got to like the show even though I'm not big on drama on TV. Kind of inappropriate, but my friend who is a L & O fanatic said the one perp Briscoe couldn't crack was the toughest one of all, cancer. I haven't seen the new ones with Farina yet, but I'm sure they are pretty good.

Simpsons, no comments needed. Some of the writers should lay off the coke for a few episodes, but still very funny and random. Malcom in the middle also is very funny, except the kids are getting a little older, hopefully they don't have Dewey pretending he's a still a little kid when the actor turns 21 (Ala 90210, Ian Ziering was pretty much bald by the time he graduated from high school on the show). King of Queens is highly underrated, especially the earlier episodes. I always liked it more than Raymond, which is basically the same episode every week (Raymond does something dumb, gets in trouble, argues with wife, hilarity ensues)

My guilty pleasures are also the OC and then Vegas on Monday nights. Always lliked James Caan and then the eye candy is pretty good. Not exactly intelligent TV, but TV is entertainment as well.

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That's a tougie!!

"That's so Raven" -Disney

Animated: I'm an animation fanatic!

King of the Hill

Crank Yankers


Family Guy

Reality TV:

Amazing Race-I don't know how those older people (Gretchen and Merideth stayed in the race for SO FRIGGAN LONG!)

I don't care to see the Simple Life! I'd be laughing too if if I could be overrich and get away with half the stuff these two girls do. (its scripted and NOT funny)

American Idol is SO Overdone! (4 seasons later we know what to expect!)

more later (after work)

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I had my cable pulled since I wasnt watching TV at all. My tivo was constantly empty since I didnt even know what was on so that was about useless.

What I did record was:

The Daily Show (the only thing I miss... yes yes I'm a moderate liberal)

Reno 911! (because I'm a loser like that)

Anything on Noggin for my little girl.

I do wish I'd caught Arrested Development since everyone I know loves it but I'll just order it from netflix.

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Hello! New to the board and OBVIOUSLY way behind the times. I've been listening to 104 since I moved here from Colorado (7+ yrs) and I missed a couple days recently. When I came back I heard that sexually confused DJ, Adam, covering 'until further notice'. Aggg. I finally broke down and called the radio station this morning and they said Sam resigned.

I have to admit, I'm a little tired of the Hip Hop myself. I swore I'd never listen to talk radio, but he's a figure I wouldn't mind following to the other side :blink:

BTW...y'all are a great source of information! :P


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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually back in the 90s, especially the early part, KRBE was awesome! Anyone remember the New Music Zone on KRBE? Paul Cubby Bryant was djing back then and I remember Ryan Chase as well. The station played tunes by the following artists: Depeche Mode, Erasure, Snap, Blues Travelers, No Doubt, Ministry, Utah

Saints, Fiona Apple, New Order, Sarah McLachlan, Seal, Haddaway... just to name a few. I know music has changed since then but I miss those days.

I took KRBE off my presets recently. It sounds too ghetto for me. NO offense to anyone. Its just not my taste in music.

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Story was in the Chronicle the other day. Sam Malone left suddenly while his contract was still under review, to everyone's apparent surprise, to go to KTRH and run a morning talk show. Turns out he's been to two Bush inaugurations, loves to talk about local issues and just couldn't handle playing another 50 cent song. Should be interesting, love to have somebody come in with something more interesting to listen to than Dan Patrick's CLOUT issue or Ed Hendee's anger at the world-at-large. BTW, I was talking with some people yesterday and mentioned Moby and Matthews that once ruled the airwaves, probably before most of you were even born, and wondered if the Matthews part was the same Jon Matthews from KSEV that got busted last year for indecency with a minor. Anyone?

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BTW, I was talking with some people yesterday and mentioned Moby and Matthews that once ruled the airwaves, probably before most of you were even born, and wondered if the Matthews part was the same Jon Matthews from KSEV that got busted last year for indecency with a minor. Anyone?

It is indeed the same Jon Matthews. I don't think he was involved in radio any longer at the time, but out here in the Sugar Land/Fort Bend area, he wrote editorial pieces for one of the local papers (I'd like to say the Fort Bend Sun, but don't quote me) generally about the local government figures out here .... he HATED Sugar Land's previous mayor, Dean Hrbacek and never missed an opportunity to bash him and anyone who might support him in his columns. The columns got really heated and spurred many a heated rebuttal from the reading audience. He always kept it stirred up and interesting for sure. Hrbacek, I think, even went so far as to file suit against Matthews for stepping over the line at some point.

So when the allegations of the sexual misconduct (exposing himself to a neighbor's young teenage daughter) came along, a lot of people -- at least in this neck of the woods -- wondered if this could be some type of retaliatory move. But, he apparently pleaded guilty to the charges and entered some type of alcohol program and got probation from what I last heard. So I'm guessing an innocent Jon Matthews --- as much as he loved the controversy and a good battle of words would have fought back.....now he's a registered sex offender and no one's heard a peep out of him......

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The guy (Sam Malone) personally drove me batty.  His act coupled with his annoying laugh would actually make me angry if I listened to him for very long.  I guess eveyone is different, but I could never get into his show.  I personally think Phscyo Robbie should be canned immediately.  That guy was the ultimate in lame.

Actually, it's been a while since I've heard Psycho Robbie on the radio....I'm thinking he's been gone longer than Sam Malone. I never understood his role in the morning show anyway. Her certainly didn't have a radio voice and didn't have any real appeal, nor did he add much to the show as a whole. He seemed to kind of the "dumb guy" comic relief from time to time....

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Actually, it's been a while since I've heard Psycho Robbie on the radio....I'm thinking he's been gone longer than Sam Malone.  I never understood his role in the morning show anyway.  Her certainly didn't have a radio voice and didn't have any real appeal, nor did he add much to the show as a whole.  He seemed to kind of the "dumb guy" comic relief from time to time....

Psycho Robbie, from what I understand, is now into real estate in Katy. I think he got tired of playing 3rd banana and left the minute he was able to establish a practice. I don't really know if he left on good terms or not.

The current "3rd Banana" on the show is actually funny and seems to enjoy taking the abuse. It somehow seems a bit more appropriate for someone like him: a young guy breaking into radio.


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